Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

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If your kids are vaccinated then why worry?

My kids are vaccinated just making a point.

Also for the ones worrying about diseases coming back because of lack of vaccines, why no outcry for no more smallpox vaccines?
because it's considered to be eradicated from existence. the only known samples for years now are carefully kept in laboratories for study. no cases since 1978. they started pretty regular vaccinations around the world in the 1800-1820 period, took that long, but it worked.
did i misread that? "why no outcry for no more smallpox vaccines?"...for no more smallpox vaccines?...they quit in one in the U.S. has gotten a smallpox vaccine since 72...most of the rest of the world quit by 1980
did i misread that? "why no outcry for no more smallpox vaccines?"...for no more smallpox vaccines?...they quit in one in the U.S. has gotten a smallpox vaccine since 72...most of the rest of the world quit by 1980

I'm vaccinated against smallpox.
If your kids are vaccinated then why worry?

My kids are vaccinated just making a point.

Also for the ones worrying about diseases coming back because of lack of vaccines, why no outcry for no more smallpox vaccines?

Good question.

I don't want my kids around other kids who's parents make questionable medical decisions based on manufactured evidence, and who consider their child so important that they can disregard the safety of others "just 'cause".

Idiots, the lot of them.

Would you want to associate with them?
Good question.

I don't want my kids around other kids who's parents make questionable medical decisions based on manufactured evidence, and who consider their child so important that they can disregard the safety of others "just 'cause".

Idiots, the lot of them.

Would you want to associate with them?
Instead of arguing who should have the shots and who shouldn't maybe we can all agree that safer ingredients need to be used because it's clear what's in them cause long-term damage all you have to do is study the effects of each ingredient on the human body and heavy metals tend to not leave very easily and if you do by chance get it out of your body it has still done the damage
Good question.

I don't want my kids around other kids who's parents make questionable medical decisions based on manufactured evidence, and who consider their child so important that they can disregard the safety of others "just 'cause".

Idiots, the lot of them.

Would you want to associate with them?
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Instead of arguing who should have the shots and who shouldn't maybe we can all agree that safer ingredients need to be used because it's clear what's in them cause long-term damage all you have to do is study the effects of each ingredient on the human body and heavy metals tend to not leave very easily and if you do by chance get it out of your body it has still done the damage

It's clear that while there is a risk of an adverse reaction when being vaccinated, the benefit of not contracting one of those terrible diseases far outweighs it.
You know what might help make up your mind?

Look at those vaccines, and then google pictures of people suffering and dying from the diseases they prevent. Autism doesn't seem so bad now does it?

Seriously, what the fuck? Why is autism so stigmatized that it caused this dumptruck-full-of-dicks of a movement to come back?

Live kids are better than dead kids. Someone being disabled doesn't make them less valuable than you. Ever.

It's a binary choice, how can so many people screw it up so badly? I'll tell you why, entitlement.

You aren't entitled to shit, don't want to be vaccinated? That's fine, don't expect to send your kids to public school. It's a public health crisis, not a personal choice

This is already happening, the supreme court disagrees with you and your opinions (has for a long time), and the state will tell you to go pound sand with your "philosophical differences" because they can.

I'm sick of accommodating lunatics who believe in pseudoscience, and who also clearly prefer dead kids over living ones.

Why did you list all of the ingredients and none of the context?

What about the diseases are worse than the vaccines do you not understand?
Do I really need to go copy all of the issues each ingredient I gave you the list so you can look it up yourself many of them I can say probably contribute to alzheimer's because of aluminum phosphate that's just one of many ingredients that I know can do long-term damage
Do I really need to go copy all of the issues each ingredient I gave you the list so you can look it up yourself many of them I can say probably contribute to alzheimer's because of aluminum phosphate that's just one of many ingredients that I know can do long-term damage

No, you need to stop.

I'm not arguing that the ingredients aren't dangerous. Some of them are, and all of them are extremely well understood.

The diseases the vaccines prevent ARE worse than the ingredients.
No, you need to stop.

I'm not arguing that the ingredients aren't dangerous. Some of them are, and all of them are extremely well understood.

The diseases the vaccines prevent ARE worse than the ingredients.
Well like the polio vaccine they used it when it was needed and now they no longer use it I can see where vaccines are needed I can also see where they don't need to be pushed as much as they are unless they're needed
Lol at the “ not letting other people tell you what to think”, I am not laughing about insulting a man for his opinion, thats pretty childish. But what is funny is your asking us, no, telling us we should pump this poison into our kids Because some people think vaccines work? So you want be to stop listening to other people tell me what is safe, but then you want me to do what YOU think is safe. Cool logic.
you are not aware of the long history of insults between RG and myself...i don't usually start off being insulting to people.
RG happens to be our resident flat earth enthusiast...among other pet conspiracies...and we indeed have a history that started with civility and has eroded into its present glorious shit slinging contest....
now...on to you....
i want to take this seriously, because ONE...ONE....discredited doctor wrote a lazy, shitty, incorrect report...and EVERY other doctor says the exact can you possibly use that as justification to stop getting your children vaccinated? it's worked, since they've started doing it. the proof is obvious, clear, and incontrovertible....all i'm trying to do is stop idiots from listening to other idiots...not really because i care about what happens to them, but the rest of us will have to clean up the idiot's mess, again...and in this case, the mess will be many dead children...not something i look forward to cleaning keep your conspiracy theories to yourself...when they start to result in dead children, that's when the shit is really going to hit the fan, and anyone who supported the antivax bullshit isn't going to be a very popular person.
Well like the polio vaccine they used it when it was needed and now they no longer use it I can see where vaccines are needed I can also see where they don't need to be pushed as much as they are unless they're needed
nooo.....that's the thing...once a vaccine is "needed"'s too late. you get vaccinated so you never get it, at don't wait till the disease starts to come back before you start vaccinating. you vaccinate regularly, until it is erradicated. them you can stop vaccinations, because it's gone.
nooo.....that's the thing...once a vaccine is "needed"'s too late. you get vaccinated so you never get it, at don't wait till the disease starts to come back before you start vaccinating. you vaccinate regularly, until it is erradicated. them you can stop vaccinations, because it's gone.
Well they're just going to have to better regulate what they put in their vaccinations if they expect me to put that in my body I haven't had a vaccine since high school I don't really know many people that do unless there's an outbreak happening when people start getting them I'll agree if they cleaned up vaccines I take them all but they're not clean and I already had issues due to pharmaceutical meds I don't trust Pharmaceuticals anymore
nooo.....that's the thing...once a vaccine is "needed"'s too late. you get vaccinated so you never get it, at don't wait till the disease starts to come back before you start vaccinating. you vaccinate regularly, until it is erradicated. them you can stop vaccinations, because it's gone.
Actually that's not true I think I'm up to date on my DTaP and MMR but I mean those are kind of common outbreaks that should probably be protected against but I can tell you I've never took a flu shot and I can't tell you one time I've had the flu
Well they're just going to have to better regulate what they put in their vaccinations if they expect me to put that in my body I haven't had a vaccine since high school I don't really know many people that do unless there's an outbreak happening when people start getting them I'll agree if they cleaned up vaccines I take them all but they're not clean and I already had issues due to pharmaceutical meds I don't trust Pharmaceuticals anymore
you're an adult...if you want to take the chance , that's your business...purposely leaving a child open to deadly diseases because of your superstitious fears is the same as infecting them yourself, as far as i'm concerned. i can't believe this is an issue in the 21st century.
look, the vacines are ok, i promise. i have it on very good authority the mind control chemicals are in the just stay inside, and get vaccinated.
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