Not suprised this went over your head. I bet you fancy yourself an intellectual, are you a college professor by chance?if you take away all the gun murders we have less gun murders?
compelling stuff
And Cheney created ISIS
Let me guess. You're a self-made man. Dropped out of that brainwashing school at 8th grade. Got a job as a lumper at the local truckstop and started learning the REAL truth. Right?Not suprised this went over your head. I bet you fancy yourself an intellectual, are you a college professor by chance?
Let’s not forget how Obama funded isis long after its creation, at a time Iran was actively holding any Americans they could get their hands on as ransom. Cheney created ISIS
TLDNRLet’s not forget how Obama funded isis long after its creation, at a time Iran was actively holding any Americans they could get their hands on as ransom.
Your own goddess admits it.
Let me guess. You're a self-made man. Dropped out of that brainwashing school at 8th grade. Got a job as a lumper at the local truckstop and started learning the REAL truth. Right?
Did I suggest or even infer that? How do you think this old man has learned about people?Sure bud, whatever you want to believe. I might suggest looking at who you hang out/live with, I’d wager at best they are no better than me.
" pride comes before the fall,,,Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud."Sure bud, whatever you want to believe. I might suggest looking at who you hang out/live with, I’d wager at best they are no better than me.
What I took from your post suggested that you feel superior to me in terms of education, understanding reality, and financially. I was the one who suggested you look inward.Did I suggest or even infer that? How do you think this old man has learned about people?
Nice quote, perhaps we both can try being less proud and more humble toward everyone." pride comes before the fall,,,Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud."
You sure read a lot into what's not there. A huge problem in your life I'm sure.What I took from your post suggested that you feel superior to me in terms of education, understanding reality, and financially. I was the one who suggested you look inward.