When will seeds be visible?

Hi all

Hopfully someone can help me with some info On a female flowering plant that has been in with a pollenating male. My question is when will the seeds become visible? And were do the seeds actually form on the bud?

I removed the male from my cabinet after it's pollen sacks had mostly opened because he was towering over the female and takeing alot of her light I shook it over her and it dropped lots of pods and I'm guessing pollen, now I'm worried I've taken it out to soon because its been a few weeks in flower since I took the male out and I can't see any seeds.

I'm not flash with cloning and find seeds more fun so I was really hoping for seeds but my only male is gone now and I have no more seeds so I'm hoping someone is going to tell me that the seeds form later in to flowering cycle.

Any help will be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The seeds form in the bud. If pollen sacs had opened you should have a boatload of seeds. Don't let anyone tell you that the flower material you get after separating the seeds is not good.

Trust in nature and don't molest the buds.

T macc

Well-Known Member
Seeds take about 6 weeks to mature. They'll be inside the calyx itself. I let my plants go the full flowering time despite seeds being done. You'll probably see dead leaves at harvest where a bud was pollinated. And the individual calyx may appear brown and dead as well
Seeds take about 6 weeks to mature. They'll be inside the calyx itself. I let my plants go the full flowering time despite seeds being done. You'll probably see dead leaves at harvest where a bud was pollinated. And the individual calyx may appear brown and dead as well
Oh ok so I won't actually see seeds until I disect the bud after harvest?
Seeds take about 6 weeks to mature. They'll be inside the calyx itself. I let my plants go the full flowering time despite seeds being done. You'll probably see dead leaves at harvest where a bud was pollinated. And the individual calyx may appear brown and dead as well
Great thanks for the info