Seeds in hydro


Well-Known Member
second on the root riots
been using them for seeds for a bit now. germination rate is good, i have only had 3 out of 40 or so that didnt pop so far


Well-Known Member
If you're straight hydroton, you can pop them in wet paper towels until they're 2-3" long and then gently transfer them to an aeroponic cloner setting them inside the collars. Definitely use the humidity dome.


Well-Known Member
I germinate in wet paper towels inside a ziplok baggie. Once germinated, I'll tear a rapid rooter down the middle (think butterfly cut of a steak) and place the rooted seedling into the rapid rooter and then put in a tray under a dome. After a few days they are rooted & ready to get transplanted into their pot with the medium and ready to flood on the table.
how would I start seeds going into hydro?


Well-Known Member
Naah, I suppose the trick is to start them off with less often waterings. I think my timer is set for every 5 hours at this stage.
I don't put them on the table that gets watered until I can see roots coming through the wool though. This is normally on day 8 after planting, germination is usually on about day 3
That seems to be enough. Once they get going they really grow fast, and I will adjust the watering to fit the season and size of the plants.


Well-Known Member
It is true of rockwool. Easy to saturate, but you get a feel for the weight after a short while.

I paper towel germinate.
Transfer to small rockwool cubes with tweezers as soon as the root shows. Putting the "tail" horizontal. Lightly watered.
Put cubes in propogator, heated ( to encourage root growth) with lid off, under low power LED. Check cubes each day to be sure they are not dry.
Transfer to large rockwool only when I see roots show comign out of small rockwool.
Large rockwool cubes sit in small NFT tank (no matting) with timer for 1 minute of water, twice a day. 10am , 10 pm.

That's it.

Going to try aeroponic seedling growth next, and transfer to rockwool. Just for fun, and also a better way of dealing with cuttings.


Well-Known Member
I’m flood and drain start in root riots or rock wool 1”x2” seed or cuttings.
Then to hydroton.

Now when you put in hydroton and to flood how much of the starter cube are you flooding?
Do you flood to the bottom of the starter cube or part way up? I always worry about it being too wet.


Well-Known Member
If you would have asked "what is the easiest way" to start seeds in hydro......
I would have said soak em overnight and then straight into rooters/riots.
Let em sprout if you want, but its just another step to take in which you can mess them up. IMHO