Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
no im going to sort extraction out this weekend. well im sorting my cab out this weekend i dont want anythin else to go wrong if it can be helped.

i was thinking maybe pc fan's? one extraction and one for drawing cold air in. and a normal fan in there for more circulation? you think that will do it?

8 more weeks and i'l be smoking the first green iv had in about 6 months.

i hope :lol:
I dont rate pc fans very highly mate, especially not with a hps, youl probably get away with it with the 70w but defo not over 250.

Whoop whoop!!! BO!! :lol: First weed for 6months!! Carefull you dont pull a whitey lmao :lol:


Well-Known Member
looking good fyfe, sorry to hear bout the casualties! pulled up a seat! this is about the same timescale as my diesel ryder grow, will be good to see how we get along considering ur using hps and cfl compared to my envirolite, keep up the good work :peace:
Thanks for dropping by mate, squeeze your seat in amongst the others :lol:

i'l have a look at your journals now.


Well-Known Member
I dont rate pc fans very highly mate, especially not with a hps, youl probably get away with it with the 70w but defo not over 250.

Whoop whoop!!! BO!! :lol: First weed for 6months!! Carefull you dont pull a whitey lmao :lol:
yeh with it only being a 70w it really dont produce much heat i mainly just need to get some circulation and get rid of the heat a little. when i get my hps bulb i can see what sort of temps im dealing with. i have a couple of old comp fans knocking about somewhere so i'l try them out. if they dont work i'l go bigger.

yeh i know its goona be smart having some decent bud for a change instead of shitty soap. i'l have a spliff and :spew:

come to think of it my uncles plants are ready in two weeks so i'l get a taster of them mmmmmm :weed:


Well-Known Member
Morning mr west

i have no choice but to smoke soap everyday mate. roll on 8 weeks from now or so.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah thats been my staple smoke for way toooooo long, ur chest will thank u when ur havest is ready for smoking lol


Well-Known Member
These pics are from yesterday,

there definately getting bigger and you can see the different strains by eye not sure about the pics. but some def have skinnier leaves where others are really broad.

The two other seeds i put in the soil to replace the dead one from my little accident showed themselves yesterday and look very happy today with there heads opening up. (pics tomoro)

when i checked on the plants this morning they shot up in growth again. so i'l put up todays pics later tonight or tomoro.

Anyway a couple from yesterday.



Well-Known Member
yeah thats been my staple smoke for way toooooo long, ur chest will thank u when ur havest is ready for smoking lol
i know yeh, i hate even thinking about the sh*t im inhaling when i roll up a spliff of soap. i want a nice tasty fat green :joint: or bongsmilie i want to try one of those vaporiser's to.

did anyone ever find the recipe for soap bar? im going to try find whats in it. cause its not anything like normal hash is it?


Well-Known Member
If this guy is right which iv found a few supporting quotes on dffrent forum it would seem that this is the rule of thumb guide to make soap bar.

There's nothing that is always added to the hash, it varies depending on what the dodgy bastard in question can think of or get his hands on.

But there's no question about the impurities. I've seen water turn a funky pale yellow color, while purifying soapbar. Someone has told me that while purifying soapbar one time, the water smelled like coffee. Disgusting.

quote:While reading Robert Connell Clarke's excellent book, Hashish, we came across a section on low-grade export quality Moroccan hash, known in the UK as Soap Bar. It seems that soap is made from only a very small percentage of resin glands (referred to as pollen), and up to 90% non-resin cannabis plant material which is bound together with bee's wax or pine resin and condensed milk as the mixture is too dry and powdery to be bound any other way. As the mixture is very green due to the high percentage of plant material, it is then coloured with instant coffee or henna to give it that sandy brown colour! In order to give it a slightly resinous look, turpentine is then added, which also disguises the taste!

Well, as growers with an abundance of leaf material left over from a crop, we couldn't help ourselves. We had to give it a try!

We sieved off 10 grams of resin glands (pollen), crushed up 200 grams of dried leaf and ran it through a sieve to reduce it to a very fine powder. We then heated this mixture in a bowl over boiling water and added 5 grams of bee's wax, five teaspoons of condensed milk powder, one teaspoon of turpentine, and a couple of pinches of instant coffee powder for colour. We continued to knead the heated mixture into a dough-like form, then pressed it under pressure and allowed it to cool. It bonded well into rock hard lumps, just like Soap Bar! To our delight, when we tested it with a flame, immediately we were treated with that old familiar smell of grade 'A' genuine Soap Bar! Crumpled like it too! Although there was virtually no resin glands in this so-called hash, we gave some to a friend and he had no complaints!!

well im off to smoke my bee's wax and coffee spliff. :spew:

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
look ok- need bigger pots definitley, my auto ak's are the same age and are starting there 3rd set of leaves - having to put up with a shitty envirolite too, dont think me plants would appreaciate baking under my hps (gets to 40c+ within minutes).


Well-Known Member
yeh they need bigger pots but i had an accident a few days ago so i want to leave them for now so they can re root themselves as.. well my kitchen floor was covered in little plants and soil.

i'l be putting them in there final pots straight from these ones.

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
lol , done the same thing wit my skunk plant im growing, poor things been knocked out its pot 4 times now :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ok this is a back update from saturday the 18th

just a couple of pics for you to see growth.

The other one i knocked over has strengthened its stem back up so its all gravy.
the plant in pic no 3, is it really big or is it a tiny pot?


Well-Known Member
ouch 4 times. better watch it dont hermie on you with the stress.

i have some other pots i can use for now if they get desperate for a change before my square ones come.


Well-Known Member
Its really big compared to the others mate.

well not big but the leaves are almost as wide as they are long. i'd say an inch wide. it just took off. im not complaining though.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Its really big compared to the others mate.

well not big but the leaves are almost as wide as they are long. i'd say an inch wide. it just took off. im not complaining though.

might be one to watch for freaky extra growth lol

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
ouch 4 times. better watch it dont hermie on you with the stress.

i have some other pots i can use for now if they get desperate for a change before my square ones come.
not too bothered really, got em free with my order, was planning on planting it over in the fields near me early next year :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeh i have a bag of bagseed from some real nice stuff i got. it was compressed when i got it? all squished together. i was planning on findin a real quite spot somewhere and dropping a load of seeds along the hedge line. there's lots of good spots where i live where no one ever goes.