Your Favorit air circulation Fan (led grow)


Well-Known Member
What Fans do you juse/like for aircirculation(plant moving)

I hade boxvent with oszilisation (1foot×1foot size)

Secret Jardin has a smaller one dir tents with oszi Funktion,Looks nice too
A DC exhaust fan could drop electrical use by around 35% which isn't as big a difference as replacing the small AC fans with DC. Cost for putting a DC exhaust fan together could be as much or more than AC option. It's not something I've bothered doing. AC exhaust fans come ready to run with various size collars, mounting brackets, etc.
A DC exhaust fan could drop electrical use by around 35% which isn't as big a difference as replacing the small AC fans with DC. Cost for putting a DC exhaust fan together could be as much or more than AC option. It's not something I've bothered doing. AC exhaust fans come ready to run with various size collars, mounting brackets, etc.
Yeah... Its not that im thinking about the price its more about being able to control the fan using arduino/rasbPi/controller... Any way to rig a AC extractor to those? The fan speed controllers are quite pricey around here.
there are loads of EC(DC) exhaust fans available they just aint cheap, but you can control speed with arduino ect as they are 0-10v pwm.
Thinking strictly based on CFM values I often wonder why DC isn't utilized. DC fans will most definitly not have the pressure required for certain grows. But for simple tent extraction without any plumbing it seems very do-able.

I grow vegetables and fruit and in my cucumber tent I have an MEC0251V3-000U-A99 and HAC0251S4-000U-999 that will be installed in the upper holes. Ill have it rigged so I can test it with one or both on to get a feel for how they preform.
The HAC is 55CFM and only 29dB. Silent inside my tent.
The MEC is 75CFM and 34dB. Barely audible. I love the fact these won't add any more noise to my grows.

On paper these should preform quite well, and cost very little compered to AC extraction. All while being virtually silent.

There are much stronger fans for the more CFM hungry grows so I wonder why this avenue hasn't been explored more!
Is there any decent solution with DC fans to rig up extraction?