I have Megacrop loaded into Hydro Buddy and the formulation I have has Ca=6.5% and Mg=1.9%. This is how MC stacks up against other blends. IMO, MC is garbage, but everyone seems to be having decent results with it so maybe I'm dead ass wrong about it?
I jumped on this thread because I (a hydro grower) just adopted using Cali Carb as a secondary source of calcium. I mix my own nutrients 100% from salts, and I no longer use anybody else's blend. No JR Peter's or Jack's or any of them. That said, I am trying to grow high brix hydro which according to the internet generally will produce a comparable result to pissing up a rain pipe, lol. But still I press on. I'm trying to understand how soluble or available CalCarb is. I mixed a concentrate last night and mixed it into 3 reservoirs already, but I suspect it isn't as available as the Ca in Cal Nite. Reading this thread is part of my due diligence in determining how much I can rely on Cal Carb. Sadly for me, this thread is mostly about soils. That's usually the case when searching anything about Cali Carb. I got mine from (
KELP4LESS). The description says it's water soluble and since Hydro Buddy already has CaCO3 formulated, I figure it's safe to use in hydro. But still I want more assurance that I made the right choice.
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