New Zealand to change gun laws

Will the US ever get serious about effective gun control?

  • Yes, the will of the majority of people demands it

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, the NRA and the gun lobby will never allow it

    Votes: 23 74.2%

  • Total voters
What's your idea wise guy? I'm sure you've got all the answers. Or are you just waiting for everyone else to give their ideas and opinions and try to nit pick at every detail? I haven't seen your VIABLE ANSWER! go on. Enlighten me. Or do you just want to be told what needs to be done??
Imo More will die over time if nothing changes!! And you're children's, children will be no better off for it!
My children's children will benefit from a Nazi free future if I have anything to say about it. However, their children will probably just have to do it over again by beating the living fuck out of your great grandchildren if you happen to succeed in reproducing.

Right now, I can go right down the street to the gun shop and buy an AK 47 Assault rifle for about 375 dollars.

Now lets make assault rifles illegal like they used to be. All of a sudden, you have to not only have connections to get that sort of weapon, but you also have to pony up about $10,000 to get one...and you'd better pray your connection isn't ATF, FBI, GBI or local law enforcement or you would be doing 20 years in prison.

Now, are some people still stupid enough to give that a try? Sure. But right off the bat you eliminate about 99% of people because:
  1. They can't afford it.
  2. They're too chicken shit to risk it.
do you even live in Australia im pretty sure you cant go buy a AK 47 Assault rifle for about 375 dollars here
im Australian my family founded Australia for over 100 years
Uh huh.

Guns are awesome!

Laws don't stop crime, they merely penalize it.
Every 1st world country have rational gun regulatory systems. They also have have very low rates of gun violence, murder and mass murder. I'd like the US to join that club.

I'd like to have the same low rates of gun violence as Canada. Would that be OK with you or do we have to have another 50,000 gun homicides over the next few years?

I'd like it if our country were as shocked as New Zealand was when a mass murder happens. Can we have that please?
if people dont live in Australia why the fuck comment on this topic defending the 1st amendment and stuff like it dose not exist here and never will
People comment because these things affect the world. People have opinions on world topics and politics. Their opinions are as valid as yours.

Right now, I can go right down the street to the gun shop and buy an AK 47 Assault rifle for about 375 dollars.

Now lets make assault rifles illegal like they used to be. All of a sudden, you have to not only have connections to get that sort of weapon, but you also have to pony up about $10,000 to get one...and you'd better pray your connection isn't ATF, FBI, GBI or local law enforcement or you would be doing 20 years in prison.

Now, are some people still stupid enough to give that a try? Sure. But right off the bat you eliminate about 99% of people because:
  1. They can't afford it.
  2. They're too chicken shit to risk it.
Since when did shovels start selling for $10k? Man, if you're saying shovels will sell on the black market for $10k ea, maybe they should be banned. I'll see the lot of you over on Digitup after prohibition! :eek:
you know when congress will do something? when some fucknut gets into the capitol building and shoots a few of them...they don't care if kids get shot in school, they don't care if workers get killed by former co workers, they don't care if disturbed psychos fire wildly into crowds of innocent people....but you kill a few of them, and they'll start to see the urgency of the situation....of course, it probably won't happen...they have guards for themselves...but not for kids in schools...
Make it at least an embarrassment for any Representative or Senator to accept NRA money, and if that doesn't work, then vote them out (or shoot them)
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