Your savior has arrived


Well-Known Member
I answered before researching. Now i found this.

If the U.S. contained just 100 adults, 25 would be people who identify with evangelical Protestant denominations, 23 would be religiously unaffiliated and 21 would be Catholic. Just two would be Mormon, two would be Jewish and one would be Muslim.
And guess which ones are most likely to use assault rifles against their fellow citizens?


Well-Known Member
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

I'm not the one who claims others beliefs are false or fictional...You are. You are the bigot. Enjoy the bed you made. I'm done, got nothing else for you or any bigots.
Let's deal with facts. You show me your god and I'll show you mine... Or are you like trump? Not really into facts...


Well-Known Member
If I had to pick a religion the one where you get to come back as something else sounds interesting. But what you become is based upon your previous life. My Indian cataract surgeon would agree. I'll never forget the summer I road to town on my bike and watched the Pentecostal snake handlers through the windows. Speaking in tongues. After studying in college and many years of reading about the mind it's amazing how people are manipulated. We domesticated livestock by picking the traits you want. One is submissiveness. I've ate many a hog that was not worthy of breeding. Got to keep those people under control. Jerry Falwell and the like are running the country based upon evangelical interpretation.


Well-Known Member
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. says President elect-Donald Trump offered him the job of education secretary, but that he turned it down for personal reasons.

Falwell tells The Associated Press that Trump offered him the job last week during a meeting in New York. He says Trump wanted a four- to six-year commitment, but that he couldn’t leave Liberty for more than two years.


Well-Known Member
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. revealed on Saturday that he kept advising U.S. President Donald Trump last year to improve his relationships with Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin, speaking on the importance of the historical ties.

"I remember telling @realDonaldTrump in a private phone talk in 2017 to keep trying to improve the relationship between US & Russia despite the criticism and not to forget we might've lost WWII w/o Russia as an ally," Falwell wrote on Twitter on Saturday, referring to joint Russian and U.S. efforts against Nazi Germany in the Second World War.

"Glad to see him reaching out to them from a position of strength," he added.

Falwell's comment was posted to his personal Twitter page, not a Liberty University page.


Well-Known Member
I don't owe you anything or anybody named Randy for that matter. You bigots are a sad group and I feel sorry for you all that think its okay to talk to people like the way you do. Point fingers at others all you want and laugh at others for what they believe and do.
The monarchs are almost gone. You don't owe them anything either. Neither do I but I choose to try and help. Facts are the only way. Or do you flush....


Well-Known Member
I could do this all day. Wake up!
Jerry Falwell Jr., a top conservative religious leader, said Monday he urged President Donald Trump to fire Jeff Sessions over his handling of investigations into Russian election meddling, saying the attorney general has lost evangelicals’ support …

In forsaking Sessions, faith leaders are turning on one of their own, a man who for decades fought in the political trenches for conservative Christian causes.


Well-Known Member
Buried in a BuzzFeed article about a Florida lawsuit involving a Jerry Falwell Jr. business deal is this hand grenade:

Trump’s fixer Michael Cohen, who is now facing a federal criminal investigation, helped arrange Falwell Jr.’s endorsement of Trump in January 2016, BuzzFeed News has learned.

The relationship between Cohen and Falwell Jr. has not been previously reported, but the two have been acquainted since 2012, according to a source with direct knowledge of Falwell’s decision to endorse Trump. The source, a high-ranking official at Liberty University, said that Falwell Jr. occasionally visited Cohen’s office in New York City but that there was no business relationship between the two men.

According to a separate source with knowledge of Trump’s campaign, Cohen was so confident in Falwell Jr.’s support that he and Trump assured others, even before Trump announced his candidacy, that Falwell Jr. would issue an endorsement.


Well-Known Member
LYNCHBURG, Va. (WHSV) — Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr called on Friday for the apparent jailing of several people who have been the target of President Donald Trump's ire in the past.

"Are there any grownups w/ integrity left in the DOJ?" Falwell tweeted. "When I was a kid, I watched Repubs join Dems to force Nixon out. Now Dems won’t join Repubs to lock up Comey, Lynch, Ohr, Rosenstein, Strzok, @HillaryClinton, @BarackObama & maybe even @JeffSessions despite damning evidence!"

Falwell has been a strong supporter of the president, and personally endorsed Trump before the 2016 election.

Falwell did not cite the evidence he referred to in the tweet.

The president has expressed his anger toward Attorney General Jeff Session's decision to recuse himself from Special Council Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling.

"Our A.G. is scared stiff and Missing in Action," Trump tweeted on Saturday.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i said it before, and got frowned at....Sessions isn't quite as bad as people make him out to be, and he has some ethics....i think that is both the evangelicals and trumps problem with him...if you give him a job, he'll try to do it.....
don't confuse this with me being a Sessions fan, he had a lot of policies that were total bullshit....but i can't say he was a hypocrite, or a liar.....he told you what he was going to do, then tried to do it, and that just isn't compatible with trump politics....


Well-Known Member
To anyone who says to prove another persons God exists should first prove to that person that God doesn't exist. Obviously you cannot. Nobody is forcing any of you to believe in God, you are free to be Godless.