Heisenbeans Genetics

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I just live in Canada
I'd build a 30x30 frame. With strips, mix between 3k and 4k. Or 3k and 35k your preference two drivers. 600w so you can dim it down. 4 far red initiators 4 deep reds to run the whole 12hr light cycle. Full wireless control. Shipped to your door. Prob around 700 shipped. Give or take. Theres several factors. Shipping to ya beadie eyed canadians aye is expensive. Southpark says you guys are beadie eyed flappy heads. Lol. Jus kidden no harm meant lol.

Edit: at 700 bucks shipped that equals $1.16/ per watt. Which is actually cheaper than that. Bc that includes my labor, and shipping. You wont find it cheaper anywhere. You can look. But you wont. Plus have all the features of control over other 120v devices from your hand. At all times.
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