giant roadblock in my journey of cannabis cultivation.


Active Member
Hey rollituppers. Ran into some big problems as a soon to be first timer guerilla grower. I live in the southern US and my climate is described as being a high humidity sub tropical climate. I was told today that this basically means I can only grow sativas. To make matters even worse I seriously do not believe I can even grow sativas here as weather is unpredictable and can get cold as early as mid semptember or october. (as you all know sativas take forever to grow and september and october is too early as I hear they like to go until nov and dec) So now my dreams of growing my own cannabis is kind of crushed. My question now is... are there any workarounds? What are my options? what can I do? :(
Sativas are going to tolerate more humid conditions and Indicas will be better for arid environments. It is not necessarily about the growth or whether they can grow, but the structure of the buds in the end game. Bud structure with Sativas will generally be less dense and airy to and will be able to handle high humidity without mold setting in, because they evolved in jungle like environments like Thailand or the like where as Indicas evolved in drier areas like Afghanistan or the like. Most herb today is hybridize now so grab a few strains that match your need and give it a shot, you may be surprised how much cold they can take.
Hey rollituppers. Ran into some big problems as a soon to be first timer guerilla grower. I live in the southern US and my climate is described as being a high humidity sub tropical climate. I was told today that this basically means I can only grow sativas. To make matters even worse I seriously do not believe I can even grow sativas here as weather is unpredictable and can get cold as early as mid semptember or october. (as you all know sativas take forever to grow and september and october is too early as I hear they like to go until nov and dec) So now my dreams of growing my own cannabis is kind of crushed. My question now is... are there any workarounds? What are my options? what can I do? :(
If you can get your hands on some of the local homegrown. It's already used to the light hours and the weather. Everyone has trouble. Just get started and find the best ways to deal with it.
I grow all sorts of shit outdoor in Hawaii and my humidity is high as hell, pretty much 70-100% all year long and it rains a ton. We are having a long dryspell recently and it’s the first time I have ever seen it drop to 53%.

I’ve had people from elsewhere tell me this and that won’t grow well here and sometimes they are right but they are usually wrong.

I grow OG’s, Sour, Chems, Cookies, etc. all do fine outside if you are disciplined enough. I much rather struggle to grow something that I really enjoy smoking than grow something easy but bland in flavor. I’ve had the most troubles with chems but I still grow them and hope the ganja gods are kind enough to make it to harvest.

Even in the PNW where it rains a lot, big farms are still growing all the popular strains outdoor and doing just fine.

I’d say don’t let other people discourage you, just take the plunge and find out for yourself. Growing outdoor is not for sissies and there is a little bit of luck involved but it’s usually worth the effort in the end.
i am doing my first C99 grow it is a sativa dominant hybrid meant for indoor growing but only has a 50-60 day flowering time
perhaps what your looking for is a outdoor sativa dominant strain with maybe an airier bud that finishes quick cause your worried about early cold season? cut off alot of the bottom of the plant to allow air channeling between the soil and the foliage. if theres ways to block moisture from soil and put them somewhere with more airflow that is always a plus like closer to the ocean you will get a sea breeze and lee breeze every day but at cost of moisture but if that moisture is super high already i guess it would be beneficial to be closer to the ocean but not too close. enough to get a nice breeze.

one trick i learned while doing my outdoor grows is its important to have strong early sunlight, and to shake the plants later into flowering when the morning dew ends.

what i think happens is the dew in the morning sits on your buds. you have little airflow but it is warm making a perfect environment for mold!
if this plant gets early sunlight the sun can evaporate this dew and then once the land heats up around afternoon time your breeze rolls in , helping even if you get less sun mid day or something like that. hope this helps with your situation bro smoke on!
I know for a fact (my first ever grow) skunk is a great outdoor variety that finishes early.
a respected grower i know once referred to it as "bulletproof"
if your just looking for something to grow, it was tasty and easy to grow outdoors and in!
Durban poison is a good one. It finishes early for a sativa dominant plant. Gets big, and is mold resistant.
what is the best company i should order durban poison from? i know some breeders genetics are better than others in terms of beans sprouting and potency etc
what is the best company i should order durban poison from? i know some breeders genetics are better than others in terms of beans sprouting and potency etc
I really can't speculate on that as I obtain my genetics locally from clones at dispensaries. I haven't ordered a seed in a long time.
Indicas grow in some of the most humid environments on earth so should do fine where you're at.

Find a new source for your info and go grow some pot.
the whole reason you dont grow indica In Humid environments that drop in temp in autumn below a tropical environment is because they are seriously prone to botritus if he was in a arid region or further south I woulda suggested indica, I suggested he grow a hybrid indica/sativa 60/40
But yeah I'm the source of the information
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SE US outdoor grower here so I’ll chime in...

Our growing season (this is for anything you want to grow from your lawn to vegetables to cannabis) runs from mid May through mid November (average last frost to average first frost). That gives you plenty of time to grow anything you want. Depending on where you are in the SE humidity can be brutal but generally speaking humidity starts easing up around mid September which is when indicas start finishing up. There are mountains throughout the SE and those regions have much less humidity than the low lands and those frost dates aren’t much different unless you live at a higher elevation (3000’+). What strain you run as always make a huge difference when it comes to you success rate, but I prefer running indica dominate strains. I’m a stealth/guerrilla grower so a want a plant that stays relatively small and is a fast finisher to minimize the chances of detection. Yes huge dense buds can be problematic when it comes to mold but my biggest issue as I wait to harvest outdoors has always been caterpillars. If you are planning a true guerrilla grow where you rarely visit your spot then yeah running indicas might be a bad idea. Catties will destroy big dense buds in a matter of days if gone undetected. What strain you run definitely depends on how you plan to manage your grow especially as it finishes.
SE US outdoor grower here so I’ll chime in...

Our growing season (this is for anything you want to grow from your lawn to vegetables to cannabis) runs from mid May through mid November (average last frost to average first frost). That gives you plenty of time to grow anything you want. Depending on where you are in the SE humidity can be brutal but generally speaking humidity starts easing up around mid September which is when indicas start finishing up. There are mountains throughout the SE and those regions have much less humidity than the low lands and those frost dates aren’t much different unless you live at a higher elevation (3000’+). What strain you run as always make a huge difference when it comes to you success rate, but I prefer running indica dominate strains. I’m a stealth/guerrilla grower so a want a plant that stays relatively small and is a fast finisher to minimize the chances of detection. Yes huge dense buds can be problematic when it comes to mold but my biggest issue as I wait to harvest outdoors has always been caterpillars. If you are planning a true guerrilla grow where you rarely visit your spot then yeah running indicas might be a bad idea. Catties will destroy big dense buds in a matter of days if gone undetected. What strain you run definitely depends on how you plan to manage your grow especially as it finishes.
My point exactly you can grow a indica dom I'd suggest a 60/40 which is what I do because I battled botritus for years growing indicas and finally figured out that a bit of sativa thrown in the genetics helps greatly, I never liked sativas very much but a good hybrid helps a lot. You still have a chance of mould but its reduced by a lot because you dont get those big dense beautiful coke bottle colas and once the temps drop humidity is high and the dew gets in it's not good. I'm glad hes asking these questions as he diesnt have to learn the hard way like I did lol. You can battle botritus but it's a shit fight and the mould will get everything if you dont spot it early and that is a nightmare after 6 months of hard work.
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