Damn that was long....hehehe...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
my fucking twilight seeds arent germing yet. theyve been in towels for a full 24 hours and they havent even cracked yet.
Patience.... are they warm? and humid?
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I have 3 bluecheesies already in soil, waitin on my light to come so i can finish my setup n get them into my upper box.
Your upper box is the... shit I'm confused... please describe your set up as it stands today...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Right now my big plants are takinup real estate up there on a 12/12 regimen, so im fucked right now, n i gotta deal with three dank plants under 145 watts of white/blue cfl on my fuckin desk.
Ok... so you're not done flowering but need the space... huhmmmmm
How much space will you have for the plants? could you vegg them a long time and just trim them back? I know nothing of diff. strains... are the one you have auto flowering..?
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
But that aint even whats pissin me off - MY TWILIGHT SEEDS AINT CRACKIN GOD DAMNIT!!!
Patience... Isay the same shit when I am waiting for the river to freeze so we can drive on it... freeze damn t!!! but it always does it's thing at it's own pace...
Watching seeds grow is kinda like watching the puddles freeze... when you look away... action happens... just forget them for a bit...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
i wrote a really nice letter to the Tude though, bein real nice n beatin around the bush a whole hell of alot, n usin a bunch of indirect references, sayin in a round about way that my collectible seeds dont look like they would germ, should i put them in a paper towel, n shit like that, so maybe theyll break policy for me n send me over some PPP replacement seeds or somethin nice like that LOL - wishful thinking i know, but hey, we can all dream.
Yes we can all dream... I am dreaming of a world where the postal workers don't mangle your shit in transit....
But it never hurts to ask politely...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Worst comes to worst, ill be growing 4 bluecheesies, 2 whiteberries, n 2 northern souls, which aint bad anyways, still 8 plants, but got damnit, i was excited about my fuckin purps.
That is not a bad menu my friend... not at all...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I had one of them in a rockwool cube, to see how well it fared, but i think im just too worrysome when it comes to fuckin usin other mediums besides soil.
You know K1ng... you should start out with some bagseeds, so you can do it stress free...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I havent done a dro grow before, and i wanna perfect growin in some dirt with high powered bud n high powered nutrients, before i move on to the next step. granted, i have a waterfarm, but i realized the other day that i have a bit of a dilemma on my hands, lol.
Dude... leave the dirt outside for the worms to play in...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
check this - im so fuckin stupid - I bought the fuckin waterfarm on the deal, thinkin, ok, itll be sweet cuz i can grow one plant usin dro to see how it works out. So im sittin here thinkin about how cool its gonna be, and i realize that i have two fuckin plants in my upper box flowering.
Dude... just throw some bagseed in there and try it out... get used to operating the system... who cares if you get buds.... just run it through it's paces... can you keep a plant alive in it???? can you feed it without burning it?
Shit like that... put it under some CFLs... who cares... just learn the system.... then when you want to put your dank seeds in there, you know what to do and expect....
Gardening requires patience...exercise it... lol....
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I wanna put them under the 600 hps to finish up flowering n get a nice swell on, but if i do that shit, im fucked.
If you already have it going and it's doing good... use the new set up for the new plants...
I was going to put my AG under my 600.. but now everything else is ready, so I will just keep the AG whre it is and the new batch gets the new gear...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
That means i wont be able to bust the hydro cuz it wont fit in my veg box, and i cant wait till my original plants are done in my tent, cuz by the time that sht happens ill be ready to flower all my dank seeds.
Put it in the kitchen counter... bathroom sink... anywehere you can keep it w/ some cfls and try it w/ bagseed... did I tell you I love repeating myself.. hahahaha....
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
so its either let my original girls finish up under their original CFL's and use the tent from start to finish on this grow comin up, or just grow all soil this time around, and plan my shit out better when i move out.
Let them finish w/ what they started... pretend the light never got there for them....
Use the new equipment to start a new batch....
Leave the dirt outside... the bugs love it...
But that is behind us....
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
BUT, when i move out, im gonna be doin like 20-30 plants, and its all gonna be done in dro, jah willing.
If you are going to be doing a big hydro set up... why in the world do still hear soil out of your mouth...?????
You are only going to learn and get good at something you have experience with... so start now... so when the time comes, you have some knowledge of what you are going to do...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
So basically i either use the bucket thisone time, or i wasted some dollars on the motherfucker. I may as well put the fuckin thing on ebay or some shit, n at least double my money ( i paid a total of like 21 bucks including tax for a full waterfarm setup - i could sell it for 50 easy +shipping).
If you are going to sell it, don't use it...
But I would just put a bagseed in there under some cfls and...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
So i need some advice i guess is what im sayin here. Do i finish up my grow in the box i started it in, or do i just say fuckit, and give my fuckin bitches a nice little HPS boost for the last 4 weeks of the grow, and then fuckin just do soil through n through on the danky seeds?
Do I really need to answer again?
Why not...
Finnish the ones you started where they are...
Start the new batch with the new gear...
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I am not a purist... I have done plenty of soil... OUTSIDE... hehehe....
Sprout and clone with cfls... vegg with the MH and flower with the HPS...
You can do it all with the HPS.. but you got all the shit already...
Old plants with the old lights...
New plants with the new lights...
Hydro a bagseed to learn the system...
And when you go big... I would deff. look into ebb & flow (flood & drain)... that is the set-up for lazy stoners.... like us... least chance of failure, least daily maintenance and most reliable...
I really hope this helps, cause I just typed way more than I should have... hahahahaha.....
Cheers K1ng...
Good Luck on your decision...
Gypsnasty... the Miniaturizer....