Well-Known Member
A little birdie told me @Rosinallday could be thanked for passing along the Wolf Pack. I was planning on F2'ing them to spread some seeds out to the community, but I've got plenty of other stuff to F2 also. I'm going to be F2'ing Blueberr
Just FYI, if anybody is sitting on packs of Wolf Pack there is some REALLY good phenos in there which is why I wanted to F2 them since they're not available anymore. I just finished cutting two down yesterday and they reak of WD-40, lemon, cedar wood and Carmex lip balm. It's a lovely aroma with good flavor too. It checks all the other boxes in regards to looks and potency too.
I think some braddah in the last couple pages said he wasn't impressed with it so apparently they're not all winners, but I found a couple great females from a single pack.
I wasn't sure if you wanted mention or not and I forgot to ask before I posted lol
Again thank you. I am blown away by the generosity of people here. That is why I am so determined to give away the f2s of as many packs as I can.
I also hope that makes sense to others lol I just smoked some of the pole Lemon Lotus and am stoned as shit atm. What a great happy uplifting high. The others I have sampled are more indica but this one is like a hybrid leaning sativa.