DIY, SIP POT sub irrigated planter


Well-Known Member
hey guys, just sharing my sip pot, this is not my idea, but I have built 4 of them now!
they work amazing and I'm using them with probiotics! here's my link for more detailed info!

and here's my sip, the drawings are kinda bad, please excuse I just wanted to be able to show the measurements! everything is in inches!

ps. if you do this plz don't forget the over fill hole! a Tiny hole so you don't over fill it!

things you will need, tote, drill, pvc pipe, raver blade, 5 in net pot, cloth for net pot wick!CM181104-002730003.jpg CM181104-002738004.jpg CM181107-231223001.jpg CM181109-143128002.jpg CM181104-002730003 (1).jpg CM181113-200808006 (1).jpg CM181107-231223001 (1).jpg
enjoy I hope someone else likes this design as much as I do, I will be adding in a hose to be able to measure the water in the rez, once I do it, I'll post the pics here!
I think I am going to try a modified version of this in the future. I think I will do smaller containers and partially fill the bottom res with gravel, lava rock or something similar and add a few air stones and get rid of the wick. The aerated water should bubble enough to wick its way into the medium. The air stones will also be forcing air through the medium and hopefully do some air pruning around the outer edge of the container. I plan to do this with a somewhat amended potting soil mix and something like megacrop or canna a&b for nutes. Kind of a hydro/soil hybrid. It will dry quicker than your method but aneoric environment scares me. Thoughts?
I think I am going to try a modified version of this in the future. I think I will do smaller containers and partially fill the bottom res with gravel, lava rock or something similar and add a few air stones and get rid of the wick. The aerated water should bubble enough to wick its way into the medium. The air stones will also be forcing air through the medium and hopefully do some air pruning around the outer edge of the container. I plan to do this with a somewhat amended potting soil mix and something like megacrop or canna a&b for nutes. Kind of a hydro/soil hybrid. It will dry quicker than your method but aneoric environment scares me. Thoughts?
I don't know a whole lot about hydro, but the plan sounds like it would work! I'd love to see the design once u finish it! just post it here if you will! good luck!
Bubble planters...sounds good to me. Soil taste with hydro growth. I would want to be able to cap the overflow hole and the fill tube so that the air is forced through the soil.
I wanted to add in an upgrade I made to this sip, my issue with this design, was not being able to see how much water is in the rez, well a good friend gave me great idea, even gave me the materials to do it! thanks a ton buddy!

it's very simple just drill a hole on the same side as the over fill hole, plug in the "L" shaped gromet, and add the hose! it's simple and works amazing! make sure to drill the hole a lot smaller than the gromet, you want to make sure to get the tightest seal as possible, messed up once before I was able to get it right! it's a lot easier to do when building the sip, verses adding it to an existing sip with soil already in it! learned that the hard way lol.

a bonus that this allows, if you pull out the gromet, the hole is big enough where you can tip over the sip and drain it out (along with any trash or soil), I know from my experience sometimes soil and stuff falls and makes it way into the rez, if your not doing the probiotics, and the way I'm doing it, it may be important for you to have a very clean rez, but like I said with the way I do it, that's doesn't matter, the em1 in the rez takes care of everything for me!
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Bubble planters...sounds good to me. Soil taste with hydro growth. I would want to be able to cap the overflow hole and the fill tube so that the air is forced through the soil.
I dont think that's necessary, if you look closely at my design, I leave a 1 in air gap, between the highest water lvl, and the lowest point the soil sits, if you were to block that over fill hole, there won't be any exchange of fresh air(not like there is a lot anyway, but still there is some swapping of air) besides if the rez was an air tight seal, when the girl drank water, it would slowly be sucking in the sides! I could see doing a temporary plug, that u only use when filling and then pull it out! that's actually a good idea, I haven't considered that!

I have not had a single issue with this method, and the results have blown my mind! like seriously no joke! I haven't been this excited since my very first harvest ever!

you should check this out, it may take a while to read, but I'll guarantee if your interested in this and try it, you will never go back to any of form of growing using living organics! that's a promise!!!
I'm a hempy user, and I really like this design, it's a similar concept. My fear is that in warmer areas, where a chiller is required for hydro systems, like aeroponic systems, I wonder if this kind of a system would be just as prone to root rot and things like that because the rez temperature would get to high.
Do you think this would be good for keeping a mother long term with no worries and do you think making a smaller one would work or not enough life to feed the plant
idk the growth gets fast once it's up and running! I'd think if you had a bug enough garden and could use that many cuts sure, but for me, no, I'd just be chopping branches left and right for nothing!
I'm a hempy user, and I really like this design, it's a similar concept. My fear is that in warmer areas, where a chiller is required for hydro systems, like aeroponic systems, I wonder if this kind of a system would be just as prone to root rot and things like that because the rez temperature would get to high.
can't say I know what to say about that, never ran any hydro or any chillers for anything
Maybe you all can help me. I'm testing out my first SIP before planting, and I don't think it's working. I tightly packed the wick with 80% pete 20% perlite. The wick is 2 net pots zip tied together with the bottom cut out of the top one so I can fill both. The water is filled up to 2 inches above the bottom of the wick. I put about 3 inches of dry soil mix above the wick. Let it sit overnight but the soil does not seem damp at all. Is it totally fucked?
Maybe you all can help me. I'm testing out my first SIP before planting, and I don't think it's working. I tightly packed the wick with 80% pete 20% perlite. The wick is 2 net pots zip tied together with the bottom cut out of the top one so I can fill both. The water is filled up to 2 inches above the bottom of the wick. I put about 3 inches of dry soil mix above the wick. Let it sit overnight but the soil does not seem damp at all. Is it totally fucked?
I'm not to sure, but what I can say is I only use my normal soil for my wick, and have zero issues, I'm not sure what others use as a wick! I'd say give it another day or 2, maybe cover the top, and see if it gets wet, if it doesn't then yea, your wicks not working