Well-Known Member
The bible is already homophobic hate literature, no need to view it as such through the prop 8 filter.
There is no way the teachers could have taken those children off premises without specific permission, Vi. A note is sent home outlining the purpose of the field trip, where it's to take place, when, how the kids are to be transported (I probably would have been one of the moms to go along), in very specific detail. Are you saying that they fooled the parents of these kids into agreeing to let their kids be indoctrinated?? If so, you're flat out wrong, and I call bullshit. You are displaying that you don't know how a simple field trip is handled by schools, public and otherwise. There is no way this could happen without parents' full knowledge and consent. Explain to me, in fact explain to us all how this would happen against a parent's will, considering how these things are done at all schools, please.Seamaiden sez ...
"First, it displays an awesome ignorance of the language and text of Prop. 8. It cannot and does not disallow any particular type of sexual education in California schools."
During the past few days, a lesbian teacher in San Francisco took her first-graders on a field trip to attend her and her lesbian lover's wedding. If Prop. 8 is passed, and parents speak out against this type of indoctrination, would they be sued/prosecuted for "hate speech?" If Prop. 8 is passed, and churches/pastors speak out against homosexuality, will they lose their tax-free status? Will the Bible be banned as homophobic hate literature?
There is no way the teachers could have taken those children off premises without specific permission, Vi. A note is sent home outlining the purpose of the field trip, where it's to take place, when, how the kids are to be transported (I probably would have been one of the moms to go along), in very specific detail. Are you saying that they fooled the parents of these kids into agreeing to let their kids be indoctrinated?? If so, you're flat out wrong, and I call bullshit. You are displaying that you don't know how a simple field trip is handled by schools, public and otherwise. There is no way this could happen without parents' full knowledge and consent. Explain to me, in fact explain to us all how this would happen against a parent's will, considering how these things are done at all schools, please.
Your argument is... weak, Vi. It holds absolutely no water.
There is no way the teachers could have taken those children off premises without specific permission, Vi. A note is sent home outlining the purpose of the field trip, where it's to take place, when, how the kids are to be transported (I probably would have been one of the moms to go along), in very specific detail. Are you saying that they fooled the parents of these kids into agreeing to let their kids be indoctrinated?? If so, you're flat out wrong, and I call bullshit. You are displaying that you don't know how a simple field trip is handled by schools, public and otherwise. There is no way this could happen without parents' full knowledge and consent. Explain to me, in fact explain to us all how this would happen against a parent's will, considering how these things are done at all schools, please.
Your argument is... weak, Vi. It holds absolutely no water.
Yes, let's address this, in all seriousness. First, let's begin with what seems to be, from everything I have looked at and read, a mistaken premise. This is that children would be "taught homosexuality" in schools. Where does Prop. 8 address this, either way?I'm thinkin' that maybe the parents WERE told of the field trip, but that it was promoted as a trip to the circus freak show. But then, in San Francisco, they have a transvestite city council member who dresses in drag for the meetings at city hall and a mayor who promotes free condoms and butt lube for his constituents attending the San Francisco bath houses ... so you never know.
Now then, all seriousness aside, you didn't answer the questions:
If Prop. 8 is passed, and parents speak out against this type of indoctrination, would they be sued/prosecuted for "hate speech?" If Prop. 8 is passed, and churches/pastors speak out against homosexuality, will they lose their tax-free status? Will the Bible be banned as homophobic hate literature?
Third, why not start having churches kick into the kitty? We, collectively, need the cash, and if you've seen any of the ginormous complexes, all built with parishioner dollars, that some churches are able to build completely and entirely tax-free, then you might agree that treating them like, say, gaming Indian tribes, might not be such a bad deal.
I'm thinkin' that maybe the parents WERE told of the field trip, but that it was promoted as a trip to the circus freak show. But then, in San Francisco, they have a transvestite city council member who dresses in drag for the meetings at city hall and a mayor who promotes free condoms and butt lube for his constituents attending the San Francisco bath houses ... so you never know.
LOL!!! Wow! I even had to laugh at that and I'm one of those circus freaks!
But seriously. . . aside from the indoctrination (which needs to be left out of the public school system, but the Democrats continue to insist on using it for their own means,) I'd just be upset that my hard earned income, which was redistributed in the form of tax dollars, was spent on such a ridiculous trip. Just because the school is granted those dollars doesn't mean that they have to go around spending frivoulously. Those dollars could have been well spent on textbooks, etc. Not on some stupid trip to show children it's okay for two women to lock lips.
What does Mom have to say about Leviticus 20:13?well i for one think they should have the same rights as everyone else...
Lets take my moms stance for example
she doesnt want gay marriage because "the bible defines marriage as a man and a woman"
my argument "seperation of church and state"
Then i would of course ask her "so you believe in denying some ones pursuit of happiness?"
at this point she KNOWS she is wrong, and she also has no counter argument, but as my mom is like most of the catholic people opposing gay marriage, she will not, under any circumstance, be persuaded otherwise
despite the fact that i have proved to her several times that her decision to vote against it is selfish, as it effects her in no way when 2 chicks or 2 dudes get married
people are just too closed minded, and when the truth hits them like a runaway train, its denial denial denial
Does she think gays should be killed? That's what the bible says."And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (American Standard Version, 1901)
I personaly have no issue with anyone whos gay.
It's as gross as two uglys or fatties displaying their love.
Don't know why some feel they own the patent on marriage?
How can a state enforce such a sexist practice?
(I can get fired from my job for the telling of a gay joke)
Is there not more then one form for christian marriage already?olygamy?
Marriage is a social, religious,spiritual, or legal union of human individuals.
Marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The reasons givin from the right are sooooo ludicrous.
I herd today a few new reasons, schools will have to rewrite books, churches will get sued for hate speech???
Have to say it's better then the argument of 'why not a man and a animal then.'
Heres a few more reasons, i thought was funny.
12 Reasons | Gator Gay-Straight Alliance
- Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control are not natural.
- Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.
- Obviously gay parents will raise gay children because straight parents only raise straight children.
- Straight marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears's 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
- Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and it hasn't changed at all: women are property, Blacks can't marry Whites, and divorce is illegal.
- Gay marriage should be decided by the people, not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of minorities.
- Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are always imposed on the entire country. That's why we only have one religion in America.
- Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people makes you tall.
- Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage license.
- Children can never succeed without both male and female role models at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.
- Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer lifespans.
- Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages will for gays & lesbians
What does Mom have to say about Leviticus 20:13?
Does she think gays should be killed? That's what the bible says.
Marriage stabilizes society. Elizabeth Taylor has done more damage to the institution of marriage than two gay dudes ever will.
like i said, closed minded,
no matter how bad she is proven wrong some how she is still right
i dont know how this works in her brain
What does Mom have to say about Leviticus 20:13?
Does she think gays should be killed? That's what the bible says.
Marriage stabilizes society. Elizabeth Taylor has done more damage to the institution of marriage than two gay dudes ever will.
LOL!!! Wow! I even had to laugh at that and I'm one of those circus freaks!
But seriously. . . aside from the indoctrination (which needs to be left out of the public school system, but the Democrats continue to insist on using it for their own means,) I'd just be upset that my hard earned income, which was redistributed in the form of tax dollars, was spent on such a ridiculous trip. Just because the school is granted those dollars doesn't mean that they have to go around spending frivoulously. Those dollars could have been well spent on textbooks, etc. Not on some stupid trip to show children it's okay for two women to lock lips.
Vi...Do you really want to go there? I'm prepared to grapple. Are you?I'm thinkin' that maybe the parents WERE told of the field trip, but that it was promoted as a trip to the circus freak show. But then, in San Francisco, they have a transvestite city council member who dresses in drag for the meetings at city hall and a mayor who promotes free condoms and butt lube for his constituents attending the San Francisco bath houses ... so you never know.
Now then, all seriousness aside, you didn't answer the questions:
If Prop. 8 is passed, and parents speak out against this type of indoctrination, would they be sued/prosecuted for "hate speech?" If Prop. 8 is passed, and churches/pastors speak out against homosexuality, will they lose their tax-free status? Will the Bible be banned as homophobic hate literature?
It's an interesting point, but to me all it proves is that graft and corruption are equal opportunity vices.Maybe, but what about the mortgage debacle (housing institution)? - Lawmaker Accused of Fannie Mae Conflict of Interest - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
WASHINGTON Unqualified home buyers were not the only ones who benefitted from Massachusetts Rep. Barney Franks efforts to deregulate Fannie Mae throughout the 1990s.
So did Franks partner, a Fannie Mae executive at the forefront of the agencys push to relax lending restrictions.
yada yada
"If this had been his ex-wife and he was Republican, I would bet every penny I have - or at least whats not in the stock market - that this would be considered germane," added Gainor, a T. Boone Pickens Fellow. "But everybody wants to avoid it because hes gay. Its the quintessential double standard."
Well, thanks for seeing the humor in my post, lopezri. And I assure you, it was meant in fun.
Having a number of Gay friends, both women and men, I know for sure that they are not all liberal kooks. In fact, some of them are to the right of Darth Vader. And why not? They make great money, work their asses off to make it, and they hate to see the looters plunder it away in the form of taxes.
On the issue at hand though ... with the condition of education in this country, "Heather has two mommies" should be the last thing on the educational list. How about reading, writing and 'rithmatic first, then unwashed history after that?
It's an interesting point, but to me all it proves is that graft and corruption are equal opportunity vices.
However, I do agree that Rep. Frank's partner should be scrutinized as thoroughly as anyone else. Like the marriage issue, the homosexuality is irrelevant.
I agree Vi. I have my degree in education and I have to tell you, not once during my college education did we learn that we should be indoctrinating children on the idea of sexuality. Now I did have some professors who were leaning toward liberalism but you could tell who they were by their race and/or nationality. Isn't that sad! And even though I'm into sucking dick I still don't think that is something we should be exposing our children to. They'll figure it out on their own. My nieces and nephews did and they seem to be coming around just fine without having it shoved in their faces.
As far as gay people not being liberal, good for them! It's a good indication that they aren't allowing the media to do their thinking for them. I've been described as being slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and that doesn't bother me in the least. At least I'm showing that I have SOME morals and principles. I'm surprised that there are people out there that think that agreeing with everything that is available is more acceptable than having some restraint. Progress is good, but moving to fast is just a disaster waiting to happen. We should have learned from history that jumping into things doesn't work out as well as having some restraint and observing what might happen first.
History has shown that what works best is to let Europe progress with social issues first and the U.S. can follow. Let the U.S. progress with technology and medicine and let the rest of the world follow.