The maple syrup diet:My journy through munchie hell

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Well-Known Member
hey dude, get yourself the drinks that have vitamins, iron, calcium and all that shit..

what u do is, get the carrot drink..... the rasberry drink.... the meat drink... and your good to go for 2 weeks just drinking.. this way u loose fat, rapidly.

also another way is to pack yourself up in layers of clothers go running for a half hour 3 times a day..... dont eat much.... 2000 calories and 50 gramms of protein is good enough for 1 day !!!!!!!!!!!!

you'll start to forum up muscles and loose weight quickly.... trust me i am a proffesor when it comes to loosing weight and outting it back on :D:D


Active Member
I don't see how you can do that....I don't have that In the past year I have went from a size 17 to a size 10. I really didn't do a whole lot to lose the weight. I walked more, drank more water/less soda, ate the same foods. In my family foods consist of fried foods, potatoes, red meat, and rice (combination of southern cooking and Japanese cooking). A friend of mine lost 10 or 15 lbs just switching from regular coke to diet coke. I can't do that much, I don't like the taste of anything diet. The less time you spend weighing yourself....which I don't believe should be done when losing weight....the easier it will be to lose weight. Use measurements instead of weight as muscle weighs more than fat. Eat more fruits. Apples and caramel dip is one of my favorite muchie snacks.

If you want to use a planned diet....a friend and me tried the Medeterrainian (however you spell it) and it worked. I lost 7 lbs the first two weeks and I wasn't even exercising. I'm a picky eater so I didn't last more than 2 weeks!

OK I'll shut up now!

bongsmilie Jennifer


Well-Known Member
Aww..! Apples and caramel dip! :cry: God that stuff is so fucking good. And if I even look sideways at it, BAMMO! thar she blows!
I understand that .. lol ...

But I'm saying, you will have more trouble getting off the weight...any radical changes will just throw your bod off course.

Vegetarian Diet FTW. Just listen to me dammit. I'm right. lol
Hon, I'd buy along with this, except I know way too many fat vegans. ;)

(Mom's a dietitian, dad's a doc, this thread is a riot.)

In short, any extreme regimen is likely to be bad in the short and long terms. And this "cleansing" sounds extreme.


New Member
Aww..! Apples and caramel dip! :cry: God that stuff is so fucking good. And if I even look sideways at it, BAMMO! thar she blows!

Hon, I'd buy along with this, except I know way too many fat vegans. ;)

(Mom's a dietitian, dad's a doc, this thread is a riot.)

In short, any extreme regimen is likely to be bad in the short and long terms. And this "cleansing" sounds extreme.

lol .. I just thought, knowing how many crazy diets there are out there, that the vegetarian diet would be the best thing... Along with a lot of exercise of course. Or maybe he could at least cut out all red meats and stick with chicken and fish and such.

I was 'kinda' right though I guess. lol


Well-Known Member
crap diet choice.. all you're consuming is simple sugars. you need complex carbs, insoluble fibers, bcaa profiles, and unsaturated fats which your diet will not provide are going to crash after 2 weeks. your body is going to be fatigued, you will not be sleeping well, and you will just overall feel like shit.

my advice? carb cycle.

sunday->thursday: 50% protein, 40% fat, 10% carbohydrate diet
friday & saturday: 50% protein, 40% carboyhydrates. 10% fats

this way on your workout days (sunday->thursday) you are using body fat as a source of fuel, and friday & saturday you are restorying your glycogen stores in your body with the carboyhydrate overload allowing your muscles to maintain their composition/efficacy. it is a great dieting program and people often lose 6-10% bodyfat in around 3 months.


Well-Known Member
Here is a very good way to lose weight. I admit when I had my first knee surgery I weighed 165 afterwards 210 I had dislocated my shoulder in the same collision coming off the roll in at kona blasting a mom who was too careless walking across the park to attend to her crying fallen 5 yr old so crutches were not usable so I put on Alot of weight.
1. Stop drinking anything with sugar in it.
2. Cut out fast food and pretty much all junk. ( got a hankerin for something sweet eat fruit)
3. Eat fish or turkey (chicken really isn't as good for you as you think it is
4. Too lose weight fast build lean muscle. Lean muscle burns more fat. The best way to build lean muscle is a high intensity interval training other wise known as HIIT. It's pretty much lighter weights more reps little breaks. Go to and search hiit.
5. Cardio is a must. Again the best way to lose weight is to get your heart rate going. And again the best way to do so is HIIT. Hiit Cardio is great because it gets your heartrate up and keeps it up long after your done so your body is burning calories faster than resting even a moderate jog for double the time. The cardio only lasts 20 mins but trust me you will want to quit long before it's over but push through it. It is for only 20 mins

Ok here's what you do for HIIT CARDIO (and it does work and it is more effective than jogging I'll tell you why further down.
Start at about 20-50% your maximum heart rate for one min
Then for 20 seconds all out sprint
Then repeat step one for a min and then repeat step 2.
Do this for no longer than 20 mins.

This method of cardio is better than jogging because it fluctuates your heartrate keeps your body guessing. When you jog you can eventually plateau and have to make your run longer and longer. This can happen in hiit but you can just add 5-10 seconds on your sprint but still keep the workout at 20 mins. If you do this you will sweat like a pig still long after the workout is over. The one thing is do this no more than 3 times a week until you think you can handle more. And stick through the 20 mins it will payoff. No pain no gain.
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