The economy is booming!

by the way - I don't blame you for not knowing what you are talking about. did you know one of the last truly independent reporting teams in Venezuela was from Spanish network EFE I think it's called.

They had a 3-person team on the ground, Colombian Reporter, colombian cameraman and a Spanish Producer.

All 3 were intercepted by Venezuelan Intelligence services last night and remanded into custody to an unknown location as they arrived at the hotel they were staying in. Her husband has not heard from the reporter since 9pm last night when she told him "we're being intercepted by Venezuelan Intelligence - I love you very much".

You want to know why the truth out of Venezuela isn't being reported as faithfully as it should? This is why you don't know what the fuck is happening on the ground in country. It's because the Maduro Regime has very methodically torn apart independent critical journalism from within Venezuela. You don't know what you are talking about because it is by design. You are falling for Maduro's manipulation game and it is sad.

It is sad that people like that team of journalists have risked their lives and people like you still talk out their ass....
Are you fighting with yourself?
I hadn't posted in politics for a LONG time

But you need to stop the bullshit.

I live in Colombia, have for the past few years. Here is what EVERY venezuelan says:


I see them. I see them walking, I see the worn out shoes. The dirty clothes, the famished look on their faces, the loss of hope.

I see it every day, women with kids, walking for 25 days straight to reach Bogota, from the Border. It takes them 40 days to reach Cali. They've been walking from all over. I met a guy the other day that comes from the border with BRAZIL. IT took him 50 days to walk to the Colombian Border. It's 250 miles from the Colombia-Venezuela Border to Bogota. These people walk. No money, no food. No breakfast.

All they eat in a day is sometimes half a pound of bread and a liter of a soft drink- THAT IS IT.

60 days to reach the border with Ecuador. 100 days to get to Quito.

ON FOOT. Bogota is a 'cold city' - what I mean is that there's no 'heating' anywhere. Every night it drops into the 40s. These guys sleep outside. Under bridges, in parks, wherever they can fit.......When it is cloudy it doesn't leave the mid 50s all day. It rains every other day...... Now imagine coming from Caracas, a warm city, all you have is shorts, flipflops, t shirts, maybe a hoodie or two, but you can't take everything, because there is no cab. there is no UberX. You are walking. Everything you have is on your back and all the money you have left is in your pocket, and Bolivares are so devalued they'll give 100.000 bolivares for 200 pesos.

I've been given FREE bolivares by venezuelan dudes I've met because the currency ain't worth shit.

To reach Bucaramanga from Cucuta you cross one of the coldest tropical forests in the world, temperatures drop into the 30s EVERY NIGHT. these people don't 'camp out' make marshmellows and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa.... No motherfucker they sleep on the ground, thousands have to be treated for exposure upon reaching Bucaramanga....

I'm not kidding- just SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE....

Removing Maduro will only improve the situation in Venezuela. There is no other option - he has to go. Everybody with something at stake says it. He has to go.

So shut the fuck up. Do yourself a favor - you sound foolish.
¿tienes alguna foto
Why is it that Unions have always been the largest supporter of minimum wage laws?
No union worker makes minimum wage so why is it?

Answer that and that only please. I hope you have a great day my friend, ill take my answer off the air.
So, wealthy people can spend whatever they want to support positions that they would benefit from and unions not?

Raising the minimum wage causes a ripple up the income ladder and provides increases to approximately the lower 30% income groups. Why wouldn't a union of food service workers who tend to have lower incomes want that?

Pleeez don't tell me that a higher minimum wage depresses jobs in an area. That has already been disproven many times over.
Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell describe how min wage lowers the cost of racial discrimination. Priceing low skilled workers out of the job. Its not rocket science. Of course most think the min wage is a good thing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions though. The Davis/Bacon act did not help black america. Blacks were leaders in the construction field all over the country at the time, and labor unions put an end to that with this act. This was coordinated racism masked as kindness. Sounds like the Democratic party.

Time to go deice water for the animals. Have a good day my friends.

I've read some of his work. He's simply a propaganda mouthpiece. Doesn't matter what his skin color is. He's a liar. He can't not know that.
I've read some of his work. He's simply a propaganda mouthpiece. Doesn't matter what his skin color is. He's a liar. He can't not know that.

So any educated black man (which both Sowell and Williams are very much so) who don't toe the line with white liberals is a mouthpiece which is just another name for what? Uncle tom? Fuck white liberals.
So any educated black man (which both Sowell and Williams are very much so) who don't toe the line with white liberals is a mouthpiece which is just another name for what? Uncle tom? Fuck white liberals.
It doesn't matter what his skin color is. A quick check on what Sowell is saying is refuted by facts. He's not stupid so the only conclusion one could make is he's lying. The people who believe him might be stupid or lying. Pointing at you for example, I can't tell the difference.

Now then, about your claim that many school systems have buildings that are run-down, out of date textbooks and overly large class sizes because their budgets are too large. I can't tell if you are lying about that or stupid and it doesn't matter what your skin color is.
Worker pay and benefits rise at fastest pace in 10 years, ECI shows


The economy adds 304,000 jobs in January, smashing expectations as the unemployment rate rises
Average hourly earnings rose 3.2% from a year earlier
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Trump's economy giveth and Trump's inflationary policies taketh away.

The only thing expanding under Trump is his waistline.
Last month, the largest growth was in jobs in low wage sectors - Leisure and Hospitality also Healthcare, mainly people taking care of elderly. I'm not knocking people getting work. I'm saying that the growth isn't in important sectors. The top category for jobs growth -- Leisure and Hospitality -- those jobs are not stable and will be the first to go in a downturn.

Trumpkins should stop trying to pass off mediocrity as excellence. Nobody believes them. They were stuck with the worst mid-term electoral loss in more than a hundred years.

Here's where the jobs are — in one chart

Leisure and hospitality saw big gains in job growth in January as a swell in hiring at restaurants, bars and casinos catapulted the month's total above 300,000. The construction and education and health sectors also added to their big job gains for the year.
Spin it whatever way you want but the biggest take away was..............
"Construction also added to a streak of strong job growth in January with a net gain of 52,000 positions. The sector has added 338,000 jobs over the last year."

Why you ask? Why is it an indicator of a larger picture? Because of what they are doing, which is building.

Construction hiring is booming — and there still are plenty of available jobs
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Spin it whatever way you want but the biggest take away was..............
"Construction also added to a streak of strong job growth in January with a net gain of 52,000 positions. The sector has added 338,000 jobs over the last year."

Why you ask? Why is it an indicator of a larger picture? Because of what they are doing, which is building.

Construction hiring is booming — and there still are plenty of available jobs
Temporary jobs are temporary. Nobody but the dumbs believe the Trump economy is worth more than a bucket of warm spit.
Who said they were temporary? Is that just made up by you to make yourself feel better about America doing well?
LOL "who said the were temporary"

Construction jobs end when the construction is over, dumbshit. That's the definition of temporary.

The recession that Trump's policies will trigger towards the end of this year or in 2020 will be felt hard in the two areas that are touted in your post -- construction and "leisure-hospitality". Also price increases are hurting long term outlook for construction as well as profitability for companies locked into contracts before Trump's trade wars raised the costs of materials. You Trumpkins bought a bag of fern seed and celebrated your success.

Also your Republican Party has failed in education. Those stupid cuts they made that you like so much is constraining growth.

Try to see through the optimism in this report. The optimism is all about "right now it's great" and I'm not disputing it looks good right now. On the other hand, they quite clearly say what I've paraphrased above.

2019 Construction Outlook: Cautious Positivity
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"Construction jobs end when the construction is over"
Do you get dizzy spinning so much? All construction jobs are temporary huh? So they have to rehire on every project hahaha. You are such a waste of my time and others whether they know it or not. Why don't you spin a dress to make yourself look pretty on this Friday night.
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"Construction jobs end when the construction is over"
Do you get dizzy spinning so much? All construction jobs are temporary huh? Not like they go to different projects after or anything or have multiple projects at once. You are such a waste of my time. Why don't you spin a dress to make yourself look pretty on a Friday night.

When the job is over, it's over. When the construction company runs out of contracts -- as happens in a downturn or recession, the construction workers don't have a job. Those jobs are by definition temporary. I'm sorry to break it to you but you are being duped.

Why is it that Republicans express their suppressed homosexual desires when they are owned in an argument? Do you find getting owned in a debate with a liberal sexually stimulating? There is no need for that. You can be the man or woman you want if you would only be honest with yourself.