Canopy growth reports 3rd quarter loss of 100 + million


Well-Known Member
Only lost like 100 plus million in the quarter, no biggie lol, expenses increased over 400% but dont see that in the headlines! Margins of 12% lololol Also never seen a company hold back there earnings report till legally the last minute and after extended trading hours because they know investers will be dumping stock!!! Cant make this shit up
The largest pot company by market value, Canopy Growth Corp., reported a 283% increase in quarterly revenue as marijuana became legal in Canada, but earnings were slammed by paper losses, according to a securities filing late Thursday evening.

Canopy’s CGC, +0.15% WEED, +0.29% fiscal third-quarter results were being closely watched as investors sought a further look at the state of recreational cannabis sales in Canada, after rival Aurora Cannabis Inc. revealed its results earlier this week. You would have to watch very closely to find them, though: The company only released results into the Canadian securities regulator’s database late Thursday, just before a 45-day deadline elapsed.

When asked earlier Thursday afternoon when results would arrive, a spokeswoman for the Smiths Falls, Ontario,-based company said Canopy elected to report results after the extended trading session closed to minimize the amount of time and news stories between the earnings release late Thursday and a conference call scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Eastern time Friday morning.


Well-Known Member
Only lost like 100 plus million in the quarter, no biggie lol, expenses increased over 400%
How does their CFO still have a fucking job? Lol, what a glorious shit show. Maybe if they waited to turn a profit instead of increasing overhead by expanding before the demand asked for it. So basically the last 5 years of their expenditures..... The karma of greed is coming home to roost.


Well-Known Member
It's so weird how everyone who smokes my pot says it makes them happy and doesn't instill paranoia or rapid heartbeat. Meanwhile they say they buy the government stuff and it makes some paranoia Central and not want to smoke anymore. But one or two tokes of my stuff and it's right where they want to be


Well-Known Member
I cant speak for all the stuff they are selling but the 1 lot that i did smoke was very racy and def gave you a hard anxious feeling.

My buddy couldnt resist the urge to pass by the new store without buying something, he paid 49.99 for an 1/8 of some shit called MOONBEAM(supposedly the most potent shit they sell at this store) and we both laughed so hard when he opened it.

there was a little over 3gs of small dried out nugs ...for 49.99 lol

we smoked a couple joints of it, then we called my guy to come drop us off a zip of purple afghan for 130.00

My buddy gave away the rest

overpriced garbage...its a shame really, they could have done something good with this, instead, in typical government fashion, they royally fkd it all up

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I heard from a friend most lp medical cannabis is now averaging at least 20% more then at this time last year. So it can be documented that in addition to further restricting access they took advantage of patients again and doubled the actual excise tax.
Never expect more than an oink from a pig.


Well-Known Member
Exactly like it did...greedy fukin’ MOFO’s making bank off the backs of sick people! Are you proud of your blood money?!?!
Mark my wors lol
He;ll be suckin the hind before he knows it:idea:
These type always hold on for dear life..
what goes up?!?! BWAHAHAHA soon come 8)