The Case For Regular Seeds

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
I'm no geneticist. No degrees, no formal schooling on the subject, I don't even have much of a working understanding on chromosomes or DNA. I'm just some peckerwood who lives in a swamp.

That said, I do believe in natural selection. Tomatoes, beans, peas, etc self pollinate. No definitive male or female specific plants.

Weed... Weed has specific sexes. Nature selected them to carry on that way. Why? I don't think it really matters.

You can stabilize a strain with a male and female. You can stabilize a strain with a selfed female... But then it's no longer a strain, just specific traits of certain phenotypes of a strain.

You can cross 2 females of different strains, sure. Hermie the hell out of them and cross them. The result is, once again, certain traits of a certain phenotype of 2 differing strains. The genetic pool still remains closed loop. For stability's sake, that's great. To say that there are no consequences... That I'm not sure of.

If nature intended this species to self pollinate, it would regularly, without chemicals or stress.

How many people have grown fems with perfect or near perfect grows and had a hermie anyway? Consequence? Natural?

Monsanto is the "bad" guy in most people's eyes, right? Genetic tampering seems to be frowned upon... Except when you tamper with pollen to create fems? That doesn't make much sense.

In conclusion, every time somebody fucks with nature, it fucks back with a force not even capable of reproducing. Nuclear fusion/fission was created with some of the greatest intentions... None of which foresaw the atomic bomb and the nuclear state we are in today. Radiation wasn't deemed "critical" back then. Now we see the effects tenfold.

History is a bitch... But nature rules that bitch.


Well-Known Member
I grow regular seeds almost exclusively. I'm always looking for that prize male. If I want fem seeds I make them myself. Those typically are given away to friends. I also grow mostly landrace strains and one of my priorities is breeding a male and female of each strain for more seeds to save for the future. I'll take a pack of five seeds and turn that into hundreds of seeds.

I agree that genetics are being lost. Even in remote areas landrace strains are being lost. Many don't seem to care as they're busy paying $20 a seed for the latest new strain from some outfit with a cool sounding name. Much of it is just pollen chucking without any thought given to doing any actual breeding. There are some outfits that do more than just chuck pollen but they are outnumbered by at least 100 to 1.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
If nature intended this species to self pollinate, it would regularly, without chemicals or stress.

How many people have grown fems with perfect or near perfect grows and had a hermie anyway? Consequence? Natural?

Monsanto is the "bad" guy in most people's eyes, right? Genetic tampering seems to be frowned upon... Except when you tamper with pollen to create fems? That doesn't make much sense.
Nature has programmed the cannabis plant to be able to self pollinate!

The hermie issue is going to go to be environmental isues in the grow! This is true by far more then the seed being at fault. It is part of the plants nature.. Grow enviro is very important!

Monsanto's genetic manipulation is done on a lab slide or in lab equipment and is gene splicing. They add or subtract a gene. Or more....
Making S1 seeds is not the same, AND can happen in nature, by the nature of the plant...We have just come up with ways of doing it that produce more stable results.
At first ot was done like nature, by stress. This proved to be way to unstable. Chemical inducement, was found later, to be far, far more stable in not having bisexual problems.

Just giving you more info 3rd.....

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Even in remote areas landrace strains are being lost.
Again this is an environmental issue!

Increasing population land use to global warming issues.....

You can go to Switzerland and if your there at the right time of year, looking over the right valley's.
You can watch clouds of cannabis pollen flowing on the breeze! It's so cool!

The Feds are basically stupid and lets be happy about that!
If they strategically grew Hemp in the right places and with the right prevailing winds. They could, theoretically, do serious damage to the quality of any "smoking" weed strains!
The reduction of THC content would be halved and any resulting strains grown and self producing would reduce by this 50% amount yearly till they reached the Hemp concentrations.

Now if the wind blew the other direction. You would have increasing Hemp plant THC content rising by around the same rate!


Well-Known Member
I grow regular seeds almost exclusively. I'm always looking for that prize male. If I want fem seeds I make them myself. Those typically are given away to friends. I also grow mostly landrace strains and one of my priorities is breeding a male and female of each strain for more seeds to save for the future. I'll take a pack of five seeds and turn that into hundreds of seeds.

I agree that genetics are being lost. Even in remote areas landrace strains are being lost. Many don't seem to care as they're busy paying $20 a seed for the latest new strain from some outfit with a cool sounding name. Much of it is just pollen chucking without any thought given to doing any actual breeding. There are some outfits that do more than just chuck pollen but they are outnumbered by at least 100 to 1.
Had a prize male bog a few yrs back............
Had my brother do a journal at the farm........bushy is such a great dude!

Btw I still have the pollen from him!

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Nature has programmed the cannabis plant to be able to self pollinate!

The hermie issue is going to go to be environmental isues in the grow! This is true by far more then the seed being at fault. It is part of the plants nature.. Grow enviro is very important!

Monsanto's genetic manipulation is done on a lab slide or in lab equipment and is gene splicing. They add or subtract a gene. Or more....
Making S1 seeds is not the same, AND can happen in nature, by the nature of the plant...We have just come up with ways of doing it that produce more stable results.
At first ot was done like nature, by stress. This proved to be way to unstable. Chemical inducement, was found later, to be far, far more stable in not having bisexual problems.

Just giving you more info 3rd.....
Yea I got you.

Nature has given the ability to the plant, much in the same that it's leaves taco, it produces resin, it will push more growth when broken/cut, etc... All from stress.

I'm not saying that fem seeds are bad, just not natural the way we exploit it. Breaking branches, dropping humidity, excess heat, etc doesn't create a genetic "disorder" that hermies do (unless that stress triggers a hermie). So, to exploit a "last resort" in the way it's being done, IS genetic tampering in my opinion.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yea I got you.

Nature has given the ability to the plant, much in the same that it's leaves taco, it produces resin, it will push more growth when broken/cut, etc... All from stress.

I'm not saying that fem seeds are bad, just not natural the way we exploit it. Breaking branches, dropping humidity, excess heat, etc doesn't create a genetic "disorder" that hermies do (unless that stress triggers a hermie). So, to exploit a "last resort" in the way it's being done, IS genetic tampering in my opinion.
Technically, not genetic tampering.
"Hermies" are not a genetic "disorder" but, a natural ability the plant has. Most herming problems, most have growing. Come from poor or uncontrolled environmental issues. To be real, you can be pretty abusive with light before a plant reacts to it by any type of herming action...

People either understand Fems' or are against them. Against I don't really understand. They do nothing but supply some with a nice way to grow quality strains. They in no way endanger the genetic diversity in cannabis today.... This was the OP's theory.

Opinion? Yup, I got that part.
I disagree, we both got that too.


3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Technically, not genetic tampering.
"Hermies" are not a genetic "disorder" but, a natural ability the plant has. Most herming problems, most have growing. Come from poor or uncontrolled environmental issues. To be real, you can be pretty abusive with light before a plant reacts to it by any type of herming action...

People either understand Fems' or are against them. Against I don't really understand. They do nothing but supply some with a nice way to grow quality strains. They in no way endanger the genetic diversity in cannabis today.... This was the OP's theory.

Opinion? Yup, I got that part.
I disagree, we both got that too.

I know it's not technically genetic tampering, just my "feelings" (hate that word) on the matter.

I used disorder for lack of a better word, that's why the ". I dimple mean breaking branches doesn't create/breed genetic material. Don't forget, I'm pretty uneducated lol.

I'm not against fems, I do understand them, I buy them and create them... I just don't LIKE them as much as regs. They have their place, but they are money makers right now. When profit is involved, well you know where I'm going... Monsanto.

Yea, just my opinion. I'm not throwing out any facts, I've stated that. Just my thoughts on the matter since shit seems to always go sideways in profit driven markets. Too the point of creating a "weakened" species that could go extinct so easily, no, I agree with you there.

I just feel like people would have more respect and actually care about the species more if it wasn't femmed up.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I know it's not technically genetic tampering, just my "feelings" (hate that word) on the matter.

I used disorder for lack of a better word, that's why the ". I dimple mean breaking branches doesn't create/breed genetic material. Don't forget, I'm pretty uneducated lol.

I'm not against fems, I do understand them, I buy them and create them... I just don't LIKE them as much as regs. They have their place, but they are money makers right now. When profit is involved, well you know where I'm going... Monsanto.

Yea, just my opinion. I'm not throwing out any facts, I've stated that. Just my thoughts on the matter since shit seems to always go sideways in profit driven markets. Too the point of creating a "weakened" species that could go extinct so easily, no, I agree with you there.

I just feel like people would have more respect and actually care about the species more if it wasn't femmed up.
OK, I can see your point better now.
I respect that (even more).

See ya round


Well-Known Member
I know it's not technically genetic tampering, just my "feelings" (hate that word) on the matter.

I used disorder for lack of a better word, that's why the ". I dimple mean breaking branches doesn't create/breed genetic material. Don't forget, I'm pretty uneducated lol.

I'm not against fems, I do understand them, I buy them and create them... I just don't LIKE them as much as regs. They have their place, but they are money makers right now. When profit is involved, well you know where I'm going... Monsanto.

Yea, just my opinion. I'm not throwing out any facts, I've stated that. Just my thoughts on the matter since shit seems to always go sideways in profit driven markets. Too the point of creating a "weakened" species that could go extinct so easily, no, I agree with you there.

I just feel like people would have more respect and actually care about the species more if it wasn't femmed up.
Do peeps even buy regular autos, these must be killing more regs of than fems imo :-)


Well-Known Member
Graft it to a blueberry plant..........see what's what
Lol, i've had a crazy idea for ages.

Lets say we top said blueberry strain several times, veg it nice and large, then graft several different strains onto the blueberry?

Be cool if it worked, and someone could be bothered. (have my doubts it would work)

Crazy idea right? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whats ruderalis like - reports are sketchy, pictures show big frosty buds... :-)
Not very strong at all but I got a decent buzz from smoking it. Probably more CBD than THC. A good high for the middle of the day. Something I'd smoke when doing yard work and other tasks. I have crosses of it I made with Panama, Durban, PCK, and a couple others. Haven't grown any out yet. Getting ready to pollinate a female Ruderalis with Oldtimers Haze pollen. OTH is a pure sativa. That cross is going to the front of the line.


Well-Known Member
Not very strong at all but I got a decent buzz from smoking it. Probably more CBD than THC. A good high for the middle of the day. Something I'd smoke when doing yard work and other tasks. I have crosses of it I made with Panama, Durban, PCK, and a couple others. Haven't grown any out yet. Getting ready to pollinate a female Ruderalis with Oldtimers Haze pollen. OTH is a pure sativa. That cross is going to the front of the line.
And the yeild compared to our normal high yeilding strains like kush og and stuff ? :-)