Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
yeh sorry iv been forgetting to take pics of recently. i just looked and relised i havent put a pic up since the first started to show. i'l take some when i get home and upload them in the morning.

my HPS bulb needs to hurry its ass up before they go stretchy.
The highest watt cfl's i can buy anywhere on this god damn island is like 15w actual. i have 5 of them in there one for each plant so hope there not to bad.
Yeah i thought i was just being a complete spastic but u really can't buy like 30-40w actuals anywhere here!


Well-Known Member
yeh sorry iv been forgetting to take pics of recently. i just looked and relised i havent put a pic up since the first started to show. i'l take some when i get home and upload them in the morning.

my HPS bulb needs to hurry its ass up before they go stretchy.
The highest watt cfl's i can buy anywhere on this god damn island is like 15w actual. i have 5 of them in there one for each plant so hope there not to bad.
B & Q n homebase etc sell T5 strips, (kitchen unit under lighting) theyre very good and available in various lengths, they make great side lighting too.

Probably wouldnt be worth buying them tho cos sods law says your new hps lamp will arrive the day you buy them :lol:


Well-Known Member
i was really stoned last night and cocked up!

i forgot that i never fastened the shelf in my grow cupboard last night as it will need to be moved and i was going to put it on pully's or something.. anyway. i reached to the back of the cab last night to get another bulb and knocked the shelf down with the seedlings on it.

unfortunately one got be-headed and one got its stalk snapped. so one down and one in the recovery position :lol:

i planted two more seeds last night to make up for the cock up so they will be a week behind the others.

I'l up load the pics soon, there from before the accident.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ooops mate, poor thing didnt knoiw whats coming lol. I snapped1 of my gforce clone right at the root ball the other dat as it fell off the upside down poy into the wall. I re cut it an i think its rooted a second time. So will u be securing the shelf b4 u load it this tme?


Well-Known Member
yeh i learned two things last night, 1, dont do a quick shabby throw together grow room. do i right from the start and 2, dont get stoned and piss about in your growbox.

its not to bad. one looks like it will pull through so im only one down. and iv planted two more seeds.

im going to spend alot of time between today and tomoro sorting it out properly. so i get it just the way i want it to be.

mr west

Well-Known Member
here have a fat skunk#1 :joint:>>>>>>>>>>>>londoner jus passed me a fat church J and i canny smoke two at a time and still be polite lol


Well-Known Member
B & Q n homebase etc sell T5 strips, (kitchen unit under lighting) theyre very good and available in various lengths, they make great side lighting too.

Probably wouldnt be worth buying them tho cos sods law says your new hps lamp will arrive the day you buy them :lol:
yeh i would go get some after work tonight but as you say if i do i'l get home and my hps will be there waiting. im ordering another spare HPS though because i know if i dont it will break on me again.


Well-Known Member
here have a fat skunk#1 :joint:>>>>>>>>>>>>londoner jus passed me a fat church J and i canny smoke two at a time and still be polite lol

>>>>>:joint: why thank you. some nice stuff you get there.

Skunk #1 was the first seeds i ever bought. i tried growing them years ago in a cupboard with a sixty watt incandescent :lol: we can all guess what happened.

Puff puff pass back >>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
lololololol, my first attempt was fookin years ago in my mums green house lol, i knew nothing atall. 36 bag seeds of both sexs and i chopped then just as they started flowering lmao, what an idiot lol. Been like 16 years b4 i tried again in a wordrobe lol. I wanna be 19 again.
Im really liking the skunk#1 but i think there are better skunks about lol


Well-Known Member
Happy 3000th post Mr west :lol: :clap::clap::weed:

yeh iv done a few funny attempts the best was the 60watter cupbopard grow. they were about 8 inch tall and still only had there first true leaves coming through :lol:

if only you knew to wait with those bagseed you would have been a happy chappy.

mr west

Well-Known Member
20-20 hindsight is a bitch lol, just think how much money ive spent in those 16 years on pot, the mind boggles lol, must be thousands 16 years at bout 2 gramsa day. I think i might cry lol. Didnt spot the 3k posts lol, nice one lol. puff puffffffff give>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
i dont even want to think about how much iv spent on soap over here. it started at 60 - 80 and oz now its 100. if i can get in with the right person on the day i get it for 80 but that a week for the last 7 years here is to much to think about well its £36200 :o :shock:

oh and i'l upload the pics now. there only phone shots though.


Well-Known Member
Well apart from the carnage i caused last night there actually doing ok.

one of them has abit of a retarded leaf but i think it will pull through.

there a little bit stretchy but when i get my hps running again and get them repotted they should be fine.



Well-Known Member
yeh i would go get some after work tonight but as you say if i do i'l get home and my hps will be there waiting. im ordering another spare HPS though because i know if i dont it will break on me again.
If it goes again id say theres a fault somewhere on the whole unit??

Have you got any extraction yet mate?

Im thinking that because those light units are originally intended for outdoor use that maybe it over heated?


Well-Known Member
its made for both indoor or outdoor i think mate, it says some crap in the instructions that the way its made it can be placed on a flammable surface and wont cause fire. indoor or outdoor.

i know its not my wiring or anything but before i put the new bulb in i'l strip it down and make sure all connections are good etc.

i honesty think it just got a good knock en route. the bulb itself wasn't very well packed it was basically in a cardboard box with nothing to stop it being knocked about.

if i get a spare at least if it does go i wont have to wait another week for a replacement.


Well-Known Member
no im going to sort extraction out this weekend. well im sorting my cab out this weekend i dont want anythin else to go wrong if it can be helped.

i was thinking maybe pc fan's? one extraction and one for drawing cold air in. and a normal fan in there for more circulation? you think that will do it?

8 more weeks and i'l be smoking the first green iv had in about 6 months.

i hope :lol:


Well-Known Member
looking good fyfe, sorry to hear bout the casualties! pulled up a seat! this is about the same timescale as my diesel ryder grow, will be good to see how we get along considering ur using hps and cfl compared to my envirolite, keep up the good work :peace: