Uncle Baldrick Cures Cancer

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I wonder if peace with North Korea and China and Mexico and Canada are after the 2020 election too ?


Well-Known Member
Trump is your Romulus Augustus in the making, hand the world’s greatest economy to a chav who can’t turn a profit from running a casino and watch the fall of a superpower. Biden is not the answer, imo, another OWM, who likes to sniff kids.


Well-Known Member
From now on, Uncle Baldrick will be known as the cancer curer!

But I will do it after the 2020 elections if Trump loses.
my discovery cure tops them all, A CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD!!!
an I'll tell y'all what my secret is, steep a strong tea of chicken manure an a shot of kerosene...and if you survive the treatment, your cold will miraculously disappear in 21 days or longer...why wait like the rest of us for 2020?