Time to repot?


Well-Known Member
yes i would no harm would be done. i've done this a few times earlier then what your working with plants didn't get shocked or anything. smaller pots would be best easier to water and all that but it is more work there is a saying as well that the smaller pots and potting up frequently builds better root systems. idk if that is true or not but tbh it's easier imo if your new to not over water your plants so i would suggest that.

a 1-3 gal should work a 5 gal is way too big for sure. 3gal isn't that huge i've used them in my current grow with plants way worse then yours due to my cat eating the plants right before transplanting

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
You could or you could leave it. I run solo cups and leave them in there til about 8" tall.

Either way, good to go.