Reveg? Or something else


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so this is weird, strain is Northern Berry, and it looks like it wants to reveg halfway through flower and won't ripen properly. Other strains in the same room are fine, developing perfectly, and I've had a good crop previously with this strain, but last two have been screwy. Room is not completely dark I guess, but pretty damn dark, have never had light problems before with this strain or any others. Seems like this is the obvious thing, but is there anything else that could be happening?

They are a bit like foxtails, but I've had those before and these seem different in that they don't ever really ripen, and they come from normal looking buds that are about half ripe, then just grow a stem/leaf/bud mutant tentacle.



Well-Known Member
Other thing is that they are producing the odd seed, though I don't see any sign of male flowers or bananas at all...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so this is weird, strain is Northern Berry, and it looks like it wants to reveg halfway through flower and won't ripen properly. Other strains in the same room are fine, developing perfectly, and I've had a good crop previously with this strain, but last two have been screwy. Room is not completely dark I guess, but pretty damn dark, have never had light problems before with this strain or any others. Seems like this is the obvious thing, but is there anything else that could be happening?

They are a bit like foxtails, but I've had those before and these seem different in that they don't ever really ripen, and they come from normal looking buds that are about half ripe, then just grow a stem/leaf/bud mutant tentacle.


Well-Known Member
Any ideas what the stress might be? Like I said, two other strains are growing right beside them and are doing fine. Temps are good, using Remo nutes as per instructions. PH is between 5.8 and 6.5. Only thing with the soil is that it may be reused sunshine mix, I let it sit outside for a year to compost and flush, and run water through it, then amend with organics. Seems to work fine usually. I guess I could try another run with fresh soil to see if that would make a difference.

Regarding foxtails, when I've had them before, they ripened up eventually, and came out of a nicely ripened bud. These ones are fluffy and really spindly for foxtails, and never seem to ripen, just stringy with white hairs that keep popping out. Foxtails I've had before were totally usable, but these seem to be about half potency since they don't ripen properly and are not really usable. Maybe for hash or oil, but I've had some flowering for probably 3 months, just to see what they would do and to get some potency so I can use them.