Deep state coup attempt

This IBD editorial is interesting and will likely come into play in the 2020 electioneering drama:

Will new AG investigate the Obama DOJ and prosecute or is this just a smoke screen to portray Trump as a victim? Alan Dershowitz is out there speculating on a possible coup attempt as well so perhaps this story has legs? Either way, the truth will set us free.
There has to be an attempt in order for there to be an attempt.

Also, who gives even a runny shit about what Dershowitz is speculating?

You've lost your mind, bugs.
Rock the fucking boat. AOC should ignore everyone who tells her to wait her turn. The people voted for her to do something, not wait.
i'm not against change. i am for effective government. we can say "tear it all the fuck down and start again" all we want to, but that doesn't achieve anything. neither do nonbinding non bills. if she wants to have the power base necessary to actually achieve anything, she better get into the game. if she wants to have any allies to back her, she better get into the game. if she wants to achieve a single one of her goals, she better get into the game. if she doesn't play, the other "players" will ostracize her, and ignore everything she tries to achieve. if you want to change the game, you have to be able to play it, to begin with. if she does not "play" she won't get a single thing achieved, and will fade into anonymity, and the next new face with a loud voice will take her place, while the establishment endures
i'm not against change. i am for effective government. we can say "tear it all the fuck down and start again" all we want to, but that doesn't achieve anything. neither do nonbinding non bills. if she wants to have the power base necessary to actually achieve anything, she better get into the game. if she wants to have any allies to back her, she better get into the game. if she wants to achieve a single one of her goals, she better get into the game. if she doesn't play, the other "players" will ostracize her, and ignore everything she tries to achieve. if you want to change the game, you have to be able to play it, to begin with. if she does not "play" she won't get a single thing achieved, and will fade into anonymity, and the next new face with a loud voice will take her place, while the establishment endures
Please explain how the government as it is ran now works for the people ? She needs to rock that fucking boat and the PEOPLE need to get behind her. The government ran now are full of fucks who only think about themselves and lining their own freaking pockets with kickbacks and sucking the lobbyist.
Get into the game ??? WTF. How about changing the game. The only reason she will/would not succeed is if people like yourself keep telling her to wait and don't get behind her. Guess what...that is exactly what they want you to do. AOC is trying to look out for the poor and middle class. I'm down with that.
Keep doing what you do AOC and bring attention to this bullshit. and Roger stop getting in the way of positive.
Please explain how the government as it is ran now works for the people ? She needs to rock that fucking boat and the PEOPLE need to get behind her. The government ran now are full of fucks who only think about themselves and lining their own freaking pockets with kickbacks and sucking the lobbyist.
Get into the game ??? WTF. How about changing the game. The only reason she will/would not succeed is if people like yourself keep telling her to wait and don't get behind her. Guess what...that is exactly what they want you to do. AOC is trying to look out for the poor and middle class. I'm down with that.
Keep doing what you do AOC and bring attention to this bullshit. and Roger stop getting in the way of positive.
I support her policies without getting completely behind Cortez the politician. She has yet to show she can get things done, which is OK for somebody in their first year but still, there is nothing to point at and say she did good for her district and this country.

Still, the chorus of criticism coming from the right makes me feel like supporting her, lack of accomplishments or not.

Not worried about her loud voice or "rocking the boat". More worried about Cortez being Sanders 2.0 in terms of how she works with others.
I support her policies without getting completely behind Cortez the politician. She has yet to show she can get things done, which is OK for somebody in their first year but still, there is nothing to point at and say she did good for her district and this country.

Still, the chorus of criticism coming from the right makes me feel like supporting her, lack of accomplishments or not.

Not worried about her loud voice or "rocking the boat". More worried about Cortez being Sanders 2.0 in terms of how she works with others.
explain how you work with others who are part of the problem. would you work with someone who is for citizens united and enjoys unlimited corps monies ? She has been in office for less than 3 months and already you are questioning if she can get shit done in contrasted to Bernie WTF ? I support Cortez and stand behind her. I listen to what she is saying and the questions she asked the other day in a committed hearing. Her voice is annoying as fuck but the woman is by no means dumb. She makes great points when she speaks. I can get used to her annoying voice if she keeps speaking the truth.
explain how you work with others who are part of the problem. would you work with someone who is for citizens united and enjoys unlimited corps monies ? She has been in office for less than 3 months and already you are questioning if she can get shit done in contrasted to Bernie WTF ? I support Cortez and stand behind her. I listen to what she is saying and the questions she asked the other day in a committed hearing. Her voice is annoying as fuck but the women is by no means dumb. She makes great points when she speaks. I can get used to her annoying voice if she keeps speaking the truth.
I'm not questioning if she can get shit done, I'm just saying she hasn't and I don't know if she will get shit done.. Not that one would expect much from a freshman Congressman after a month on the job. I don't hold it against her, I'm just waiting to see how well she works at her job. She's not my representative, Cortez represent Queens, NY. I expect my rep., DeFazio to work with Cortez when they have a goal in common. I'd like to see how well Cortez can work with him. Or is it all just about bashing "establishment Democrats" even if they have strong records of supporting progressive issues?

Bernie hasn't gotten anything done in twelve years as a Senator. He's an example of somebody who doesn't work well with others -- even people who mostly agree with him. The so-called "Unity Tour" he held with Perez, for example, was anything but that due to Sanders speeches where he bashed Democrats and aggrandized himself. His attacks on key Obama legislation like the ACA isn't helpful to people on the verge of losing access to healthcare -- all in the pursuit of his Medicare for All bill which isn't going anywhere. He has a track record of turning around and biting his allies. Vermont likes him and in his role as a Cassandra in the Senate, he's fine. Just not president.

There are something like 10 "Progressives" in the House including Cortez. If they are going to be successful at getting campaign finance reform enacted and repealing the CU ruling, much less enacting Green New Deal legislation, they have to find people they can work with who may not agree with them on other issues. DeFazio, by the way is a co-sponsor of Cortez's GND resolution, so the precedent that DeFazio is willing to work with Cortez is already set. I'm wondering what happens when a West Coast issue comes up, such as offshore oil wells. Will Cortez be there as strongly for us as DeFazio is there for her?

She's new and I'm not jumping on a bandwagon for her just yet. I want to see what she does first. I like her first example in the Green New Deal, so it's a good start.
I'm not questioning if she can get shit done, I'm just saying she hasn't and I don't know if she will get shit done.. Not that one would expect much from a freshman Congressman after a month on the job.SO WHY BRING IT UP I don't hold it against her, I'm just waiting to see how well she works at her job. She's not my representative, Cortez represent Queens, NY. I expect my rep., DeFazio to work with Cortez when they have a goal in common. I'd like to see how well Cortez can work with him. Or is it all just about bashing "establishment Democrats" even if they have strong records of supporting progressive issues?

Bernie hasn't gotten anything done in twelve years as a Senator. BERNIE IS NOT A DEM He's an example of somebody who doesn't work well with others -- even people who mostly agree with him. The so-called "Unity Tour" he held with Perez, for example, was anything but that due to Sanders speeches where he bashed Democrats and aggrandized himself. His attacks on key Obama legislation like the ACA isn't helpful to people on the verge of losing access to healthcare -- all in the pursuit of his Medicare for All bill which isn't going anywhere. He has a track record of turning around and biting his allies. Vermont likes him and in his role as a Cassandra in the Senate, he's fine. Just not president.

There are something like 10 "Progressives" in the House including Cortez. If they are going to be successful at getting campaign finance reform enacted and repealing the CU ruling, much less enacting Green New Deal legislation, they have to find people they can work with who may not agree with them on other issues. DeFazio, by the way is a co-sponsor of Cortez's GND resolution, so the precedent that DeFazio is willing to work with Cortez is already set. I'm wondering what happens when a West Coast issue comes up, such as offshore oil wells. Will Cortez be there as strongly for us as DeFazio is there for her?

She's new and I'm not jumping on a bandwagon for her just yet. I WILL SAVE YOU A SEAT I want to see what she does first. I like her first example in the Green New Deal, so it's a good start.