This good or bad?


Well-Known Member
I found a baby lady bug, I’ve read that lady bugs kill pest , does that mean I have pest? Mind you it’s been no higher than 30 degrees the last couple months (Michigan)/: one question is this plant alright to transplant?
I dont have anything on the bug but on the transplant that's a big negative not while already flowering that is something that needs to be taken care of before the flip


Well-Known Member
they eat aphids i know that for sure. does this mean you have pests? idk. i have blue widows outside infested with aphids almost nearing harvest in maybe 1-3 weeks no lady bugs on um and they are an outdoors grow plus it's decent weather here in the high 70's low 80's.

as for the transplant i mean you could try but as stated you should of done that before the flip. transplanting induces shock typically

Chip Green

Well-Known Member
Im in Da UP of MI, and occasionally I see one of those appear in the middle of the deep freeze. It's of no concern really, they literally come out of the woodwork, a few here and there, they tend to like the lights in the flower room. Makes sense, its warm, and there are plants. Comfy habitat I imagine. I consider them friendlies.