how much nutrients can I mix at a time


How much nutrients can be mixed up and sitting in a holding tank being circulated around. I've read nutrients only last about a week but does this apply to drain to waste as well seeing as they're not being recirculated?
Depends on you use, I usually mix around 5 days worth.
I have noted. even with chemical nutes. that my tank starts getting an odor, not spoiled, but cloudy and has a bit of a smell after 5 days to a week.
I don't use air stones, I have a small pump in the tank that just stirs the nutes a bit a few times a day. This reduces the chance of stratification and gets some O2 into the mix. Also have a small fan that blows on my clones but also hits the tank an creates some water movement which also adds O2 into the mix.
Unless you are running a lot of plants I would say mix 5 days to a week of solution.
This timing is not for organics, that is a whole different ball game.

Good luck on your grow,

I mix a 20gal Rez that’s part of my auto water system for my Hempy buckets. When plants are small I can go 2 weeks on a 20gal rez. Have to adjust PH 1-2 times.

That’s with air stone and a mixer in the rez.
I make a 25 gallon mix and water from it till its gone. Normally a week. As long as you're using chem nutes and not all organics, you shouldn't get anything funky.
I don't use an airstone, I use a powerhead to keep things mixing.
Good luck
Ive used just an air stone in 10 gallons with chem nutes,I got salt build up on the edges of the container.
I assume a rec pump doesnt do this?
Ive used just an air stone in 10 gallons with chem nutes,I got salt build up on the edges of the container.
I assume a rec pump doesnt do this?
You still get it with a pump. It’s the residue on the sides you get from the level going down.
Keeps everything mixed and aerated. So it dosnt go stale.

Mixing I do understand, but why the aerating?

There is no need to areate. Your roots get plenty of O2 anyway.
That tiny, tiny bit extra in your feeding water is useless.

My advice would be to not areate the water.
As you can read on forums about aquariums you can see that areating not only brings more O2 in your water, but it can also be one of the reasons your pH can rise.
Mixing I do understand, but why the aerating?

There is no need to areate. Your roots get plenty of O2 anyway.
That tiny, tiny bit extra in your feeding water is useless.

My advice would be to not areate the water.
As you can read on forums about aquariums you can see that areating not only brings more O2 in your water, but it can also be one of the reasons your pH can rise.
I don’t have ph fluctuation issues and I also don’t have aquariums.

Not useless as it mixes the rez.
Perhaps in your case it is not negative, and if you think it works, it works.

Justed wanted to point out that for O2 it is useless, and for mixing you already have the mixer, so I did not understand your reasons.
But as I understand now, there is no reason :)
Not everything in life has to have a reason.
What is the air stone for?

Most of the "bad bacteria" that infects hydro systems is what's called anaerobic bacteria. Oxygen kills anaerobic res aeration helps to minimize root rot through that process.

Some systems are more prone to infection. I would never run DWC without airstones or some other aeration method such as a waterfall thing.

Whereas Ebb and Flow which naturally aerates nutes, needs minimal additional aeration.
Just a fan blowing across the rez moves the solution enough to give you added oxygen in that solution.
Air stones do cause pH fluctuation, so does anything that moves the solution, even a fan blowing the solution. Now moving your mix is not a bad thing, it does keep stratification to a minimum.
It sort of to each his own, I use it because I believe it helps.
Perhaps in your case it is not negative, and if you think it works, it works.

Justed wanted to point out that for O2 it is useless, and for mixing you already have the mixer, so I did not understand your reasons.
But as I understand now, there is no reason :)
Not everything in life has to have a reason.
you are assuming things to create a opportunity to flap your gums. I merely stated what I do in MY rez and how long it last.
that was what the OP was asking.
then you get onto Aquariums and some shit over what a Air Stone dose.
Some how you think i need to justify my experiences to you?
Didn't know you get so upset that easy.
I was in the understanding that at a forum people could react to each others posts.
Apparently I was wrong.
Sorry 'bout that.
Most of the "bad bacteria" that infects hydro systems is what's called anaerobic bacteria. Oxygen kills anaerobic res aeration helps to minimize root rot through that process.

Some systems are more prone to infection. I would never run DWC without airstones or some other aeration method such as a waterfall thing.

Whereas Ebb and Flow which naturally aerates nutes, needs minimal additional aeration.

We are in the Drain-to-Waste section.
Then aereation is totally useless and could even raise your pH if you would do it all the time.
In Ebb & Flow (re-using system) it is also nonense to aerate your reservoir.
In DWC you should of course.

Most types of root rot are caused by funghi.
Funghi need O2, even if it is just a little bit.
Anaerobic bacteria are not by definition killed by oxygen.
There is only a small group of anaerobic bacteria (obligate anaerobic bacteria) that are killed by oxygen. Anaerobic means most of the time that the bacteria do not need oxygen to grow.
Root rot appears a lot in DWC-systems, even when there is plenty of O2. So somehow this O2 does not manage to kill all the 'bad' bacteria.
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We are in the Drain-to-Waste section.
Then aereation is totally useless and could even raise your pH if you would do it all the time.
wrong and wrong.
aeration ie a waterfall keeps nutes well mixed. does not affect pH at all in my res. i just got back from 10 days gone and pH was same as when i left. and there is nothing wrong with feeding with a solution that has a higher DO content.