pleae help, quick question


Active Member
ok, so I've been smoking pot for 13 years. I was 16 when I started. Well, lately I have been smoking or buying much, but I wanted some for my birthday this weekend. The chick that I buy from had some, she said it wasn't great, but it was all that I could find. WHile cleaning it up, I found little orange/red wormie things in it. I've NEVER seen this. SO I finish cleaning it, and then start to wonder if this stuff is smokable. I called all my pot smoking buddies, and none of them have heard of this. I googled it, and only found threads on getting rid of them in plants, but found nothing on what to do if you buy a bag with them.

so my question is... is it safe? Please, don't tell me to smoke the worms! I will not do that. I'm looking for real answers.

Thanks In Advance!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I wouldn't smoke it either. I would call up the person you got it from and ask them wtf? :shock:


Well-Known Member
thats crazy man...

see if you can trade it back or something

i doubt smoking the bud would be harmful to your health

the only thing i can think that would be in there is worm poo


Active Member
1 was alive, 2 weren't. The thing that really stinks, is that this is all there is within my network. I wish I knew more people in my area that could supply. I don't want to be budless on my b-day!


Well-Known Member
Make hash with it then, or smoke it, or whatever...I've been there but with moldy weed, mold makes us sick too but we smoked it...


Active Member
Eww worms? How much did you buy? If it's not that much then I'd say nah but if you bought a lot just smoke it anyway.


Active Member
ewww moldy weed? I have never come across that, but after today's luck, I bet it'll happen soon enough!

Yea, I bought a good amount. Everything's been so scarce here that I grabbed what I could. I'm going to try it. if it's absolute shit, I'll be giving my girl a call. If it's decent, I'll only mention that this better never happen again... or she can clean my shit for me. I'm a girly girl when it comes to insects. Give me moce, snakes, rats... no problem. show me anything with more than 4 legs... I freak out!!!


Well-Known Member
Your dealer told you it wasn't good weed. I understand your frustration but she gave you a fair warning. When a dealer tells me it's not good weed I ask them point blank what do you mean not good weed? Then I ask if I can sample it, and break it up myself. If they don't want to play by my rules I will go to the guy at the corner store. You really can't blame the dealer.


Active Member
oh I don't blame her nor am I mad at her. She told me it wasn't as good as the last batch she sold me, but this is (by looks alone) the kind of weed fellow tokers and I used to laugh at. I'm freaked out by the worms! :)

I do like your advice on a sample and breaking it up yourself. I'm really not sure why I never thought of that!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
oh I don't blame her nor am I mad at her. She told me it wasn't as good as the last batch she sold me, but this is (by looks alone) the kind of weed fellow tokers and I used to laugh at. I'm freaked out by the worms! :)

I do like your advice on a sample and breaking it up yourself. I'm really not sure why I never thought of that!
My guy carries a dugout to test it out, or he breaks it up to smoke with me in my bong, lol. I always want to see, touch, smell and smoke what I am buying. I have been buying from the same guy for many, many years though, he understands me, lol. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Any dealer that doesn't want to let you test it out is either REally really cheap or really really shady. Those are the types that like to rip people off, and once you get to steppin in the other direction they usually change there tune if they want to make a sale.


Active Member
My guy carries a dugout to test it out, or he breaks it up to smoke with me in my bong, lol. I always want to see, touch, smell and smoke what I am buying. I have been buying from the same guy for many, many years though, he understands me, lol. :weed:
My friend usually buys bricks from this guy he knows. So, I always buy from him and usually toke with him too. Most of the time we'll smoke a bowl, and if it's good I pay him and we just one-bowl one-bowl. Good times.


Active Member
So I smoked it last night... I can't say it was disappointing, as I already had low expectations. It had this taste... I can't describe it. Completely gross. No high, just the vague feeling of coming down. I put it in a tiny rubbermaid container, and when I opened it, it no longer smelled like pot. That's weird because it did when I bought it. If I didn't clean it myself, I'd question if this was even pot.

I think I'm going to call my girl and see if we can resolve this. Thanks for all your comments, people!