Does Anyone Know Where to Get C.Ruderalis Seeds in the U.S.?

Chris Edward

Well-Known Member
Hello All,

Does anyone know where to get old school C.Ruderalis in the U.S.?
Not some funky semi-cannatonic autoflower hybrid that has 49.999% THC and 3.5% CBD (so therefore it's "CBD-rich"), just plain old boring C.ruderalis (15-20:1 CBD:THC).
The "weed" that supposedly grows by the side of the road in some areas.

I have seen it on the Hippy General Store website but I cannot get them to write me back to confirm that this is in fact a true ruderalis and not just some hemp being mascaraed as a rudi.

Otherwise the only references are either hybrids (too much THC) or Sensi Seeds which going by their phone number appears to be in Amsterdam.
I don't want to try and import seeds, it's not worth the risk to me.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

p.s I am sorry for the attitude, I am just tired of seeing plants listed as CBD-rich or "cannatonic" and they only have like 2-5% CBD and huge THC numbers.
THC gives me anxiety.
If I knew of a way to easily isolate the CBD from the THC, then this wouldn't be a problem but so far I haven't found any ways to do this that don't require a lab full of equipment.
I think you'll need to find something like lowryder (still a hybrid) or find a friend in eastern Europe willing to send you some seeds from a wild Ruderalis
I don't think the hemp varieties growing in the ditches around the US have Ruderalis mixed in. Most are hemp varieties (cannabis sativa) that were never eradicated. Ruderalis is native to eastern Europe and parts of Asia
i always thought that that hemp was a mix of sativa and rudy? i know the us govt grew it there for hemp for WW2 use: ropes, etc. and it has never been gotten rid of. like Kudzu in the South.
Ruderalis is very stout in pure form. Most of the hemp varieties from yesterday were sky high varieties used for fiber. Oil seed varieties tend to have more of a indica struture with thick colas filled with seeded and may have ruderalis in them but I don't think those were the varieties that we had in North America in the past were mostly fiber varieties that would grow 10+
Ruderalis is very stout in pure form. Most of the hemp varieties from yesterday were sky high varieties used for fiber. Oil seed varieties tend to have more of a indica struture with thick colas filled with seeded and may have ruderalis in them but I don't think those were the varieties that we had in North America in the past were mostly fiber varieties that would grow 10+

thanks for the info. i've only seen pics of Indiana but they are huge.
1914 $10 dollar. Doesn't really show the size but I thought it was cool and never saw it before.

Hello All,

Does anyone know where to get old school C.Ruderalis in the U.S.?
Not some funky semi-cannatonic autoflower hybrid that has 49.999% THC and 3.5% CBD (so therefore it's "CBD-rich"), just plain old boring C.ruderalis (15-20:1 CBD:THC).
The "weed" that supposedly grows by the side of the road in some areas.

I have seen it on the Hippy General Store website but I cannot get them to write me back to confirm that this is in fact a true ruderalis and not just some hemp being mascaraed as a rudi.

Otherwise the only references are either hybrids (too much THC) or Sensi Seeds which going by their phone number appears to be in Amsterdam.
I don't want to try and import seeds, it's not worth the risk to me.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

p.s I am sorry for the attitude, I am just tired of seeing plants listed as CBD-rich or "cannatonic" and they only have like 2-5% CBD and huge THC numbers.
THC gives me anxiety.
If I knew of a way to easily isolate the CBD from the THC, then this wouldn't be a problem but so far I haven't found any ways to do this that don't require a lab full of equipment.
Hilarious.. I have the same attitude.

I buy seeds globally on a credit card since the early 00's

Good luck, I don't think you will find it. I didn't, and searched hundred hours.

Their is real seeds in England. No Ruderalis, but Lebenise and other landraces.

One Euro bank has a basic Afganic/Ruderalis cross.

BC mighty mite could be worked backwards same with lowryder, which I can't even find the original of.

Heck, you find it I will buy it and send you some seeds from my US location.

I can't find it, breeders hold it tight, and don't get that nobody wants another stupid high THC fucking feminized cross.

Go American CBD hemp from Colorado or Oregon. Take a male and dust a euro high CBD autoflower. Work it 3 gens to get a high CBD autoflower. Non fem.

Least that's my thinking.. as a high CBD low THC Ruderalis male, only exists in breeders inventory. Best I can tell..

Not to be shared with us dumb fucks that pay $10 to $20 a seed.

On a positive note.....
Maybe some obscure breeder in Manitoba.. way back when I hung out in some funky little forum, mostly Canadian outdoor gorilla growers and breeders. (Great group). Had some really neat genetics. Can't remember the name of the forum though..

I very much want a fast small high CBD autoflower.
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I am hoping now that hemp is legal in the US that stuff like Ruderalis will be easier to come by, eventually.

It’s not like the demand for them isn’t there.

If I can find them I will let you know…

Maybe we can do a co-op deal…

The “cannatonic” thing is getting better, though they are still way too THC dominant.

Which is fine for folks it helps, but that’s not what I am looking for.

I am just looking for ruderalis traits, short (2 feet tall), 15-20:1 CBD:THC that sort of thing. The auto-flower thing isn’t a big deal for me, I like being able to delay the flower to ensure the plant is ready and it gives me time to take clones at my leisure.

I would love to play Luther Burbank with my plants, but I don’t have the room and I am super allergic to pollen. I wouldn’t be able to deal with the amount of pollen that male flower produce.

Like I said, if I find anything I will keep you in mind.

Please do the same for me as well.
I believe thats hybrid CBD hemp not landrace Ruderalis, on that Craigslist link.
Also would want to know the THC # not just CDB.

For CBD hemp these two seem interesting to me.

I bought some high apline genetics from DCSE, to grow this season.
Hi Guys,
If human beings were able to cross the "ice bridge" from Russia to the New World...I'd certainly think a plant could have made it too.

Anyway...I grew up in Minnesota and we had ditch weed that was small in stature. Couple feet tall. We tried smoking it but never got high. Felt something...which was probably CBD, but this was over 50 years ago.
Hi Guys,
If human beings were able to cross the "ice bridge" from Russia to the New World...I'd certainly think a plant could have made it too.

Anyway...I grew up in Minnesota and we had ditch weed that was small in stature. Couple feet tall. We tried smoking it but never got high. Felt something...which was probably CBD, but this was over 50 years ago.

We had two kinds of ditch weed in central Wisconsin back in the 70s and 80s.

The ditch weed that grew in Sandy soil in actual ditches, looked very Marjuana like. It didn't get you high but know that I smoke CBD, I would say it had some of that in it.

The second ditch weed was very tall like 10 feet high plants with wide leaves small buds with strong mostly single stems, it grew in dense clumps same place year after year. Looked more like a fiber hemp type plant. Don't think I was ever desperate enough to smoke it. Lol
Hi Guys,
If human beings were able to cross the "ice bridge" from Russia to the New World...I'd certainly think a plant could have made it too.

Anyway...I grew up in Minnesota and we had ditch weed that was small in stature. Couple feet tall. We tried smoking it but never got high. Felt something...which was probably CBD, but this was over 50 years ago.
That ws probably Ruderalis.
By small stature, what are you talking about?
Because true rudi's are like 24" supposedly.
I believe thats hybrid CBD hemp not landrace Ruderalis, on that Craigslist link.
Also would want to know the THC # not just CDB.

For CBD hemp these two seem interesting to me.

I bought some high apline genetics from DCSE, to grow this season.

I looked at those links and I wish I could grow hemp...
I just don't think my neighbors would appreciate it.

This is why I want the rudi's, then I can have then chilling under a shade frame and no one besides me will know they are there.

I looked at the other link and they don't really list the stats on the "high" CBD seeds. I checked a few and the stories for each plant are nice and all, but I want to see data, not a nice back story.

I don't mean to be a dick about it.
I hope it doesn't come off that way.

I appreciate the help.