couple questions about acid


Well-Known Member
I'm not getting any, but a friend of mine is. she says she's getting 8 strips for $80. is that about a normal price for 8 strips? and also, she says the person she's getting them from said to take 3 strips to trip well. I thought I may have read somewhere that 1-1 1/2 strips would be good for a trip? can someone clarify this information? is it all good y'know? I don't know the relevance, but she's like, pocket size. verrryyyy small....


New Member
ya...thats about they usually go for $10 a hit....but if u have to take three..then there pretty weak..usually only need to take one..or 2 if u wanna really trip...and a hit is friend sells them and he gets a 100 hit sheet and its only the size of a baseball u can imagine how small 1 hit is


Well-Known Member
every batch of acid is different if by strips you mean hits, then that sounds decent, but not the best price.

if he says she needs that much to trip then its probably just weaker, you can always take more but you cant take away


Active Member
depending on how strong 2 or 3 is good for a good trip.. if they are good hits you can feel a body high off one but 2 or 3 is need for a good fry unless its really good


Active Member
I'm not getting any, but a friend of mine is. she says she's getting 8 strips for $80. is that about a normal price for 8 strips? and also, she says the person she's getting them from said to take 3 strips to trip well. I thought I may have read somewhere that 1-1 1/2 strips would be good for a trip? can someone clarify this information? is it all good y'know? I don't know the relevance, but she's like, pocket size. verrryyyy small....
this is because acid these days isnt the same as in the 60s, its not very abundant so its of low quality and cut with other fillers, for example dxm,
one tab should be enough, when i had some sunshine acid, one fucked me for 12 hours, good trip :roll:


Well-Known Member
I tend to leave it alone these days and just stick to the shrooms :shock:

But I think the best way to go about it would be to have half and if she likes it then the other half, and if she likes that then just drop all 8 :mrgreen:

Seriously tho! a little at a time till you find your level never hurt anyone.


Well-Known Member
Well man first off with a strip is it jellies or paper? i mean both are good but im jsut curious. with 10 a hit thats steep where im at we get it more around 7. and also if theya re saying take 3 it might not be the best shit and if this chick doesnt do it that much and they are still saying take 3 then screw that man you can get it way cheaper and better somewhere else ya know man.
but everyone is right no one can just tell someone how much to take..someone did that and they didnt take into consideration one of the hits i took was like 3 in 1 the guy said and i got fucked up royally.seriously the best ive had off of jellies...not including the liquid though....gotta love the liquid!


Well-Known Member
acid must have gone up in price since last time i saw it =O

I used to pay $100-$150 for a sheet (100 paper hits). You only needed to take 1 to get a nice trip. 2 if you had tripped a few times before...most id see anyone take of these is 4 and that was an insane trip and after weeks of eating 1-4 hits every 2 days.

Anyways 1-2 hits would sell for $5-$7 each. Having to take 3 hits at that price seems a bit crazy =O. must be some crappy acid

take 1 and see how you feel. give it at least an hour or 2. if you want more take another...but careful having more around...always seemed like once i started tripping i felt like i could just keep eating it =O


Active Member

check research. cross-tolerance develops for hallucinogens. if you take a hit of acid, id wait a few weeks or so if you want to trip off of one. i got some really good AZ acid a few months ago and it was awesome. a few weeks ago i took another hit and got some decent visuals but a strong body high from it. then i took another hit a few days later (about 5 days) and i got very little visuals (tolerance rising). then i took 3 hits about 2 days after that and tripped balls. then the next day i went to a 9 hour rave and dropped 5 hits. tripped harder than i ever have on anything in my life. was truly an amazing night.

edit: oh and, the last 9 hits i took was GOOD acid. not shit.

also, whats a 'strip' to you? most common 'strips' are 10 hit strips. i get them for about $65.

from what i've seen acid usually goes for anywhere between $6-$9/hit nowadays. (ive heard of a few people selling for $10...ripoff imo)

have fun, and be careful. acid can rewrite your personality. it's happened to me. but i just fixed it with more acid! :) just make sure you're having a fun time when you trip and you're all set.


Well-Known Member
and be careful. acid can rewrite your personality. it's happened to me. but i just fixed it with more acid! --looshfoo

that's som funny shit right there.lmao.hahahaha:joint:

i can get a sheet,100 hits, for $250usd.

i never ever saw the northern lights....


Active Member
and be careful. acid can rewrite your personality. it's happened to me. but i just fixed it with more acid! --looshfoo

that's som funny shit right there.lmao.hahahaha:joint:

wasnt so funny when it happened. i was depressed all day the next day. :/ interesting though, either way.