New Zealand to change gun laws

Will the US ever get serious about effective gun control?

  • Yes, the will of the majority of people demands it

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, the NRA and the gun lobby will never allow it

    Votes: 23 74.2%

  • Total voters
I'm not from the US. And have nothing against the US. But from dandyrandys post, and correct me if I'm wrong here, But does that show the mentality of the US society? A little undevided? Maybe that's where things need to start? Everyone seems a little paranoid about their fellow countryman. "What if a civil war breaks out?" "We need to defend ourselves against OUR government if the time arises?" "If I'm carrying a gun then that guy will be less likely to shoot at me cause i can shoot back"

pointing out problems is a point....ok.
i'll see what when the haters (of what) come out?
everyone who?
im just pointing out where I think the US society as a whole could start if they REALLY want a change for the better rather than blame everything on the government!?
where? i missed what you were pointing out...
The greatest country in the free world!? Do you have to tell yourself that when you walk to the shop to get a loaf of bread with your gat at your side!!? Or when you see a grieving mother standing over her child bathing in his/her own pool of blood!?
do you think this entire country is a news report? that the whole nation is what you see on the few minutes they devote to it on the evening news? we're all individuals, just like w/e you're from...we want different things, fear different things, follow different paths...this isn't Dodge city, and Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday are dead...only 25% of Americans own firearms...just because the ones that do own guns own a shitload, that doesn't mean we all have them...25%....the other 75% are of Americans own 50% of the a population of more than 370 million people, less than ten million own half the firearms...
that's the reality, not tv shows and movies...3/4ths of us are more appalled than you can possibly be, 3/4th of us have to deal with this shit daily and aren't really interested in the suggestions of outsiders who think we're still living on the ponderosa and have shoot outs at the 7-11
and that's a reason to not do anything? no more more black powder, no more casing sales...then they can use their guns as clubs to beat each other to death....and as far as criminals not following the law....the goddamn gun shop owners better start following it. Lawsuits are becoming a lot more sell a gun to a criminal, and you're responsible for what they do with it.
catch a criminal committing a crime while armed? MANDATORY 20 year sentence...completely separate from the crime they were committing, and to run consecutively, NOT concurrently... see how long it takes for those fellas to die in prison.

there are always just have to not be a weak ass cunt and kick these motherfuckers asses...these irresponsible, stupid, weak, cowardly motherfuckers....
Most mass killers are prepared to die and have plenty of weaponry to choose from excluding guns and bullets. There is no remedy for that except us all trying to love one another more and look out for those suffering. Maybe that makes me a weak ass cunt, but I am not wasting my time on gun reform when there is real and significant things I can do to help my neighbors. :peace:
Most mass killers are prepared to die and have plenty of weaponry to choose from excluding guns and bullets. There is no remedy for that except us all trying to love one another more and look out for those suffering. Maybe that makes me a weak ass cunt, but I am not wasting my time on gun reform when there is real and significant things I can do to help my neighbors. :peace:
I thought Republicans said more guns in school zones would fix the problem, they said the killers fear gun zones... ?
Most mass killers are prepared to die and have plenty of weaponry to choose from excluding guns and bullets. There is no remedy for that except us all trying to love one another more and look out for those suffering. Maybe that makes me a weak ass cunt, but I am not wasting my time on gun reform when there is real and significant things I can do to help my neighbors. :peace:
sure, you can shoot them....
the thing people are forgetting is even if gun laws are stricter and a person wants to do a mass shooting they will find the guns. all it will do is make it harder for people to obtain them. if you try hard enough you can imports almost anything
the thing people are forgetting is even if gun laws are stricter and a person wants to do a mass shooting they will find the guns. all it will do is make it harder for people to obtain them. if you try hard enough you can imports almost anything
I have plenty of well armed neighbors who are flat out dangerous
the thing people are forgetting is even if gun laws are stricter and a person wants to do a mass shooting they will find the guns. all it will do is make it harder for people to obtain them. if you try hard enough you can imports almost anything
that's a cop out...oh, it's make's my head hurt....
if it can be made more difficult, then it should be...if they have to clandestinely import weapons, then they HAVE to..they CAN'T get them here...if they're going to shoot a bunch of innocent people, then they're going to at least have to wait on the shit to arrive from some where else...and they can't get the fucking ammo here, or the high capacity magazines here, or the bump stocks here, or the full auto conversion kits here...because 75% of us don't want that shit...and this is a democracy (sort of)...
Yes, because I have a gun that you want to take away. LOL I just don't see getting the second amendment tossed, too high a hurdle. But I don't need a gun, if you can revoke 2nd amendment, I'll turn it in.
i don't want to take away everyones guns...look back and find that cannot, because i didn't make it....
i said take away assault weapons...take away high capacity magazines, armor piercing ammo, bump stocks, and full auto kits....none of which has an acceptable use in self defense. period. no acceptable argument. those things are designed to kill large amounts of people quickly, and have no acceptable use outside of sane person can or would argue for their availability to the general public.
i own a revolver, a rifle, and a shotgun. one of each. no modifications. they each serve a purpose. the pistol and the shotgun are for personal protection. they stay in my house, i do not go out armed. the rifle, and the shotgun, are to feed myself with, if and when society takes a shit...just to let you know i'm not a anti gun nut....i'm an anti nutbar nut...i'm an anti psychos having guns nut...i'm an anti you need twenty magazines full of thousand of rounds of armor piercing ammo nut...
the thing people are forgetting is even if gun laws are stricter and a person wants to do a mass shooting they will find the guns. all it will do is make it harder for people to obtain them. if you try hard enough you can imports almost anything

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So, your answer is that we should just sit on our collective asses and make it easy for them and not even try? Is that your stance on all of this?
that's a cop out...oh, it's make's my head hurt....
if it can be made more difficult, then it should be...if they have to clandestinely import weapons, then they HAVE to..they CAN'T get them here...if they're going to shoot a bunch of innocent people, then they're going to at least have to wait on the shit to arrive from some where else...and they can't get the fucking ammo here, or the high capacity magazines here, or the bump stocks here, or the full auto conversion kits here...because 75% of us don't want that shit...and this is a democracy (sort of)...

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So, your answer is that we should just sit on our collective asses and make it easy for them and not even try? Is that your stance on all of this?
its that it wont make any difference. people will always do what ever people want to do regardless of what you want them to do