24 hour light vs. 18/6.

On the other hand, I have run a 13/11 cycle successfully. I'm curious now as to what triggers it. Is it the light, or is it the darkness. Probably both, but I wonder how far you can stretch it.
Which way were you trying to stretch it.
I apologize I didn’t read the whole thread my eyes are always blurry for some reason lol.
If you are curious as to when the plants switch from veg to flower I’ve found it to be heavily strain dependant tbh
The majority of today’s hybrid stuff will flower somewhere between 14-13.5 hrs of lights on or less.
Which way were you trying to stretch it.
I apologize I didn’t read the whole thread my eyes are always blurry for some reason lol.
If you are curious as to when the plants switch from veg to flower I’ve found it to be heavily strain dependant tbh
The majority of today’s hybrid stuff will flower somewhere between 14-13.5 hrs of lights on or less.
The thread was dug up and someone 9 years ago wondered if they could flower with 16/12. They thought that maybe it was the 12 hours of darkness that triggered the flower cycle. I have flowered with 13/11, so was curious.
The thread was dug up and someone 9 years ago wondered if they could flower with 16/12. They thought that maybe it was the 12 hours of darkness that triggered the flower cycle. I have flowered with 13/11, so was curious.
What were your findings using 13/11?
Did you find any major differences?
What were your findings using 13/11?
Did you find any major differences?
It was on some strains I'd never ran before, so I can't say anything about yield. It worked though, and I didn't get any herm's. I did get foxtails on the indicas and not on the sativas, but don't know if it was the strains.
I haven't tried it since, but I might try it on a tent of sativas again.
It was on some strains I'd never ran before, so I can't say anything about yield. It worked though, and I didn't get any herm's. I did get foxtails on the indicas and not on the sativas, but don't know if it was the strains.
I haven't tried it since, but I might try it on a tent of sativas again.
What is the perk to using more energy?
I must have missed that part earlier.
I would assume the opposite of using less energy? Like an 11/13?
What were your findings on your light tests?
What’s the opposite of less energy?
Just less heat and plants that don’t show that late hour slump?
Most of my experiments were with glr and then reduced flowering cycles.
What’s the opposite of less energy?
Just less heat and plants that don’t show that late hour slump?
Most of my experiments were with glr and then reduced flowering cycles.
Not biting, Sorry.
I thought you were tagged to add info on the subject, not stir shit.
Not biting, Sorry.
I thought you were tagged to add info on the subject, not stir shit.
No sir
I’m legit asking what you thought the difference was. Just trying to figure out the purpose of the extra hour. I really can’t see what the benefit to it is.
I’m not trying to stir anything nor am I bashing anyone or their opinions.
I just genuinely get intrigued by what others think.
I meant no disrespect towards you or anyone else tbh
The plant flowers with long dark periods. 11 hours of darkness is about the safest minimum. Some sativas may struggle finishing with 11 hours darks. Can push your lights to 13.5/10.5

With that said, yes you can run a cycle of 24/12 if you wanted to. With a relay timer. The longer your "days", the longer it will take your plant to finish. There is an increase in yield, tho I don't remember how much more.

You can do the opposite as well. Get an 18 hour relay timer and do 6/12. Shorter flowering time, smaller yield.
Hey everyone. I've made my way through the various stages of research for my first indoor grow. However, I've seen that some people veg under 24 hour light and some under 18/6. Recently I spoke with a person from Cali who has published work in the Cannabible. He said that no MJ plant, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, should ever be given 24 hour light. "It's only wasting electricity."

Is this true? Thanks in advance.
I had my latest run almost the whole veg under 24 an just the last few weeks switched to 18/6 an I noticed a difference after a couple days so I’ll be sticking to 18/6 from now on I mean it could have been a growth spurt but for all of them to look noticeably better kinda makes me think it’s the light
I had my latest run almost the whole veg under 24 an just the last few weeks switched to 18/6 an I noticed a difference after a couple days so I’ll be sticking to 18/6 from now on I mean it could have been a growth spurt but for all of them to look noticeably better kinda makes me think it’s the light

Placebo effect. Nothing noticeable happened in a couple days it's just your mind making you think it did. I've been growing for decades. I've grown 24/0 and 18/6 in veg switching between the two. There's no noticeable difference switching between the different hours that is going to happen in a couple days.
hey all....
anybody experimented with "day" length?? ie. 20/6, or 24/6 for vegg....?

also is it the shortened daylight or extended dark period that triggers flowering?-- ive pondered like a 14/12 or 16/12 to try for flowering... cant find any research on the subject-- or possible pros/cons?
Is this a serious question ??
Placebo effect. Nothing noticeable happened in a couple days it's just your mind making you think it did. I've been growing for decades. I've grown 24/0 and 18/6 in veg switching between the two. There's no noticeable difference switching between the different hours that is going to happen in a couple days.
Is there any noticeable difference through the duration?
Placebo effect. Nothing noticeable happened in a couple days it's just your mind making you think it did. I've been growing for decades. I've grown 24/0 and 18/6 in veg switching between the two. There's no noticeable difference switching between the different hours that is going to happen in a couple days.
I was thinking it was all in my head I have tendency to think every change has an effect an really it’s just mind playing tricks on me lol
I agree that plants can only process 18 hours of light a day, any more is just wasting electricity.
I’m into bro science too. It’s always better to trust what you feel instead of looking up easy to access info. Plants absorb light until the point of light saturation, time is irrelevant it’s like charging a battery. You can use a slow charger or a fast charger, you’ll get there at different speeds , but once you’re at 100% there’s no more capacity for charge. As a second note because we’re on another 18 vs 24 bro science opinion pot, despite popular belief...roots do not need darkness to grow....these two ideas usually come as a pair.

You’re welcome.
If you actuall compare root growth in the 24/0 light schedual and the 18/6 light schedual you will see that you have a MUCH larger root mass in the 18/6 light schedual. And everyone knows what more roots means right..... :)

I use to grow 24/0 in veg. Untill I campared the root growth of that plant to one of a plant of the same size and strain in 18/6. Just seeing the difference made up my mind for me... 18/6 ALWAYS!
I’m into bro science too. It’s always better to trust what you feel instead of looking up easy to access info. Plants absorb light until the point of light saturation, time is irrelevant it’s like charging a battery. You can use a slow charger or a fast charger, you’ll get there at different speeds , but once you’re at 100% there’s no more capacity for charge. As a second note because we’re on another 18 vs 24 bro science opinion pot, despite popular belief...roots do not need darkness to grow....these two ideas usually come as a pair.

You’re welcome.
You too. What you feel is not fact. The plants does all the same functions 18-24 for veg. Optimally you have enough light intensity to reach saturation in 18 hours. Almost no rooms have this kind of intensity, so when you run 24 hours you are more likely to get closer to giving the plant the max amount of light it is able photosynthesize in the time your lights are on.

Flowering is determined by darkness period so theoretically if you could get to the point of light saturation in 2 hours, youd only need to veg for 2 hours a day and Turn in on every 6 hours for a bit and it would beg just as fast as running 18 or 24 hours lights on with inadequate light intensity. Sort of an exaggeration of gaslanterning(granted I feel like that tech is usually used by persons trying to save money on electricity not going for fast saturation)
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Ok so I was just given a plant that’s been under 24hr light. My plants have been growing on 16.5 hrs of light their entire lives. Aside from the obvious (my pots sizes versus the solo cup), is this the result of 24hr light or is it the result of major trimming & excellent light source to keep the plant compact?

Most of my plants are very compact but a few of them do have branches that reach very far with large leaves. Should I be trimming more?


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