pics from tonight! 3ish days till chop!!!
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@ShLUbY what is your guess on the dry weight?
@ShLUbY what is your guess on the dry weight?
that made me laugh, thank you!
i noticed my sip, is still rather full, and 3 or 4 days till chop, I'm looking for opinions in if I should tilt it, and drain it through the grommet hole???
Not sure if you're experiencing this but I've noticed, over the years, that the ladies tend to go through a lot less water towards the end of the cycle....
I don't really worry about water levels at harvest. The way I see it... the longer the bud takes to dry (obviously within reason), the better the final product. I like to see it hang for at least 7 days if it can before needing to jar.
Now here's a fuckin research topic... what happens when the plant is drying? I'm sure there's a fuck ton of research on that with tobacco. Probably a ton of journal articles.
Check out this podcast if you haven’t all ready. The guest touches on the curing process a bit from a scientific perspective rather then weed wives tales. Also her perspective coming from a Ag background is super interesting and informative regarding necessary nutrient levels etc. She debunks a lot of myths during the interview
Oh yeah I posted that on my thread at least a week ago lol. Dr. Alisson rules! Her findings with curing were pretty inconclusive if you ask me. The experiment was affected by by an external source. Did she talk much about the drying process before putting the bud in the buckets? I can't really recall... I'm really hoping Tad does a lengthy follow up podcast with her in a year or so. I definitely admire her perspective on growing cannabisI'll probably listen to it again cause I'm sure I've forgotten a thing or two. I love how she totally just calls out the nute companies in general though. How she saved like 27x the money on making her own blend for the company she was working for... LUL suck it water in a bottle companies! (but we already knew that didn't we
Yea you’re correct, I believe she said she couldn’t find a scientific explanation for the need for curing. Her info on necessary PPM for certain nutrients compared to what is being sold to cannabis growers was really interesting.
I’ve listened to all of Tads segments and I found hers to be the most informative one yet.
Thats crazy for only being one plant in there!!pics from tonight! 3ish days till chop!!!
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I also did the same to my jp, might as well post it up here...View attachment 4291922 View attachment 4291923 View attachment 4291924
Just go with the original plan. No one will notice or care with that fireyeah that's what another buddy had told me, problem is I got bills to pay. and I'm very very behind, 2 days would be 63, I maybe push it 3 more total, but really can't go any farther than that, I need this shit dried and gone, or I may not have a roof to grow under by next month!
I'm guessing 16.85 zippers man. I like the guessing game. That's my official guess. LolThat second shot rely shows a good example of the GG4 leaf twist. My guess is 15 zips dried.
Take 2 of these and call me in the
I zoomed in and there's a handful of amber. Lol. Like literally 5 I saw. Lol. I was admiring the view when I saw them. Gorgeous plants man.just depends on how you want the effect to be. it's all preference at this point. that girl is milky with very few clears. if you're looking for some amber... I'd say you got about 5-7 more days