Weird problem, haven't been able to pin it down.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I have recently switched to autoflowers and I am having some problems. I am growing in soil using half strength nutes and feeding at PH 6 to PH 6.5 and the soil PH is about 6.5-7.0.
The same conditions work perfectly with my critical kush which is in a room next door and looking perfectly healthy.
the photos attached are of the sick autos. they started just fine until they got their second node and the bottom leaves went pale. then the next set up went pale. I thought I may have been overwatering as they were grown from seed planted direct into quite large PB18s and I've previously been transplanting with the photoperiod plants and never experienced overwatering before so I let them dry out quite a bit and then eased the feed solution back into them. they kept going pale so I looked at two possibilites - one was that there were a slightly larger than normal number of fungus gnats around but not much, so focused on that and knocked them back with sticky traps and light watering. they are down in numbers now. also thought it might be a cal/mag def causing chlorophyll to get low, so foliar sprayed with epsom salts and clay breaker and added the same to a feed solution today. the foliar spray was only yesterday so not really expecting any results today. I got myself so confused I bought some litmus paper to calibrate my PH pen as I thought it must have been wrong, but turns out it's accurate. any thoughts? they are week 4 from seed now so starting to show pistils. Based on the ones I grew to get the seeds for these I can save them and still get an oz per plant if I get everything right from here. goddamned autos are so fussy.



Well-Known Member
Elaborate on your nutrition many details as possible.

Just from what you've shown, the plant looks super hungry...with probably some pH issues to boot.


Well-Known Member
Elaborate on your nutrition many details as possible.

Just from what you've shown, the plant looks super hungry...with probably some pH issues to boot.
hey thanks for your reply.
so I thought along the same lines initially, just looked like it was very light on nitrogen. I grew the last run of this same strain on half strength nutes just because they're autos and all was well.
the first thing I did when these started to go pale was up the nute strength to full strength, which for the product I'm using is about EC1.0. I go to about EC1.8 in flower with the critical kush and never any higher or they get burnt, so EC1.0 seemed about right for veg with the autos.
So like I said I upped the nutes to full strength and also added a product called veg ignitor which is a nitrogen booster. our bore water is about PH7 and the nutes bring it down a bit, then I adjust with phosphoric acid to 6.0 - 6.5 somewhere.
the last feed I did was lower as I was getting desperate to figure this out and I remembered when I gew the mother plant for these seeds she preferred it around PH6.0, so I took the last feed down a bit more and ended up at about 5.8-5.9. I sampled some soil today and the soil PH is 6.5.
The nutes I'm using are an australian brand, most people never heard of them but I've used them on my critical kush for 5 years now and they are very good. link below


Well-Known Member
The nutrients you're feeding are coco mentioned you're in soil. Are you indeed in soil or coco?

Was the soil amended with anything prior to planting or during your run?

Based on your medium, I would dial in my pH accordingly. A pH range of 5.8 to 6.5 is too much of a swing...there should be a sweet spot based on how you're growing. I run straight coco, so mine is 5.8...if you're in soil, yours will be different.

Just for your reference, plants don't suffer from calmag issues....they suffer from a Ca issue or a Mg issue and in some cases both, but don't confuse one or the other for both (calmag). This is why, if it's possible, to impart Ca and Mg separately, vs coupling them together...sometimes too much of one screws the other and then more and more is added with more and more ill effects. Just a heads up.

N is like the hardest element to lock out...and it looks like your plants are super short on it. My inclination would be to feed them, and if you're worried about feeding too much, foliar spray them with a smidge of N and see if they don't green up some. If they do, you know what direction you need to walk in. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
That plants not going to produce anything much even if it lives so you might as well toss that and start again. tell us about your setup, are you in big raised beds, is that soil, if so tell us about it because I suspect your medium. Also you need to adjust your pH properly dependent upon medium type as Canna said above, but that plants not worth keeping in my opinion, good luck

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
That plants not going to produce anything much even if it lives so you might as well toss that and start again. tell us about your setup, are you in big raised beds, is that soil, if so tell us about it because I suspect your medium. Also you need to adjust your pH properly dependent upon medium type as Canna said above, but that plants not worth keeping in my opinion, good luck
you have shitty opinions about stuff

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
you don't think it should be legal to reach for a cops gun? why not?
Probably because it's not the topic here lol.

Why would I need to reach for a cop's gun? I don't care about legalities, so that's a nonstarter for me. If it's in self defense from a cop or I'm defending the cop, legality then goes out the window anyhow.

Hence, I carry my own. They run shitty glocks, sigs, and berettas anyway.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
Probably because it's not the topic here lol.

Why would I need to reach for a cop's gun? I don't care about legalities, so that's a nonstarter for me. If it's in self defense from a cop or I'm defending the cop, legality then goes out the window anyhow.

Hence, I carry my own. They run shitty glocks, sigs, and berettas anyway.
but what if you needed to defend yourself from a violent attack. dont you think its smart to defend urself? come on bro

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
but what if you needed to defend yourself from a violent attack. dont you think its smart to defend urself? come on bro
That's why I carry, thought I said that lol.

Defending from who? The cop? Someone else?

At the end of the day, the only way I'm taking a cops gun is if he's trying to shoot me with it or if he's down and I'm out of ammo and there are still active shooters... Would have to be one wild scenario for that to occur.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
That's why I carry, thought I said that lol.

Defending from who? The cop? Someone else?

At the end of the day, the only way I'm taking a cops gun is if he's trying to shoot me with it or if he's down and I'm out of ammo and there are still active shooters... Would have to be one wild scenario for that to occur.
no but what if there was an attack.

we should all demand to have the ability to defend ourselves.

this is America and i agree with your opinion about grabbing a cops gun. i say thats smart.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
no but what if there was an attack.

we should all demand to have the ability to defend ourselves.

this is America and i agree with your opinion about grabbing a cops gun. i say thats smart.
You don't have to demand to have an ability, that's just stupid.

You either have the ability or you don't. Beyond that, you need to have the capability.

You keep saying an attack?

What attack? You must be smoking a heavy sativa lol. Don't get it twisted.