Ok guys, I don’t think it’s light burn, it looks like it but it can’t be because for the first week to ten days I was running the light pretty close and no burn happened, for the past week i’ve had it 1.2m (47 inches) from the tops and the problem is continuing...
The roots do look like spaghetti but in saying that there is small amounts of fish-boning, they are slightly brown, but I’m confident that’s just stain from the nutrients. Between flushes I have been thoughrely rinsing the roots. There is no slime, there is no “off” odours.
I’ve taken more images, sorry for the LED in the background, I know that’s frowned upon here but you’ll get the idea.
Environment is good, lighting is good, air flow is good, i’m leaning towards something to do with the nutes but fuck me the damage is bad and getting worse, the guys in the middle of the tub are growing very slowly, the guys on the outer edges have stopped entirely. This doesn’t look like a minor deficiency, it can’t be a toxicity because it worsened with lower nute strengths... wtf is going on?
I’ve included images of the amounts of air being pumped, the pump I’m using is pumping 4.5L/min, it runs 24/7.
I’m almost at the stage of trying an entirely new line of nutrients, but I really don’t want to because my funds are fairly exhausted and I spent a ton on the shit i’ve got....