Repirations for slavery

(HR 3745): To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a Commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequent de jure and de facto and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.

We need to respect the fact that racism existed, and still exists today.
i'm not denying that it did, or does...
i just don't feel that i owe anyone a damn thing.
i was a fat kid, and people picked on me and gave me a lot of they all owe me a box of chocolate ringdings?
if you want to make "reparations" how about a national college scholarship? how about building child care centers in area where there are large minority populations? making sure schools are all equally funded? how about making a difference in the lives of minorities that will actually improve them? instead of a cash buy off, so white people can feel better about themselves?
Simple thing is it's never gonna happen. They should be happy that they live in america and not Africa. Youre welcome.
i'm not denying that it did, or does...
i just don't feel that i owe anyone a damn thing.
i was a fat kid, and people picked on me and gave me a lot of they all owe me a box of chocolate ringdings?
if you want to make "reparations" how about a national college scholarship? how about building child care centers in area where there are large minority populations? making sure schools are all equally funded? how about making a difference in the lives of minorities that will actually improve them? instead of a cash buy off, so white people can feel better about themselves?
why would you have to pay reparations? did your family own slaves?
I am happy here. Not many black people where I live, just a lot of mexicans and they work hard so thats ok by me.
Really though I just like posting this shit to get under your skin. And how about Hitler, what a great guy. lol You know he was a vegetarian? That explains a lot.
why would you have to pay reparations? did your family own slaves?
no, they didn't, we've always been working class people, artisans, not land owners, except for the small family plot.
if it's done nationally, we're all involved in it. i realize the article was just about one state, but the subject seems to have expanded to the country at large.
i'm not denying black people, and other minorities, got fucked over, and still are in many ways. the article in the original post was kind of vague about what they would consider reparations...i wouldn't have a problem with the things i suggested, and anything else designed to help the minority communities all over the country...but the idea of cash payments just kind of seems like both a bribe to minorities, and a sop for white guilt.
once they accept cash, well, then it's all even, isn't it? we paid that debt. now on to new business...while the old business still festers under a green bandaid.
maybe they could use cash to get out of debt with the banks they owe home loans to, car loans to, student loans to. banks that are owned by who? who ends up with that cash in their pocket? and what is improved for the whole community?
if it's a national debt, should it go to all minorities, in the entire nation?
no, they didn't, we've always been working class people, artisans, not land owners, except for the small family plot.
if it's done nationally, we're all involved in it.
i'm not denying black people, and other minorities got fucked over, and still are in many ways. the article in the original post was kind of vague about what they would consider reparations...i wouldn't have a problem with the things i suggested, and anything else designed to help the minority communities all over the country...but the idea of cash payments just kind of seems like both a bribe to monorities, and a sop for white guilt.
once they accept cash, well, then it's all even, isn't it? we paid that debt. now on to new business...while the old business still festers under a green bandaid.
maybe they could use cash to get out of debt with the banks they owe home loans to, car loans to, student loans to. banks that are owned by who? who ends up with that cash in their pocket? and what is improved for the whole community?
You poor oppressed white male. When will you finally catch a break?
no, they didn't, we've always been working class people, artisans, not land owners, except for the small family plot.
if it's done nationally, we're all involved in it. i realize the article was just about one state, but the subject seems to have expanded to the country at large.
i'm not denying black people, and other minorities, got fucked over, and still are in many ways. the article in the original post was kind of vague about what they would consider reparations...i wouldn't have a problem with the things i suggested, and anything else designed to help the minority communities all over the country...but the idea of cash payments just kind of seems like both a bribe to minorities, and a sop for white guilt.
once they accept cash, well, then it's all even, isn't it? we paid that debt. now on to new business...while the old business still festers under a green bandaid.
maybe they could use cash to get out of debt with the banks they owe home loans to, car loans to, student loans to. banks that are owned by who? who ends up with that cash in their pocket? and what is improved for the whole community?
if it's a national debt, should it go to all minorities, in the entire nation?
why would people who have never gained a penny from owning slaves be n the hook for anything?

i'm not for bailing out slavers. let the slavers pay out the reparations. they are the ones who stole.
how am i being an asshole? i don't really have a problem with the whole concept, if it's carried out responsibly, and not used to both make white people feel better, or to make them feel morally vindicated, without addressing the problems that still exist.
where did i imply that i or any other white person was oppressed?
how am i being an asshole? i don't really have a problem with the whole concept, if it's carried out responsibly, and not used to both make white people feel better, or to make them feel morally vindicated, without addressing the problems that still exist.
where did i imply that i or any other white person was oppressed?
Is taking responsibility for our violent and fucked up history really something we want to whine and bitch about?

America doesn't deserve credit for "ending slavery." What America ended (on paper) reflects an ideology and a quest for power at the expense of humanity that are still prevalent in the policies, spirit and social mores of this nation.