I need help its my first plant!!!!!!

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Hey, im brand new to this website and im brand new to growing. i started germanating some seeds today and im guna check on em tmrw. I have no clue what to do once these seeds germinate. So if anyone can help me on what to do from here it would be great. Wrtite it step by step please!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, if you're serious and would like to learn how to successfully grow your own herb, you'll need to do some reading. The RIU faq's are a good starting place. faq

It's decent reading and visiting now may help you avoid getting labeled some kind of an idiot in the future. This might effect the quality of the help you are offered once you get going.
Welcome aboard.

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
ight thanks. Ive also been wondering what is the best method to use for growing? should i use soil? Hydroponics? Aerogarden? and which method produces the most bud?


Well-Known Member
The shit is addicting and fun as well. The most enjoyable hobby I have encountered in my 46 years( besides masturbation:shock:) lol!!!!
No but 4 real, If you are growing for personal use there is a euphoric satisfaction that comes from the knowledge that u can grow SUPREME herb with out having to deal with some bullshit ass dealer.
I have 2 plants a week away from harvest. 2day I purchased a 1/4 from a guy and it was pathetic. Mainly because I know I am just about done with his ass for good:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Soil is the easiest, if its your first time start with soil. It makes a big difference in the lighting you use, CFL and Fluoro can grow, but HID like Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium are much much better. Hydro will grow twice as fast, but the investment is much higher to get started and its a harder style to master. Stay away from the aerogarden until you know what your doing.

Don 't expect too much the first time, you will make alot of mistakes.


Well-Known Member
ight thanks. Ive also been wondering what is the best method to use for growing? should i use soil? Hydroponics? Aerogarden? and which method produces the most bud?
Stop everything and start reading an searching. There is enough info on RIU to last a lifetime. You tube has many videos of growers with step by step instructions. My best friend is an arrogant hoosier prick and he tried to grow a few plants b4. First time he had a 70watt house lightbulb about 2 feet from the plant. It of course stretched like hell, but he did not care he was under the influence that you smoked the folliage. Yeah u heard me. Also he had no idea of sexing, veg and flower cycles and so forth.

He does not understand why anyone would pay 60dollars for an 1/8th of pot. He says its all the same.

The moral of the story. READ,READ, READ!!!! You have all the answers in front of you.


Well-Known Member
420mag, icmag, weedbay. Go to google and punch up cannabis growing and see how many you come up with.


Well-Known Member
Plants use CO2 , water and nutrients to combine with light in whats known as photosynthesis. Oxygen is one of the byproducts of this process and it is plants that make the oxygen that all of the world is dependent on to live. By maximizing the CO2 levels at a level the plants can use you will maximize its photosynthesizing abilities also, making the plant use more food and energy hence making itself stronger and bigger in the process. Studies have shown that a level of 1500-1600 parts of CO2 to 1 million parts of air ( 1500-1600 PPM) is the ideal range to grow plants and maximize its efficiency.

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
kk thanks alot man ur really helpful. i feel like a prick asking all of these questions but why do u say stay away from the aerogarden it seems like the eaisest way to grow. soil just seems like a pain in the ass cuz u gotta worry bout root rot and all that horse shit. aerogarden seems like the way to go cuz it does it for u so what would u do?