SLOW growth?!?


Well-Known Member
Let it grow.
It’s not an ideal start by any means but it’s not dead yet.
You got good advice in the other thread you started.
Back the light off. Use all three for now until you can get something better.


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering as this is my first grow if this is slow and supposed to look like this or not. at this stage my little seedling is on day 17 in the pics below or does this look alright?
It looks like everything you don't want to see. What soil are you using? Did you add any perlite and/or vermiculite? How frequently are you watering? Have you already added additional nutrients? What kind of light do you have, and how close is it? The more information you can provide the better.
I don't have any pictures from that stage of my grow, but I can tell you that it is recoverable. That is almost exactly the same experience I had with my first seeds. I planted on 8/19 and didn't get to a point of being able to top it in preparation for scrog until 11/18. For 3 months my plants were basically staying the same size, struggling to hold on!!! I found out that I had issues with lighting, feeding, temps, humidity, and air movement. On 10/22 I fixed all of those issues, so just shy of a month after fixing the environment, I was ready to scrog and LST the plants. And just to round out my experience, my plants then went to flower on 1/22 and were just harvested yesterday (3/26).

So moral of the story: what does your environment and setup look like? Chances are, something is out of whack that you need to fix before the plants really take off.


It looks like everything you don't want to see. What soil are you using? Did you add any perlite and/or vermiculite? How frequently are you watering? Have you already added additional nutrients? What kind of light do you have, and how close is it? The more information you can provide the better.
Hi there I am using 3 bulbs for the light 2 cfls 11w and 13 w and and a LED 14 w I have it in a closet with a fan blowing gently and temperature is at around 28/29 degrees I use Scott's organic soil and perlites and last watered it 2 days ago here's what it looks like now



Well-Known Member
Hi there I am using 3 bulbs for the light 2 cfls 11w and 13 w and and a LED 14 w I have it in a closet with a fan blowing gently and temperature is at around 28/29 degrees I use Scott's organic soil and perlites and last watered it 2 days ago here's what it looks like now
it looks so bad, they pull through anyway but you should re-evaluate what you've been doing if you want to yield more than an eighth ounce after 8-9 months of your time.