Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
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Who’s the meth whore here?

Sheesh if ur not a fat assed wench these days too lazy to get their pre baby body back your a “meth whore”. Get a life (and a well thinking brain) fuckin nasty little tosser lol.
Jeez venus you went downhill fast. Must be just about down to your birth weight. Never miss a Opportunity to show you ass tho do ya? Your son must be really proud.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha rightio. No I'm more commenting on your clearly spiraling methamphetamine addiction you are subjecting him too. And the risk of having your door kicked in when ur a dealer. But meh what would I know lol. I'm just some dirty dog apparently hahahah if only you knew. Tell ya what though don't let slip where ya live or I'll make sure it happens. ;)
Lol. Stopped reading at “dealer” again. I’m not a dealer dude. I honestly don’t know where ur picking that up from? Yeah when I had close to 3p in the house I moved some off. Why wouldn’t I? Helps me recoupe some time effort and $. Be dumb not to. Now all I have is a few oz of perso. No dealer here brah


Well-Known Member
Jeez venus you went downhill fast. Must be just about down to your birth weight. Never miss a Opportunity to show you ass tho do ya? Your son must be really proud.
The funny thing is he’ll never know pumpkin. Upstairs for thinking... oh sorry, I forgot your “upstairs”.......


Well-Known Member
Lol. Stopped reading at “dealer” again. I’m not a dealer dude. I honestly don’t know where ur picking that up from? Yeah when I had close to 3p in the house I moved some off. Why wouldn’t I? Helps me recoupe some time effort and $. Be dumb not to. Now all I have is a few oz of perso. No dealer here brah
OK nice. I have zero interest lol. Hope those massive plants get budrot top to bottom. I'm not gunna keep clogging up the thread so I'm done with this conversation.


Well-Known Member
Hahahah keep throwin that word around fuck head and it won't be a threat.
Oh SNAP!!!

“.... and I see your true colours shining thru..” you know the rest.

Keep shining bro. You just told us all how u deal with people u don’t like. You either narc em in or get em run in on. Fuck mate I’m blinded by those colours u shining oh so bright.