One branch dead on entire plant?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Growing in fine coco.

My plant looks a bit over watered, but one branch, nearest too the bottom is completely "asleep" if the entire plant looks like this, I would say it's suffocated due to over watering. But it's only the one branch and all the leaves and nodes on the branch is pretty much dead. The rest of the plant still looks OK , perhaps a bit over watered as I said.

Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
What stage are they in and what are your watering practices?
Have you done anything that could damage part of the root zone? Like staking or transplanting?


Active Member
I also had a plant do that this grow. By 4-5 weeks into flowering I noticed that one of the lowest branches on my plant had completely died.. it has leaves and calyxes growing on it fine but it just shriveled up and died. Hasn't affected the rest at all


Well-Known Member
Unlikely indoors, but it might be worth checking the branch for a borer.

Otherwise i agree, something is probably up with the root zone.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Need may have to just amputate the branch...if it's dead, it's doing your plant no service. If root rot is your issue, I've a tough time imagining that it would kill off a single branch rather than the main stem supporting the entire plant. But without pictures, I'm pretty much guessing.


Well-Known Member
I cut the branch off.

The whole plant looks over watered. I unfortunately used very fine coco this grow..

Thanks for the replys, I'll be very careful not too over water.(difficult with this fine coco, as I water it's so fine, it's water clogged and over watered already.wish me luck!

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
I cut the branch off.

The whole plant looks over watered. I unfortunately used very fine coco this grow..

Thanks for the replys, I'll be very careful not too over water.(difficult with this fine coco, as I water it's so fine, it's water clogged and over watered already.wish me luck!
You're saying branches and coco and overwatering in the same sentence... Doesn't add up, even with fine coco, I use fine and coarse.

The only way you can overwater coco like that is too big of pot with a small plant or cold conditions.

Pics would really help. Branches don't just die off.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
You're saying branches and coco and overwatering in the same sentence... Doesn't add up, even with fine coco, I use fine and coarse.

The only way you can overwater coco like that is too big of pot with a small plant or cold conditions.

Pics would really help. Branches don't just die off.
While I don't grow coco, I've heard that it's damn near impossible to over water with it. So I think you're right. Also, root rot isn't won't affect one branch and not another. It will impact the entire plant, with the worst symptoms being where the newest growth is happening.


I had very fine coco once and it IS possible to overwater. it just acts like soil.
just one branch diying off definitly sounds like a fungal problem


Well-Known Member
While I don't grow coco, I've heard that it's damn near impossible to over water with it. So I think you're right. Also, root rot isn't won't affect one branch and not another. It will impact the entire plant, with the worst symptoms being where the newest growth is happening.
I have seen this happen in DWC from root rot. Loose one branch at a time over a week or so and then the whole plant dies.


Well-Known Member
I think the pythium infects the plant and goes up thru the roots. I noticed where the dying branch intersected the main trunk it was discolored, sorta like a damp off. Seems to pick branches totally at random.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
The rest of the plant would appear happy until you looked at the roots. Two or three branches would wiilt and die while others looked ok, then the whole thing would collapse and die.
Hmm... That's new to me. I don't do DWC but I've had root rot before, I live in a swamp lol.

Usually, at least half the plant was pissed and it almost always looked like a severe ph issue. I knew the soil ph was fine because I amended it, which is how I found the rot.

Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... That's new to me. I don't do DWC but I've had root rot before, I live in a swamp lol.

Usually, at least half the plant was pissed and it almost always looked like a severe ph issue. I knew the soil ph was fine because I amended it, which is how I found the rot.

Thanks for the info.
I think root rot can present itself in many ways, none are good. lol