Transgender Activist Accused of Burning Down Own Home, Killing 5 Pets in Hate Hoax Crime


Well-Known Member
Why are these people so clinically desperate to be victims?

by Cristina Laila February 25, 2019 484 Comments


Transgender activist Nikki Joly with ‘his’ defense attorney

Another day, another left-wing hate hoax crime.
Michigan – Nikki Joly, a biological woman who transitioned into a man, is accused of burning down ‘his’ own home, killing 5 pets in a hate hoax crime.

Joly’s home burned down in 2017 and the FBI investigated it as a hate crime because Joly was a transgender man and gay rights activist in a conservative town and reportedly received threats over ‘his’ activism.

It turns out Nikki Joly was frustrated that the ‘Jackson Pride Parade’ and festival held just days before the home was set ablaze, hadn’t received more attention or protests.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

Detroit News reported:

When the home of Nikki Joly burned down in 2017, killing five pets, the FBI investigated it as a hate crime.

In the prior six months, he helped open the city’s first gay community center, organized the first gay festival and, after 18 years of failed attempts, helped lead a bruising battle for an ordinance that prohibits discrimination against gays.

For his efforts, a local paper named him the Citizen of the Year.

Authorities later determined the fire was intentionally set, but the person they arrested came as a shock to both supporters and opponents of the gay rights movement. It was the citizen of the year — Nikki Joly.

Meanwhile, a police investigative report suggests a possible reason for the fire.

Two people who worked with Joly at St. Johns United Church of Christ, where the Jackson Pride Center was located, said he had been frustrated the controversy over gay rights had died down with the passage of the nondiscrimination law, according to the report.

The church officials, Barbara Shelton and Bobby James, when asked by police about a possible motive for the fire, said Joly was disappointed the Jackson Pride Parade and Festival, held five days before the blaze, hadn’t received more attention or protests.

Nikki Joly’s defense attorney Daniel Barnett of Grand Rapids, disputed the notion that his client set ‘his’ own house on fire and killed 5 pets because of lack of media coverage of his LGBTQ activism.

“It doesn’t make sense,” he said. “He was citizen of the year. There was plenty of media coverage already before the fire.”

A hearing to file motions is scheduled for March 8th in Jackson County Circuit Court, reported Detroit News.

Another hate hoax crime concocted by a deranged leftist — and this time the liberal resorted to killing ‘his’ own pets in order to make conservatives look evil.

Meanwhile Trump supporters are being punched, harassed, stalked, deplatformed, threatened and even having guns pulled on them by evil leftists for wearing MAGA hats.
your inability to make a point suggests that maybe the "doctor" snipped a little too much off the top. Don't forget to dilate at least 3x a day. ;)

Is that a joke? Usually jokes are funny.
Don't hold back, "express yourself" fully. Go have your genitals snipped off and advocate for FGM and Circumcision. :clap:
your lack of argument is showing. You should get that circumcised. ;)
kinda odd that sergey lavrov, the top KGB spy from russia


I don't know where you got that from, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

I know him. He has never so much as set foot in the KGB building, let alone ever worked for them.

He's a life long civil servant and in fact is not in Putin's inner circle at all.

Sergey is a very good man, unlike many politicians in this day and age.

Shrewd? Yes.
Tough? Most definitely.
Corrupt? Nope. He's about as pure as the driven snow as your ever going to get.

And how do I know this?

Because my father-in-law actually DID work for the KGB for 25 years.

I don't know where you got that from, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

I know him. He has never so much as set foot in the KGB building, let alone ever worked for them.

He's a life long civil servant and in fact is not in Putin's inner circle at all.

Sergey is a very good man, unlike many politicians in this day and age.

Shrewd? Yes.
Tough? Most definitely.
Corrupt? Nope. He's about as pure as the driven snow as your ever going to get.

And how do I know this?

Because my father-in-law actually DID work for the KGB for 25 years.