Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Let me guess. You're a self-made man. Dropped out of that brainwashing school at 8th grade. Got a job as a lumper at the local truckstop and started learning the REAL truth. Right?

Sure bud, whatever you want to believe. I might suggest looking at who you hang out/live with, I’d wager at best they are no better than me.
Sure bud, whatever you want to believe. I might suggest looking at who you hang out/live with, I’d wager at best they are no better than me.
" pride comes before the fall,,,Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud."

The comic strip in Spanish - I'll translate:

"Tell me"
"What Happened to that dead planet?"
"Humans, they're like a plague"
"Depends on how you educate them, my sister has one as a pet, it's lovely"
"then how did they do to kill off their planet?"
"They thought money was a resource, so they finished off their resources to get more money".....
What I took from your post suggested that you feel superior to me in terms of education, understanding reality, and financially. I was the one who suggested you look inward.
You sure read a lot into what's not there. A huge problem in your life I'm sure.