Two caves in one week. Trump is on a roll.


The only states that require photo ID to vote.

Birth Certificates and Social Security cards don't have pictures, moron.

But you do have to provide both to obtain a voter registration card that allows you to vote.

Drivers license and green cards just make it easier.

You are indeed a special kind of stupid.
58,000 non-U.S. citizens voted in at least one election here

Just found in Texas

you should contact trump with any and all evidence you have..
oops, too late, looks like he already shut it down, with zero arrests mind you..
i love when half of the legal eligible voters couldn't be arsed to vote in the last presidential election, yet some how people believe that millions of illegals cared more about the democracy of the country they're living in that they some how managed to not only go out and steal someone's id and ssn, they even bothered to get to the polls on election night.. oh yeah, i forgot, of course every single one of those supposed 3 million trump talked about all voted for the same person, a democrat, even though the statistical odds of such a thing ever happening are zero, nada, nil..