Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

This is RIU so soon enough it'll be about cocks
I don't have the statistics but fuck the police anyway.

Fuck all of them. The good ones don't out the bad ones. Internal affairs. Cops investigating cops. What a joke.

They over step thier bounds and violate constitutional rights a the time.

They are nothing but gangsters with a badge.
I shouldn't have watched this one, it made me cry. The girlfriend was SO admirably calm throughout this horror, even the baby daughter seemed more composed than the cop who murdered Castile in cold blood in front of her...

I missed that story. He murdered an unarmed petite blonde woman in pink pajamas, what a lunatic. First cop to go down for on duty murder, afaik. Good. He could get 20 years, we'll see what they give him on June 7th...

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