Homemade oil for my vape pen

It's Mass Terpenes liquifier. I emailed them asking for SDS form now, I did it separate from my complaint hoping it won't get ignored.

I will wait a bit and email them as well.

Once one of us has the SDS, we can figure out what's in it.

I have a feeling it is going to come back blank though...
Companies have been taking advantage of a loophole lately that allows them to list toxic chemicals as non toxic as long as the quantities in the "typical" use of the product are considered non toxic.
This allows them to then not have to list anything in the ingredient section.
Taking this approach, things like cyanide and lead can be considered non toxic too, in small enough quantities.
These rules will change as companies abuse it.

It think it's Triacetin (that has reacted with plastic or rubber) going by their description, your description, and their price.
Also the flavoring industry is moving away from PG based flavors to Triacetin based flavors, which is going to piss off the nicotine market because triacetin doesn't mix with VG.
Triacetin is considered to be GRAS by the FDA so, it doesn't have to be shown on SDS's.
You can get plain Triacetin, terpenes, flavorings from much less from the Flavor Apprentice.
The prices these liquidizer companies are charging is fucking outrageous...




One last note, if you use Mass Terpenes instructions to heat the mix at 200F for 45 minutes, do so in a sealed container, because this will evaporate the THC and or oxidize it to CBN and I am sure you don't want that.
If you have a way to seal the container under vacuum, before heating it you can then lower the temp considerably and not have as much THC destruction. But you will need to play around with how much vacuum is necessary and the temp to dial it in.
Just a thought.
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If you are into experimenting and you have some VG and PG, try mixing a little of each into separate containers with some of the liquidizer and see if they remain mixed.
It may be difficult to see the separation, but if you do it in a 3ml syringe (doesn't everyone have these? lol...), you should be able to see a faint separation line.
If you are into experimenting and you have some VG and PG, try mixing a little of each into separate containers with some of the liquidizer and see if they remain mixed.
It may be difficult to see the separation, but if you do it in a 3ml syringe (doesn't everyone have these? lol...), you should be able to see a faint separation line.
I do have PG a buddy gave me and a 10ml syringe so I'll give it a go. Thanks man for info and help!
I do have PG a buddy gave me and a 10ml syringe so I'll give it a go. Thanks man for info and help!
I have a 50-50 PG and VG mix it makes one hell of a cloud but it did separate when I used it but maybe I did not mix it very well and the taste is great zero flavor
If it is triacetin, PG will mix and if it does separate it will remix easily.

VG and triacetin shouldn't stay mixed for long and won't remix easily without heat.

PG and VG mix at room temp and will stay mixed, sometimes the cannabinoids will separate, but shaking it will easily remix it.If you mix it with added heat (150-175F) and stir it for about an hour, this will ensure it stays mixed all the time.

PEG doesn't mix with VG. With heat it will look mixed for a bit but separates quickly.
The only thing that appeals to me about carts is the stealthness.Which if I'm going to be sneaking a smoke,I'm more than likely going to hotbox it quick.Taste is not my main concern.When I smoke for taste,its going to be my buds and not distillate anyways.Crazy(but not surprising)how big the terp game has gotten.
The only thing that appeals to me about carts is the stealthness.Which if I'm going to be sneaking a smoke,I'm more than likely going to hotbox it quick.Taste is not my main concern.When I smoke for taste,its going to be my buds and not distillate anyways.Crazy(but not surprising)how big the terp game has gotten.

It's all about money.
Plus terpenes aren't cannabis specific, you can get them from a lot of sources, some regarded as trash like citrus peels (limonene).
The only thing that appeals to me about carts is the stealthness.Which if I'm going to be sneaking a smoke,I'm more than likely going to hotbox it quick.Taste is not my main concern.When I smoke for taste,its going to be my buds and not distillate anyways.Crazy(but not surprising)how big the terp game has gotten.
I'm really a flower smoker myself also. I'm just trying to make some carts for a few friends that prefer carts but have been getting really diluted bad tasting ones and a few guys with med cards that buy CO2 carts from dispensary at a outrageous price.
I have a 50-50 PG and VG mix it makes one hell of a cloud but it did separate when I used it but maybe I did not mix it very well and the taste is great zero flavor

How did you mix it?

"cloud chasers" typically use a mix that is mostly VG, but too much VG can clog your coil.
100% VG is fun to play with though that shit is straight up poison to your lungs.

Here's a funny video from Pilipinas Got Talent where a guy totally rips on cloud chasers.

Scrub forward to 7m:21s where the "talent" begins...

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I'm really a flower smoker myself also. I'm just trying to make some carts for a few friends that prefer carts but have been getting really diluted bad tasting ones and a few guys with med cards that buy CO2 carts from dispensary at a outrageous price.

Then don't mess with the liquidizers, they are overpriced and won't produce what you want.
If they are used to smoking CO2 carts (90%+ cannabis oil), then mix the cannabis oil with about 10% terpenes (by weight), heat combine and fill up the carts, done!
If you use the lquidizer they will complain because they have to take more puffs for the same effect.

Here's a video that shows the whole process.

You can even make your own terpenes using citrus peels.
Depending on the rig you are using to process the cannabis oil, you can probably use a simpler version to make limonene.

How did you mix it?

"cloud chasers" typically use a mix that is mostly VG, but too much VG can clog your coil.
100% VG is fun to play with though that shit is straight up poison to your lungs.

Here's a funny video from Pilipinas Got Talent where a guy totally rips on cloud chasers.

Scrub forward to 7m:21s where the "talent" begins...

Oh I’m not a cloud chaser I just mentioned it
Then don't mess with the liquidizers, they are overpriced and won't produce what you want.
If they are used to smoking CO2 carts (90%+ cannabis oil), then mix the cannabis oil with about 10% terpenes (by weight), heat combine and fill up the carts, done!
If you use the lquidizer they will complain because they have to take more puffs for the same effect.

Here's a video that shows the whole process.

You can even make your own terpenes using citrus peels.
Depending on the rig you are using to process the cannabis oil, you can probably use a simpler version to make limonene.

I ran pithless orange peel through soxhlet a couple winters ago.Made a brilliant orange colored 'shine' lol.the pic doesnt do it justice.Evapped off with a simple distillation afterward.Never added the end product to my distillate,but it was a fun experiment.


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Did you taste it or use it in anyway? that’s awesome
I did taste it.Like a toothpick tip size and it was bitter as hell lol.I had a little problem with the boiling off of the ethanol.I dont do it under vac so it is very easy to burn.If I remember correctly, I may have taken it a little too far,and burned some sugars causing a little 'extra' bitterness lol(this is all a bit of a guess,I'm a hobbyist)I bought quite a large size extraction kit fall of 2017 from overseas(the price was really really reduced) that I've yet to use.I bought it specifically for terp extraction,but I'm not sure I even want to go that route.The cool thing about all this equipment is it can always be used in a different application. I look at it as a fun investment for when I get a little more time in life,when I can play around with it more .
Then don't mess with the liquidizers, they are overpriced and won't produce what you want.
If they are used to smoking CO2 carts (90%+ cannabis oil), then mix the cannabis oil with about 10% terpenes (by weight), heat combine and fill up the carts, done!
If you use the lquidizer they will complain because they have to take more puffs for the same effect.

Here's a video that shows the whole process.

You can even make your own terpenes using citrus peels.
Depending on the rig you are using to process the cannabis oil, you can probably use a simpler version to make limonene.

I just recieved my Mr Extractor flavorless liquifier, it has a smell to it unfortunately but maybe it won't have a flavor once mixed. I'm running a small test batch now see how it goes.

What terpine and brand would you recommend to mix with rosin that won't change the flavor of the strain used to make the rosin?
I just recieved my Mr Extractor flavorless liquifier, it has a smell to it unfortunately but maybe it won't have a flavor once mixed. I'm running a small test batch now see how it goes.

What terpine and brand would you recommend to mix with rosin that won't change the flavor of the strain used to make the rosin?

When you say it has a smell, can you describe it a little?

All terpenes will have an effect as far as I know, so the trick is to find complimentary terpenes and use those.
What strain are you using?

Also, can you tell us what the mixing instructions say?
A PDF of the instructions would be awesome.

The fact that they are marketing "flavorless" terpene mixes and also not disclosing ingredient lists of products you inhale or ingest is not good.
To be honest it sounds like they are hiding something.
In all fairness, I don't suspect that they are doing something insidious but the ingredients are probably really cheap and easy to source and they don't want you to know that.

The bigger issue with all of this secrecy is that it is only going to make the FDA hit harder and in the long term the people marketing products like this are really doing a lot of damage.
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I ran pithless orange peel through soxhlet a couple winters ago.Made a brilliant orange colored 'shine' lol.the pic doesnt do it justice.Evapped off with a simple distillation afterward.Never added the end product to my distillate,but it was a fun experiment.
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That's pretty cool!!!
I love how with the right knowledge you can make something useful out of "waste."

It looks like you got some carotenoids in there as well, hence the carrot orange color.
If you were to distill this even in a simple distiller, you would have a clear distillate.
But if you plan to ingest the oil, then don't remove the carotenoids, people pay a lot of money for things like astaxanthin (carotenoid rich algae) which have antioxidant qualities.