RSO dosing?


Well-Known Member
I'm a new medical card holder but long-time daily cannabis user.

I've tried most methods of ingesting my medicine, but never tried RSO. My dispensary has a version of RSO I'm curious about. Before I get some, a couple of questions. (I'd ask at the dispensary, but it's already become clear that most of the young people working there have less knowledge about cannabis than I do.)

My dispensary has various types of RSO at $55 per 1000mg. My question is: how does that translate to milligrams of THC?

It seems obvious that this is 1000mg of total "oil" volume, but what's not clear is how many milligrams of THC is in it. I imagine it might vary based on many factors. But for reference, 25mg of THC in most edibles is my opitimum dose.

I know that 1000mg of RSO is not the same as 1000mg of THC. But where do I find out how much THC is in 1000mg of RSO? Or to put it another way, how many doses will I get from 1000mg of RSO?

This has been a surprisingly difficult question to find an answer for - I've spent a couple of hours Googling "RSO dosing", etc., searching on Leafly,, Reddit, and here, and haven't found a good answer.

Can anyone here help me find an answer? How much THC is in 1000mg of RSO?

It will likely be tricky to get the exact dose you want from a product like that. From my experience with ingesting RSO some years ago, I started with the recommended "grain of rice" size serving. Did very little for me so the next day I took a double "grain of rice" serving and this was "I need to go lay down" strong. lol

So I think you'll have to experiment a little, but as HP said above, the THC level will be up there.
Isn't it on the packaging? Just to hazard a guess I'd say 75 - 90% THC
$55 a gram? That's fucking Highway Robbery. Ever consider making your own oil?

I don't know if it's on the packaging, but it's definitely not on the listings on the dispensary website.

If I understand what you're saying, 1000mg of RSO = 750 to 900mg THC? That would be great! But i don't think that's possible, is it?
Usually they list the 1000mg as the active content of the bottle. The bottle may say something like 3 fluid ounces on it...
Usually they list the 1000mg as the active content of the bottle. The bottle may say something like 3 fluid ounces on it...

The total amount of RSO is 1000mg. I'm trying to figure out how much THC is in 1000mg (aka 1 gram) of RSO.
The exact %of THC will be dependant on the material the RSO was made from. From my understanding RSO can range anywhere from 60-90% cannabinoids. Most of that should be THC but again that depends on the starting material. If you made RSO from CBD flowers, it would be mostly CDB and little to no THC.
Ok, it's starting to look like the reason there's no easy answer is that maybe there's no equivalence between the THC content in RSO vs. typical edibles. In other words, the bioavailability of the THC in typical edibles is measured differently from the THC in RSO because it's processed differently, both in the way it's manufactured and in the way your body uses it. Does that make sense?

At my dispensary, edibles generally sell for about $2.50 to $3.50 per 10mg of THC, regardless of the shape/size/flavor of the edible. $25 to $35 per 100mg of THC.

So if RSO sells for $55 per 1000mg, and we use the average price per milligram of THC as the guide for calculating the THC content, it would tell us that there is less than 200mg of THC in 1000mg of RSO.

But now I'm thinking that there is no equivalence between the types of THC(s) in RSO and edibles.

So if that's the case, a new question, specifically for those who have experience with RSO from dispensaries:

How many doses do you get out of 1000mg of RSO?
Your way over thinking this. If you buy one gram of RSO, you are getting a relatively pure full-spectrum concentrate. For me and my tolerances, I would expect to get 8-12 doses. Depending on the size of those doses I would expect them to be roughly 75-90mg of THC with a handful of other cannabinoids in there too
Juke you are over-thinking this.

Local Dispensary used to sell $20 1g-capsules of RSO. I bought a few once, but like a capsule a day ..ten days... $200.... it's just too pricey. But it works amazingly for pain relief! Like Viola! MAGIC! lol

Anyways, the reason it's easy to measure edibles is because they're made with flower, so the conversion is like [X-Grams] x [THC % converted to Grams]. Where as with concentrates you are making a stronger, more concentrated form, so you don't get that exact measurement without testing.

I HIGHLY doubt that there is JUST less than 200mg in 1g of RSO. A gram of RSO is somewhat in the ballpark of taking a 850-1250mg edible, for me at least.

If I were you, I'd just take 10mg of the 1000mg as a first dose. Then see how you feel.. Or take less, you can always take more, but you can not take less!
I have lots of experience with both home made and store-bought edibles, and know that 25mg is my standard dose for edibles.

So if I understand your explanations correctly ThunderCat and JointMonster, you're saying that I'd get 40 doses out of 1000mg / 1 gram of RSO, which is $55 at my dispensary. Is that correct? Because if it is, it sounds too good to be true. :???:
Yes in theory you can get 40 doses at 25mg each. Each of those doses should be about 90ish% THC if it's quality RSO.
Your not getting higher than 85% and this is on the MAX thc % from rso .

Only way to get higher than 85% is with a wfe or spd.

My ethanol crude (winterized and decarbd) hits about 82ish.

Heres aprox 750ml of premium crude meant for the spd. This is clean rso basically.

Your not getting higher than 85% and this is on the MAX thc % from rso .

Only way to get higher than 85% is with a wfe or spd.

My ethanol crude (winterized and decarbd) hits about 82ish.

Heres aprox 750ml of premium crude meant for the spd. This is clean rso basically.

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Well here you go first hand numbers, thanks Demon. So of the 25mg dose the OP is talking about would you say 75-80% should be THC.
Unless you further refine an extract (wiped film evaporator or short parh distillation), no matter how good you do your wash (ethanol) or blast (bho), even with winterization (etoh ot bho), your crude will not be over 85% thc. And the 85% is even giving you 10% too much already.

I do a super cryo ethanol wash with my SOP. I do NOT pick any garbage up. If I do its extremely minimal. But I do steps most cant do, or dont have the chance or equipment to do so.
The exact %of THC will be dependant on the material the RSO was made from. From my understanding RSO can range anywhere from 60-90% cannabinoids. Most of that should be THC but again that depends on the starting material. If you made RSO from CBD flowers, it would be mostly CDB and little to no THC.
I got indica rso that fell at 90% thc
It’s awesome for sleep
First time I slept for 6 hr straight in 16 yrs
Ok, it's starting to look like the reason there's no easy answer is that maybe there's no equivalence between the THC content in RSO vs. typical edibles. In other words, the bioavailability of the THC in typical edibles is measured differently from the THC in RSO because it's processed differently, both in the way it's manufactured and in the way your body uses it. Does that make sense?

At my dispensary, edibles generally sell for about $2.50 to $3.50 per 10mg of THC, regardless of the shape/size/flavor of the edible. $25 to $35 per 100mg of THC.

So if RSO sells for $55 per 1000mg, and we use the average price per milligram of THC as the guide for calculating the THC content, it would tell us that there is less than 200mg of THC in 1000mg of RSO.

But now I'm thinking that there is no equivalence between the types of THC(s) in RSO and edibles.

So if that's the case, a new question, specifically for those who have experience with RSO from dispensaries:

How many doses do you get out of 1000mg of RSO?
I buy a gram of Inca strain specific from Muv for 50$ and it last anywhere from 10-12 days and use a gloop on a spoon of peanut butter about 2 hrs before bed
And puff on a vape or flower until it kicks in and off to sleep