Biden leads Sanders

Whose going to win the nomination ?

  • Biden

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warren

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
he is NOT the front runner with all those groups...they make up 50% of HIS support right now....that's not the same as 50% of them supporting him.
Harris is thinking about it, Booker is thinking about it, Beto O'rourke...any one of the three will have more women and minorities than Bernie ever will...Warren and Klobuchar will both have more women than he ever will...he's got the fringe...just like always. he got started early this year, used what he learned last time around, and made a good start. let's see him maintain it...
The most frightening thing to me is that he has surrounded himself with that fringe. I would expect a Bernie presidency to be as full of crack pots as Trump's administration is. I have less of a problem with Bernie than the Cult of Bernie supporters that he would most likely appointments to important jobs.

I have had enough of crazy. There are few Democrats running that I would not vote for if the choice was between them and Bernie. Tulsi Gabbard is one of them.

Bernie supporters have ruined Bernie's chances.
Thanks for proving most if not all the politics sections are cannabis free individuals, lol, no personal attack.

We arent arguing about Republicans champ, its Biden remember? Old, sure thats why there is full federal legalization, right, because those are all "old " policies? Kinda looks like current policy, chief.
Kinda looks like the current policy if you are wearing a MAGA cap.
They had to cheat to keep him from it last time.

You're saying they'll happily do it again?

Or are you saying that it's okay that the parties ignore the will of the people in their nominations?

One acknowledges that America's democracy is a sham and the other says you're cool with that fact.

Well, i'm not.
You still haven't explained how that so-called "cheating" worked. Bernie only attracted a majority of votes among white men. Is it your claim that a vagina made a large part of the Democratic base more susceptible to whatever you claim those nefarious establishment Democrats did? Is it your assertion that black men are more gullible than white ones? How do you explain your theory in light of the facts that 80% of black people and 55% of women voted for Hillary but only 40% of white men did so.

Your theory stinks of racism and misogyny. That's a fact.
You still haven't explained how that so-called "cheating" worked. Bernie only attracted a majority of votes among white men. Is it your claim that a vagina made a large part of the Democratic base more susceptible to whatever you claim those nefarious establishment Democrats did? Is it your assertion that black men are more gullible than white ones? How do you explain your theory in light of the facts that 80% of black people and 55% of women voted for Hillary but only 40% of white men did so.

Your theory stinks of racism and misogyny. That's a fact.
Please. The list of things @ttystikk hasn't explained is as long as my arm. Just the latest, which he refuses to address - The Carter Center's "certification" of Maduro's election despite Jimmy Carter's assurance that this is 100% untrue is enough to brand him as a crack pot forever. Tty will just say that he "read an early version of Carter's certification".

A rational person would say "I was wrong". But Tty is not a responsible adult, he is an immature egotist. The only reasonable explanation for him not admitting he was wrong on this and a half dozen other things I have personally called him out on is that he cares more about his image than the truth. I have had enough of that kind of shit.

He's a joke and the only people dumb enough not to know it - or egotistical enough not to admit it is Schuylaar and @Padawanbater2 (who, to his credit, at least had the clarity of thought to just fade away.)
Please. The list of things @ttystikk hasn't explained is as long as my arm. Just the latest, which he refuses to address - The Carter Center's "certification" of Maduro's election despite Jimmy Carter's assurance that this is 100% untrue is enough to brand him as a crack pot forever. Tty will just say that he "read an early version of Carter's certification".

A rational person would say "I was wrong". But Tty is not a responsible adult, he is an immature egotist. The only reasonable explanation for him not admitting he was wrong on this and a half dozen other things I have personally called him out on is that he cares more about his image than the truth. I have had enough of that kind of shit.

He's a joke and the only people dumb enough not to know it - or egotistical enough not to admit it is Schuylaar and @Padawanbater2 (who, to his credit, at least had the clarity of thought to just fade away.)
I'm still curious how @schuylaar and @ttystikk reconcile their claim of "rigged" in the face of the fact that the only group in the Democratic Party that voted for him in a majority are white men. They can either explain or admit they are wrong. I expect that to happen any blue moon now. Bernie has yet to appeal to enough Democrats to make his candidacy seem viable.

From the article posted in 538, it seems the only chance for Bernie is if his passionately loyal but tiny following are enough to carry him to victory among a large field of candidates that split the vote and are running on the same issues as Bernie:

How Bernie Sanders Could Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination

(since 2016) politicians picked up on the fact that Democratic voters liked the big ideas that Sanders was selling, and now the 2020 field is packed with contenders who are campaigning on platforms similar to his 2016 campaign. Sanders’s 2017 “Medicare for all” bill became something of a litmus test for those senators considering a 2020 run — Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren all signed on as co-sponsors.

In other words, not only does Bernie have the same problems with minority and women voters that he had in 2016 but his policies aren't exceptional or won't be in 2020.
I'm still curious how @schuylaar and @ttystikk reconcile their claim of "rigged" in the face of the fact that the only group in the Democratic Party that voted for him in a majority are white men. They can either explain or admit they are wrong. I expect that to happen any blue moon now. Bernie has yet to appeal to enough Democrats to make his candidacy seem viable.

From the article posted in 538, it seems the only chance for Bernie is if his passionately loyal but tiny following are enough to carry him to victory among a large field of candidates that split the vote and are running on the same issues as Bernie:

How Bernie Sanders Could Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination

(since 2016) politicians picked up on the fact that Democratic voters liked the big ideas that Sanders was selling, and now the 2020 field is packed with contenders who are campaigning on platforms similar to his 2016 campaign. Sanders’s 2017 “Medicare for all” bill became something of a litmus test for those senators considering a 2020 run — Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren all signed on as co-sponsors.

In other words, not only does Bernie have the same problems with minority and women voters that he had in 2016 but his policies aren't exceptional or won't be in 2020.
You will probably die with that curiosity unless you realize that they are cult members who have left reason behind.
You will probably die with that curiosity unless you realize that they are cult members who have left reason behind.
True that.

It's a good thing I wasn't all that curious. One thing about cults is they use secret signs and a cult language in order to shut others out. Kind of funny that they purport to be a political movement and want people to join them.
we have trump in the white house and you're having trouble grasping how a cult leader can be in politics?
These cultists are like mosquitoes to me. They exist but I can't say I understand them.

For example, they use the same words we do but give them completely different meaning then they try to convince us to join them using their made up language. Sound more like whining mosquitoes than anything else. And yes, I still have trouble grasping how a cult leader can be our president. I lost their thread of thought when I had to ask what they meant with the words they use.

What does @ttystikk mean when he calls Pelosi a neoliberal? Per wikipedia:

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism.[2]:7[3] Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[4] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[12] These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.

Whatever it is he means when he uses the word, the people he accuses of being neoliberal aren't into "privatization, austerity, deregulation or laissez-faire economic policies".

When tty or pad or schuy post, it all just sounds like the whining of mosquitoes. I guess it makes sense to other mosquitoes.
These cultists are like mosquitoes to me. They exist but I can't say I understand them.

For example, they use the same words we do but give them completely different meaning then they try to convince us to join them using their made up language. Sound more like whining mosquitoes than anything else. And yes, I still have trouble grasping how a cult leader can be our president. I lost their thread of thought when I had to ask what they meant with the words they use.

What does @ttystikk mean when he calls Pelosi a neoliberal? Per wikipedia:

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism.[2]:7[3] Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[4] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[12] These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.

Whatever it is he means when he uses the word, the people he accuses of being neoliberal aren't into "privatization, austerity, deregulation or laissez-faire economic policies".

When tty or pad or schuy post, it all just sounds like the whining of mosquitoes. I guess it makes sense to other mosquitoes.
i can understand ...a little. there's enough neanderthal in me to understand the appeal.
he is a simple side show con man, using simple tricks. make it sound good up front, let em try to get their money back later. say it enough times and people will start to repeat it, and then, well you know, Everyone knows that. accuse your accusers, try to cast aspersions on their character, then who can take them seriously when they accuse you? everyone knows they do whatever it was you made up to say about them last week.
beyond that, he plays on fears and insecurities...truly the lowest common denominator. fear of the different, fear of new competition, fear that these new people are going to do something...(i haven't quite figured out what, though, i said there was enough neanderthal in me to understand the appeal, not enough to understand the "logic")
Two OLD white guys leading the Dimm polls and way ahead of many much younger minorities. That's so racist! and unamerican.... certainly "that's not who we are".
Two OLD white guys leading the Dimm polls and way ahead of many much younger minorities. That's so racist! and unamerican.... certainly "that's not who we are".
At this point in 2015 Scott walker and Jen!bush were leading your clown car of a primary before the cream of the clown crop rose to the top
Two OLD white guys leading the Dimm polls and way ahead of many much younger minorities. That's so racist! and unamerican.... certainly "that's not who we are".
How old is Trump going to be in 2020?

Aside from chronological age, he's about 95 yo physically and 4 yo emotionally.
73 or 74...a fat, whopper eating, sedentary 74...with any luck at all he'll have a stroke today, and live another 50 years, silenced and confined to a wheelchair...watching his "empire" crumble from the cheap nursing home his loving family crams his fat orange ass into