Dear Humans,
When ALL humans grow up (maybe never because you are still monkeys) you may be able to join the rest of the universe as civil beings. Until then all I see is people complaining about "a new world order" or globalization because you fear evolution.
You all think you own this rock you live on. But all you do is destroy it for greed. You hate others because of skin color, politics, religion, wealth, power and even looks. You kill each other because you speak differently.........all the while wanting basically the same things from life. You fight over scraps of land and have been doing so since the dawn of humanity.
How long do you think this should go on? Forever? Why can't you envision a world with no borders? A world where you can love who you want freely. A world that's full of people with the same vision for the future. Why does humanity have to be so violent? Why can't they see how much they could accomplish by working together?
You wont lose your identity. You will still be an earthling and a human. What's the purpose of a country when you can have the WHOLE earth? Why be an American or Brazilian? Why call someone gay or straight? Why are their "colors" to describe a person? You are all different yet so much alike. Why should a few ideas make so much of a difference and cause so much hate and violence?
I have witnessed such hatred and despair but also the most loving and kind people I would never have thought to see in your species. I already know what both sides of this topic will respond with. Even if I tried to help humanity I would only be ridiculed and driven away. So I leave you to think of this on your own. Maybe someone will see the sense of it and start something moving. I know I have been moving and evolving for a very very long time now. Maybe it's time you join the rest of your galaxy and what ever lies beyond
Good luck humans,
The Universe