Aussie Growers Thread

I dont really need to defend my little mate mullet since none of you know him anyway but i will say this.

Im pretty sure in his version of events he wasnt sending the pics to anyone other than himself.

He was just trying to get them onto his new phone so he didnt lose them. Theres probably an easier way but poor old mullet aint the sharpest tool in the shed.
You don't need to defend him.
As a adult he shouldn't need or want photos of under aged girls on his phone. Its certainly not OK in my mind.
If you have a daughter I would think twice about having him in your home.

I'll leave it at that. (yes, im a judgemental prick)
After a bit of googling I Found Enjin as a wallet. I can use it on my phone. Which is good because no home internet means my laptop is jut gathering dust.
Mobile wallets are easier to hack than other wallets but if you're not getting heaps of bitcoin you should be fine mate, just dont keep to much in it
Mobile wallets are easier to hack than other wallets but if you're not getting heaps of bitcoin you should be fine mate, just dont keep to much in it

Yeah that’s what I thought. I pretty much only plan on putting in what I plan on using. Like my order from gp was $40usd so
I purchased $70 aud of litecoin to cover my ass.
I dont really need to defend my little mate mullet since none of you know him anyway but i will say this.

Im pretty sure in his version of events he wasnt sending the pics to anyone other than himself.

He was just trying to get them onto his new phone so he didnt lose them. Theres probably an easier way but poor old mullet aint the sharpest tool in the shed.
You didnt really need to but you just did :o
If he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed it's up to someone who is to say hey mate regardless if u were underage yourself when u got the photos it's not the normal thing these days to have that shit in your delete the shit before someone finds out about it and puts you in to the relevant authorities.
Cos once that happens mullet you are tarnished for life wether you like it or not.

My mates use to come with me watch my kids play sport but I'll be fucked if some cunt like mullet would be invited along
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He has photos of underage girls meaning he's a pedo. I guess pedos are normal around your area.
I'm not even going to do this with you Bob, I ain't got time for all the negative bullshit so if you wanna pick a fight go look for someone else to do it with. I wanna grow my plants and have a good time and we all have right to an opinion. I read it differently than you did, which of us is wrong is debatable I assumed he was underage when he got them and never deleted them you are assuming he is more diabolical and disgusting, if that's true I agree, that's why we have courts to fairly, logically and methodically go through evidence to prove either nnocence or guilt. I think it's best we agree to disagree and leave it at that without trying to insult one another.
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I'm not even going to do this with you Bob, I ain't got time for all the negative bullshit so if you wanna pick a fight go look for someone else to do it with. I wanna grow my plants and have a good time and we all have right to an opinion. I read it differently than you did, which of us is wrong is debatable I assumed he was underage when he got them and never deleted them you are assuming he is more diabolical and disgusting, if that's true I agree, that's why we have courts to fairly, logically and methodically go through evidence to prove either nnocence or guilt. I think it's best we agree to disagree and leave it at that without trying to insult one another.
Don’t waste the brain waves. I knew what u were saying and so did he. He’s fishing.
So swearing, insults and demeaning comments are unacceptable but being an apologist for someone who carries around nude pics of underage girls without consent is OK? What twisted fuckin logic. I've got 2 girls, mullet needs a bullet
So swearing, insults and demeaning comments are unacceptable but being an apologist for someone who carries around nude pics of underage girls without consent is OK? What twisted fuckin logic. I've got 2 girls, mullet needs a bullet
None of us know all the facts and I dont call someone a pedo without facts.
Im surprised a women thinks an adult keeping naked pics of underage girls is OK.

But then again thinking its Ok means more drama...
Its underage naked girls wether u want to call them a pedo or not it's a hot topic because it's not a normal thing to have in ones possession.
Could anyone here seriously trust the guy around your daughter if you left them alone for 5 mins to go and do something ?
I take it everyone would say no here and if they dont well then that's a problem in itself
None of us know all the facts and I dont call someone a pedo without facts.
what part of underage nude photos taken and kept without consent (for years) then uploaded to a social media site is OK to you? I can only imagine that keeping them that long (and wanting to store them somewhere so he wouldn't lose them) means there was some gratification involved. Mullet is a pedo
Hi guys new member here and have been going through the thread for the last day and found it really interesting but some of the recent posts have left me a bit perplexed and quite frankly sickened. Possessing images of naked underage girls makes you a peadophile no ifs or buts,you go to court and give them any excuse you like but at the end of the day your name will be on the sex offenders list.
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When someone gets their day in court and found guilty of a crime that's when I know, until then they have a presumption of innocence, court of law determines facts not opinion. I refuse to convict someone in the court of public opinion courts were created to stop mobs and mob mentality. I'm not saying he is or isn't just reserving judgement
When someone gets their day in court and found guilty of a crime that's when I know, until then they have a presumption of innocence, court of law determines facts not opinion. I refuse to convict someone in the court of public opinion courts were created to stop mobs and mob mentality. I'm not saying he is or isn't just reserving judgement
How is he not guilty of having underage pics when he sent them to himself (and/or others)?
He is in persession of them. He has admitted that to 2easy.