Megacrop thread?


Well-Known Member
Seems like since dyna-grow kicked in and became a sponsor on the site the megacrop thread disappears??
Well............ just further proof what shitbags run this forum. RIGHT after Dtna Grow signed up, they email Greenleaf about renegociating their contract. However, their reply address was blocked and GL couldn't get a message to them so they deleted the thread! And now that they have finally managed to contact them, RUI is being dickwads to them and threatening to completely erase the GL thread permanently! GL may be looking elswhere for a site that will treat them better.

I considered posting the email, but i don't want to fuck up their negociations. If they fail to renew, i'll expoise these assholes and post the email. If they ban me before I can do that, you all can find me on AFN, same handle, and I'll pass on the info.
tbh if you get banned im done this is crazy and im not even a fanboy ive used dyna grow for 6 years for my veg.. foliage pro and just started to test megacrop! dyna was in that thread and seen how many ppl converted from them to mega! i even said that im testing mega and will still have a dyna grow bottle always! i wonder how much they paid to take that thread down! anyway guess its time to make a AFN handle as well.. im not even set on mega crop its not the point! i just dont like how that thread i was still trying to read is gone now! lots of good ppl had great post in there...
I find it odd they removed all they’re stuff too. The MC threads had good info in there. Plus who uses dynagrow. For the price MC was the just and was far better imho. Regardless I’ll continue supporting mega crop without a doubt.
yup I got a 5 lb bag on the way
I doubt dyna grow is gonna give us all free samples for just shipping cost.. I actually went from Dyna-Gro foliage pro to mega crop and tbh my plants look better! Not like they didn’t look great with foliage pro... it’s just the fp didn’t have aminos or silica or chitosan or any of the other good shit mega has.. I had to add 3-4 bottles to my fp to complete my veg...