First Bubble Cloner


Well-Known Member
really hope these guys root quickly. I have two air stones running pumping bubbles into this little tote. Took 4 nice clones I would like to think. Use some root powder on the roots as well. Have the stems submerged. Hoping this is a super easy way to clone.

really hope these guys root quickly. I have two air stones running pumping bubbles into this little tote. Took 4 nice clones I would like to think. Use some root powder on the roots as well. Have the stems submerged. Hoping this is a super easy way to clone.

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I honestly think you'll have more success with not submerging the stem. The popping bubbles will keep it plenty wet.
Or just do Aero cloning like you should be! :p
I’m running a small air pump with two stones. It’s a 10 gallon pump cause the tote is tiny.
I have 100% success rate with my bubble cloner. Keep the stems only 1/4 to 1/8 inch underwater, water between 5.5 and 5.8 and as close to 72° as possible. Here's my clone water recipe. per gallon15539841750855152899310559683824.jpg
Well so far so good. It’s been 3 days in the bubble cloner. Cuttings are looking healthy. No wilting. No discolouration. Had one get s very soggy stem and died off. So I took another cutting. But the 3 that were cut 3 days ago are still going strong. Hoping to see some nubs or roots in the next few days. I hear can get and see roots as soon as 5-10. So I’m hoping by this weekend. If that’s the case this was the easiest way to clone and quickest.
My 2 cents worth.
I use:
1ml/gallon of Rapid Start
6ml/gallon of Clear Rez each week
Aquarium heater built to keep water at 78F

With Clear Rez you really can use water that warm and the metabolism of the clones really takes off.
The pic is of 16 day old cuttings.
And, have patience, it seems it takes about 10 days before they get in the mood to really throw out some roots.

I noticed your last post is 2 weeks are they looking?


  • Day 16 (1) - Copy.jpg
    Day 16 (1) - Copy.jpg
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Oh geez this is a thread I started haha.

My clones are all doing pretty good.

I just used tap water. Used a bit of cal mag and some veg nutrient after roots started to form. Gonna be planting a few outside. Easiest way to clone for sure.

One doesn’t have roots. But eh. To have 3 rooted. Can’t complain. They going in soil soon and a new batch will be taken before the donor gets tosssed into flower.
The one without roots, I would put it in soil like the others, it might survive...

One without roots now has roots. I am going to be transferring some of these to soil. My set up isn’t big enough to carry them through veg and into flower. But this was the easiest way for me to clone. Literally hands off process. Toss a little bit of veg nutes in the basin after roots formed. Used cloning powder as well on the cuttings.

One without roots now has roots. I am going to be transferring some of these to soil. My set up isn’t big enough to carry them through veg and into flower. But this was the easiest way for me to clone. Literally hands off process. Toss a little bit of veg nutes in the basin after roots formed. Used cloning powder as well on the cuttings.

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Congratulations :clap::blsmoke: