Fact you are full of shit 100% everytime. Writing personal checks is not a campaign donation and never was.
Using Trump organization funds to aid Trump's election without reporting the money is an illegal campaign donation. Don't get angry with me, get angry with Trump for doing that.

Sheesh you fascists keep shooting the messenger. It's as if you hate freedom and democracy or something.
They wrote the plea your nasty creep. They could have made it say anything, it doesn't make it so.

Still waiting on your stupid ass to tell me where you differ in opinion to main stream media? You need to check your shoulder before you do anything don't you? You eat other peoples ass and shit what they eat only. You couldn't think for yourself if you tried, because doing so would require you to have courage, and you are totally lack in that arena aren't you? You clueless fucks that get you feeling of importance on this site are a sad fucking lot for sure.
You seem really upset
They wrote the plea your nasty creep. They could have made it say anything, it doesn't make it so.

Still waiting on your stupid ass to tell me where you differ in opinion to main stream media? You need to check your shoulder before you do anything don't you? You eat other peoples ass and shit what they eat only. You couldn't think for yourself if you tried, because doing so would require you to have courage, and you are totally lack in that arena aren't you? You clueless fucks that get you feeling of importance on this site are a sad fucking lot for sure.
LOL Down boy. You need to calm down.

You went on and on about Clinton and Uranium One when the official finding on all of that was "no evidence that Clinton affected the sale". By that standard, Trump is guilty as all hell. In no way does Barr say "no evidence". I thought all along there wouldn't be enough evidence to convict Trump but that doesn't mean he didn't do it. The summary all but says there is a pile of evidence. It's completely understandable why Trump will prevent that report from being released.

Cohen is going to jail over the illegal campaign donation too. He was fucking WORKING FOR Trump when he made that payment and Trump paid him back without argument. Something he never does if he can avoid it. Will he be convicted? I don't think so. But that doesn't mean he can't be convicted in the court of public opinion for his blatant acts.

One would think that you should be angry with Trump for deceiving you and betraying your trust. Yet you are angry with me for pointing out your double standard. Oh well, it is the cross I will have to bear.
He was a investigator. He could exonerate him for obstruction just like he exonerated him on the collusion, but he didn't.

You're not very bright, are you?

But none of it is any real surprise. Everyone has been saying for over a year that Trump has far, far more to fear from the SDNY investigations than he ever did from Mueller.

What a retard! In your feeble mind Trump is halfway guilty therefore not exonerated.

Here is how it works pal

Again prosecutors don't exonerate! If you don't get charged you are defacto exonerated because the gov't have NO CASE against you.

That is how it works

Any lawyer or prosecutor knows this
What a retard! In your feeble mind Trump is halfway guilty therefore not exonerated.

Here is how it works pal

Again prosecutors don't exonerate! If you don't get charged you are defacto exonerated because the gov't have NO CASE against you.

That is how it works

Any lawyer or prosecutor knows this

You think this is all over?

Don't count on it. What's in all those redacted pages in the Cohen and Manafort documents?

Benghazi stuff or Obama's birth certificate?
What a retard! In your feeble mind Trump is halfway guilty therefore not exonerated.

Here is how it works pal

Again prosecutors don't exonerate! If you don't get charged you are defacto exonerated because the gov't have NO CASE against you.

That is how it works

Any lawyer or prosecutor knows this
By your own standards, Trump is guilty as all hell.

Not enough evidence to convict although Barr's summary statement clearly says there was evidence. There is, however, enough evidence to convict Trump in the court of public opinion. Which is why the report will never see the light of day.

Yet, you and your kind go on and on about "lock her up" Clinton. After millions of dollars spent and countless hours of testimony, there was in fact no evidence for the multitude of crimes you still say she's guilty of.

By your own standards, Trump is guilty as all hell.
By your own standards, Trump is guilty as all hell.

Not enough evidence to convict although Barr's summary statement clearly says there was evidence. There is, however, enough evidence to convict Trump in the court of public opinion. Which is why the report will never see the light of day.

Yet, you and your kind go on and on about "lock her up" Clinton. After millions of dollars spent and countless hours of testimony, there was in fact no evidence for the multitude of crimes you still say she's guilty of.

By your own standards, Trump is guilty as all hell.

whenever i have been cleared of collusion, a thing that i like to do is hide all the evidence clearing me of collusion
No Barr and Rosenstein completely exonerated Trump today.

I just wish Taco Mac would read and learn what a special council or special prosecutor roll is and its not just investigating.

Somehow and someway Manafort etc got criminally charged and I don't think just an investigator can do that.
How many bags of chips you think he went through today?

Facts to the left? I would love to see them hold water and count how many holes are in it. Who fact checks the lefts fact checkers let alone the lefts media? The left only survives by keeping the masses ignorant of history, economics, current events, warfare and government. The pawns on the left are clueless which is why your side is obsessed with skin color and identity politics. The elites know they have no real policies. Very few on the left know how anything works, they only see part of the scene and think that must be all there is to it and that they too are an expert. Dependent consumers unable to critically think and unable to see beyond the cave walls and the projections that the elites feed you so you can continue to push their narrative and get them the power they lust for.
listen...you get your boy to stop lying every time he say more than ten words in a row, and i'll start calling up cnn and huffington post once a week and telling them to stop lying, too....
What a retard! In your feeble mind Trump is halfway guilty therefore not exonerated.

Here is how it works pal

Again prosecutors don't exonerate! If you don't get charged you are defacto exonerated because the gov't have NO CASE against you.

That is how it works

Any lawyer or prosecutor knows this

Ok. Then Trump still is NOT exonerated for collusion. He's still being prosecuted for it.

Thanks for pointing that out.
The saddest thing is that all those inbreed scums are in denial..
How much can you hate some One??
But again all of them are product of incest so...

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